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Just Busted My Kid With Airodump-ng


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I was siting back watching Star Trek Voyager with my netbook by my side. I was running airodump-ng just grabbing a random capture. I noticed a mac address on my network that I didn't recognize and it was moving a ton of packets. I looked it up and the manufacturer was Texas Instrument. I didn't think I had any devices with a TI wifi card so I opened up DDWRT to see who had the lease. I noticed the host name was Android. I know for a fact that I only have 3 powered up Android devices, 2 are HTC and the other is my Note and I know its MAC by heart. Then it dawned on me my daughter has a Kindle Fire. She is 11 and has been asleep for an hour and a half. I went in to her room and guess what I found. My daughter under the covers watching YouTube videos.

Busted red handed.

Needless to say she has lost her Fire.

Doesn't it suck having a hacker for a dad, LMAO.

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Hilarious! You could also set up a pineapple to rick roll her after bed time!


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Hilarious! You could also set up a pineapple to rick roll her after bed time!


I have the network spoofer Android app for that.

You should use the policy rules in DD-WRT to just disallow network access at X hours.

You may even be able to have that apply to only one MAC address

This is what I plan to do. However, I am hoping she learns from experience that dad knows all. The bad part is some day she will be better then me.

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You can also setup DD-WRT to disconnect her between certain hours.

I thought about doing that but I would rather her just follow the rules. If I put limits in place she will not learn anything.

I have already gave her Kindle fire back to her and she knows that next time it happens her fire becomes mine. And she knows I will keep it. I kind of want a tablet. All I have right now is my galaxy note and a 7" screen would be nice.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I thought about doing that but I would rather her just follow the rules. If I put limits in place she will not learn anything.

I have already gave her Kindle fire back to her and she knows that next time it happens her fire becomes mine. And she knows I will keep it. I kind of want a tablet. All I have right now is my galaxy note and a 7" screen would be nice.

Hah, or she'll learn how to bypass it ;).

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when i lived with my parents , i used to "acquire" access to my dads computer "his pride and joy" and then question him on why he had programs on his computer i knew what were for eg, Mac spoofer's, wire shark and many other network monitoring tools, his reply ... I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THEY DO. I get my technolust from my dad and i am still to this day sure he's a hacker at heart despite his denial. makes me laugh though , because i think this is what i will one day become when im a dad LMAO.

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Yea LOL... that's a funny story and I like the creative use of packet capturing, but come on man... don't you feel a little bit like an insane totalitarian dictator? ;)

OK maybe that's an exaggeration, but hacking is cool when you're David and your hacking target is Goliath. When it's the other way around you can't help but feel sorry for the target.

You could be strict dad by taking the computer away and cool dad by looking the other way when you discover she's sneaking something under the covers? Live and let live.

idk tho, i don't have kids.

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I always explain "how things work" to my daughter. She COULD hack, but her long blonde hair makes it a wee bit difficult. She wants a Pineapple and a USB antenna for Christmas. I get a little worried at times... she is 11 and LOVES TECH.... all of those boys out there better not screw with her; she may be able to retaliate electronically.

Recently, she helped me install an Nvidia Tuner on her grandmas PC... grandma was SHOCKED!

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I wouldn't be a dictator lmao i just like to keep my network "under control" :) and im sure that wont change anytime soon, i just like having the know how , and would never put it to evil use, as my kid grows up it will learn. With great power comes oober responsibility aha.

Our kids are the future, the more we learn , the more we can teach :)

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That just made me chucke! And in fact, the other day I had a similar occurance. I was doing a bit of airodumping around my network and notice a device authenticated to my wireless AP. At first I was like, wait a sec, there are only two people using the wifi, at this time of the night, myself and my dad, so who might the third one be.

Logged into the router, went to the DHCP lease and under hostname, I saw a bunch of garbish, the MAC address wasn't recognizable, so I was like, how's this possible, my WPA2 key is over 35 characters, with random characters.

Then I carefully, re-read the hostname and at the end of the hostname I read "SONY". I then, asked myself, who is SONY and I realized that is was my 55 inches plasma TV downstairs.

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Hilarious! You could also set up a pineapple to rick roll her after bed time!


Hilarious! You could also set up a pineapple to rick roll her after bed time!


I have been rick-rolling my kids ever since I got the Pineapple. LOL.

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