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Everything posted by jollyrancher82

  1. And you add pointless topics. 8)
  2. Food: Waffles. Internet noobs say: Woffles.
  3. Google is overrated. It's actually cool to help people now, as Duelus did :)
  4. Avatars are overrated. It's cool not to have one.
  5. More like Evil Server wants to join TomB.
  6. I don't see where the "pwning" is in this?
  7. I prefer to code my own with parts I need.
  8. neat fact: righties can't spell.
  9. Who actually cares how variables are named? Sure I use hungarian notation.. so what?
  10. #include <stdio.h> #include "CClient.hpp" int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc < 3) { printf("Usage:"); printf("t%s <hostname> <port>"); return 0; } CClient* pClient = new CClient(); char* pszRecvMessage = new char[1024]; pClient->Create(); pClient->Connect(argv[1], atoi(argv[2])); pClient->Send("GET / HTTP/1.1rn"); pClient->Send("Accept: */*rn"); pClient->Send("Accept-Language: plrn"); pClient->Send("Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflatern"); pClient->Send("Host: www.google.comrn"); pClient->Send("Connection: Keep-Alivern"); pClient->Send("rn"); while (pClient->Recv(pszRecvMessage, 1023)) { printf("%s", pszRecvMessage); } delete [] pszRecvMessage; delete pClient; return 0; } This code was thrown together in a few minutes, and may contain errors (and missing class files which I don't share :)) Feel free to pay me for the actual CClient.cpp and CClient.hpp code :) If you learn basic sockets on Windows, Linux, BSD, or whatever, what you want to do is pretty simple.
  11. Years in prison: 5 Potential fine: £2000.
  12. <?php $auscode = "great"; if(!registered($user) && $auscode == "great") { echo "AusCode is great"; require("YouMembership.php"); } else { require("ForceMembership.php"); } ?>
  13. Before: everyone is interested in it and such. After: everyone who was interested now acts as if they knew what was going on, and calls it lame. Same old story.
  14. The handbook is on the CD when you install.
  15. Download the show from a torrent or something else?
  16. <?php $auscode = "great"; if($auscode == "great") { echo "AusCode is great"; } else { require("YouMembership.php"); } ?> so if $auscode is not great, we have to register?
  17. No not really because that is a totally different scenario.
  18. That would have made it seem even more of a joke.
  19. http://unfunnytruthabouteon8.ytmnd.com/
  20. You change screen resolution and keyboard layout at boot As for your soundcards, they're probably not supported, and you will need to setup the extra mouse buttons once it's been installed.
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