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Everything posted by jollyrancher82

  1. Only if you don't want to fail at web design.
  2. I prefer programs with minimum dependancies. Rather than assume a user has sudo installed, which only Ubuntu and it's derivatives do, you could remove sudo and do 'sudo python ./blah.py", or "su" then run it.
  3. Anyone who is using it now, and anyone who wants to use it.
  4. Only a few problems with it 1. It's Python. 2. It assumes the user has sudo installed. 3. It's for Linux.
  5. port Aircrack to the PSP :-).
  6. I'll stick with Rhythmbox and Winamp
  7. This is why I am tempted to make AntiHak5USB.exe. :)
  8. All this USB 'hack' talk seems to be taking Hak.5 into a script kiddy zone. Example: 1. Download USB stuff. 2. Copying USB stuff to USB drive. 3. Plug USB drive into PC. 4. Own PC.
  9. 'Featured packed', 'heavy', ot 'bloated', it's still bloody ugly.
  10. There have been many code search engines long before Google jumped on the bandwagon, nothing extremely new and special imo.
  11. 1) UMD is a proprietory Sony format, and you cannot buy a burner or blank UMDs, unless you're a games manufacturer, which then you have to pay Sony for every game you sell. 2) You store game ISOs (backed up from your own games of course) from a memory stick, and you must of a 1.50 firmware PSP to play them from the memory stick. 3) You can find out yourself how to play said 'backed up' games.
  12. An application with threading.
  13. Good one. Employee: "I need to install Linux." Employer: "Why? What is Linux?" Employee: "Because I can then Ctrl+Alt+Left Arrrow!"
  14. It tries to sell you stuff, it's adware. eBay is adware? Amazon is adware?
  15. You promise to release on the fifth of every month though. :P
  16. This was on Digg a couple of months ago.
  17. I stopped using the Vista betas after the kept asking me if I wanted to really run an application, twice per application, and now I won't use Vista.
  18. Stop playing games during school hours, and learn something instead. :roll:
  19. fractals are not random! :-) No such thing as random, something always has an effect on things, so nothing is truely random. :) chaos theory? Erm.. it's normal..
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