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Everything posted by jollyrancher82

  1. Where is the "Not telling." option?
  2. I use Filezilla on Windows, and gFTP on Linux.
  3. I've not found anything better than Gaim for Linux/BSD. Anyone who claims a terminal based client is better is lame. :)
  4. Sure, I still can understand what you're saying. "SO U R K WIT ME TYPIN LIK DIS?" "So you are ok with me typing like this?" :roll:
  5. I have no problem with how people talk on the Internet, I have problems with people who tell other people how to talk on the Internet. If I understand what people are saying or are trying to say I will attempt to help them. If I do not understand I won't help, nor will I tell them to go away and learn to type/speak proper English.
  6. The Internet isn't an English exam. Why do so many people care?
  7. Click "Memberlist" at the top, and start counting.
  8. I use MSN, AIM, and Google Talk. Google Talk because it's not a resource hungry executable like Skype. :)
  9. Takes too long to submit and wait to be accepted :)
  10. I want to start this thread for seriously funny IRC quotes. Hopefully it can be stickied. Though it needs a set of rules to follow. 1) The quote must be funny. 2) You cannot quote yourself. 3) Do not post quotes that are only funny out of context. Blah blah blah...
  11. I think when I start my lectures, I'll listen, and only take note of things I don't understand, and research after at home.
  12. Yeah, it's a cool logo. Maybe you should edit out the DesktopBSD bit ;)
  13. nmap -sV -O -P0 <ip/hostname>
  14. You have BackTrack bookmarked twice :)
  15. You don't have to offer it for free, aslong as the person buying it can get the source.
  16. Stop spamming, and help the guy :)
  17. no it doesnt. Yellow dog is free. You are free to buy it if you would like. It is illegal for a company to use the linux kernel and charge for it. They have to provide it free somewhere. Wrong, you can sell it aslong as you offer the person the chance to obtain the source code to the distro.
  18. XHTML/CSS are programming languages, end of :)
  19. <insert random Snakes on a Plane joke />
  20. Tell her to put the TV remote down, it's not a computer.
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