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Everything posted by jollyrancher82

  1. My PC, and Laptop hardware work under both Windows and Linux, win? Plus both my laptops wireless chipset works in Linux perfectly for me.
  2. Step 2 is give up IPTV ;). There is no money to be made in IPTV, unless you're Kevin "Ex TV Presenter" Rose. :P
  3. And you thought you would spam your spam on the forums? Maybe they should hire you.
  4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext3 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ntfs http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_Allocation_Table
  5. http://www.milw0rm.com http://securityforest.com/wiki/index.php/Main_Page http://www.metasploit.com/ http://www.securityfocus.com/ google.com
  6. How do you know the closed source code is not cleaner or less reliable if you cannot see it? I get the feeling most people think it's the "cool" thing to do running open source software these days.
  7. Why an open source alternative, and not just some free alternative?
  8. Good job the FBI doesn't look at this... else you would all be thrown into Guantanamo Bay as suspect terrorists plotting some stuff. 8)
  9. Building and maintaining nUbuntu doesn't take much effort.
  10. Picking moderators from a spread of timezones = win.
  11. I've never made a Linux distribution, wouldn't mind trying :)</sarcasm>
  12. Leave it as it as and let people deal with it.
  13. Then do "sudo passwd" and enable the root account. 8)
  14. I would say the same thing. Grab the source compile, it's not big so takes like 5-10 seconds.
  15. A Linksys card won't be either IPW2100 and IPW2200 because the IPW stands for Intel PRO Wireless.
  16. whois, nmap, nessus, autoscan, netcat, ethereal/wireshark, metasploit, kismet, tcpdump, ssldump, dsniff, ettercap, nikto, aircrack, l0phtcrack, etc Basically all the stuff on nUbuntu 8)
  17. Sams Teach Yourself PHP in 24 Hours.
  18. <sarcasm>WOW 50 Acc0untz th3y must b3 zo 1337.</sarcasm> <serious>Really that means they have 50 times less of a life as everyone else in the world.</serious>
  19. Lost password? Just see it as a step towards rahab to stop playing such a crap game.
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