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You != Hackling; You == ??

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I don't really like the idea of a collective name for us, and I think all of the suggestions so far are pretty awful anyway. Also, not WOG please.

Edit: Also are people forgetting Hackling was only a post rank for newish posters? There are really 2 different discussions going on here.

To be clear, I wasn't implying WOG as our defacto title, I was just stating how he has his followers he calls WOG's. If all you are going to do is constantly post rebuttle to EVERY post you see than why post at all? What are you really trying to say Horza? There is no real world points for the most posts...anyway;

We are not so much followers as we are a part of something that people from all walks of life are incolved in. Where else do you have an age span from kids in their early teens all the way up to adults in their 40.50,'s and so on. And some of those kids are as advanced or more capable than some of us older guys(gals) on here. People from all over the globe, united by one common thread. Hak5.

Weather we want to be classified with a title is really not even so much the point. We have an identity already, but not really a common voice/title to stand behind other than we are "fans" of the show. Hacker in itself is a term that so many people interpret in so many ways I couldn't even begin to count them, and they often get looked upon as "bad" even though to me a true hacker is nothing malicious at all.

Hackling is something that represents us even if it might mean "n00b" to some people here on the forums. That is why it would be good for people to post their ideas on what term to call ouselves so it can be a universal term that just classifies ALL the newbies and leets into one group.

Us. The fans.

Like rock bands, they have names for their fans and fan clubs that describe their fans. EX: Slipknot calls their fans Maggots. While it might not be the most pleasing name, it does put them all under the same umbrella. Hackling kinda does that for me, but like I said, some people might liken it to n00b, so lets post some constructive ideas and see what sticks.

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To be clear, I wasn't implying WOG as our defacto title, I was just stating how he has his followers he calls WOG's. If all you are going to do is constantly post rebuttle to EVERY post you see than why post at all? What are you really trying to say Horza? There is no real world points for the most posts...anyway;

I don't post a rebuttal in every one of my posts (oh, the irony!). It's all part of my curmudgeonly affectation really... I just can't stop affecting it. I'm not really sure what you are asking about what I'm really trying to say; there was no intended subtext in my previous post.

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grayhats. predefined and just about encompases the entire audience as far as i've seen throughout the audience.

and there's nothing wrong with the classification thing. i myself am a browncoat but only other browncoats would know what i mean. shiny?

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and there's nothing wrong with the classification thing. i myself am a browncoat but only other browncoats would know what i mean. shiny?

I can guess what it means, but unless you are describing yourself as a certain type of sexual deviant I'm not sure my guess is accurate.

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I can guess what it means, but unless you are describing yourself as a certain type of sexual deviant I'm not sure my guess is accurate.

Well he did mention at one point NOT to look up Tubgirl...

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random ideas...

hak5+parasite = Hakazites

hak5+ghostbusters = Hakbusters

hak5+citizen(s) = Hakizen(s)

hak5+chocolate+late nights = Hakolites or Hakonites (pronounced Hack-un-ites)

hak5+siblings = hacklings (yes, I still favor hacklings, but just thought maybe this would give people a different view of "hackling" instead of n00b)

hak5+5th of may+nachos = Cinco de Hanchos (just kidding)

@Darren - Oh, btw, did you guys put any "Cinco De Mayo" into the next episode. There is still time for Cerveza's and a party!

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random ideas...

hak5+parasite = Hakazites

hak5+ghostbusters = Hakbusters

hak5+citizen(s) = Hakizen(s)

hak5+chocolate+late nights = Hakolites or Hakonites (pronounced Hack-un-ites)

hak5+siblings = hacklings (yes, I still favor hacklings, but just thought maybe this would give people a different view of "hackling" instead of n00b)

hak5+5th of may+nachos = Cinco de Hanchos (just kidding)

I kinda like Hakonites


hak5+Bostonian= Hakonian    :)

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This is vaguely reminiscant of the Trekkies versus Trekkers debate.

Haklings is ok, Hakkers less so but probably more acceptable.

Hakfans is nice and neutral. Hakhats is kind of an in-joke.

My personal favorite would be ice cave dwellers, but few people are old enough to get it.

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Oh and btw, what kind of a gay-ass discussion is this?

I don't hear anyone complaining they're in the TWiT army.  Personally, i'd prefer being a -ling then a private for Leo.  Or a soldier in any war.

Who are they fighting?  Army sounds soo wrong.

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hak5+chocolate+late nights = Hakolites or Hakonites (pronounced Hack-un-ites)

You realise that if we went for Hakolites I'd have to be a wrestling geek and request that the TKAF is renamed to Hakolite Protection Agency...?

I would take great Satisfhacktion in seeing that happen. :roll:

Well, if that ain't an idea... The Fhacktion...


*grabs coat*

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I do recall suggesting the term "Hakasses" last time this discussion came to life.

For some reason it didn't catch on back then. Reconsideration?

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Let me just chirp in once again to state that I really do not like the term 'Greyhats'.

It's a well-known word in hacker culture that already has a defined meaning which doesn't apply to at least some of you.

I'd suggest either finding a new set of characters that has a nice ring to it, or to use a term that currently has no meaning in hacker(-related) culture and try to give it one.

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You realise that if we went for Hakolites I'd have to be a wrestling geek and request that the TKAF is renamed to Hakolite Protection Agency...?

I would take great Satisfhacktion in seeing that happen. :roll:

Well, if that ain't an idea... The Fhacktion...


*grabs coat*


The Ultimate Haksters

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at the same time its going to look pretty bad when the wiki is down on opening night and the grayhats (tryin' it out here) flock to wiki for shownotes.

anyway this is really a matter for the root team. the best i can say is be patient and all will be restored with a +7 css mana buff

Hmm...not sure if grayhats has the right ring to it. Catchy, but I don't think it outways hacklings. You should try to answer all your posts with a different suggestion from the other thread when ever possible and see what happens. This could be fun to see how often you use a new term and what people respond to. It might embed something subconsiously into the readers and they might start making the same suggestions over and over again without  knowing where they heard it.

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(*salute* to ATHF)

Nice...."Techninites, unite..."

Aqua Teen Hunger Force kicks arse!

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hak5 + koan(s) = hakonian(s)

K?ans are said to reflect the enlightened or awakened state of such persons, and sometimes said to confound the habit of discursive thought or shock the mind into awareness.
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As far as I see it, I'm still a hackling and always will be. Proud to hold the title.

agreed, I see nothing wrong with hackling, especially since its (from where I stand) never been a insult to anyone.  I just thought it was a name for community members, and newcomers alike. 

Maybe im wrong, but does this seem to be a little to PCish for anyone?

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Maybe im wrong, but does this seem to be a little to PCish for anyone?

Not only do I not think this has nothing to do with political correctness, I don't think a coherent political correctness movement ever existed, rather it was an attempt to lump together various anti-discrimination movements so that when some idiot bureaucrat or minor government official or similar said or did something stupid they could say she or he was part of the political correctness movement, therefore discrediting (or attempting to discredit) all those in reality unrelated movements using straw man and red herring arguments (e.g. "this stupid bureaucrat has said something idiotic like celebrating Christmas is racist therefore all groups which we incorrectly identify as being part of a homogeneous movement are wrong").

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