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Everything posted by jollyrancher82

  1. Ah well :-) I'll continuing working :)
  2. Each window in Windows has a unique Handle, so I use the "dirty" hack to find this handle. Then I continuously get the titlebar text every 5 seconds, so you the titlebar changes from Pandora to sometime else, 3tunes will crash, if you close the Pandora window, 3tunes will notify you and stop. I'm currently rewriting a majority of the code from C to C++, so it maybe a while until 0.1.2 I also took down the site until I can find out whether or not they can sue me.
  3. Current Release: 0.1.1-alpha This release relies on a few things to function correctly, some of these are being fixed some are things you just have to put up with. You cannot pause (wait until 0.1.2) You most deffinately cannot skip the song as this messes up the timeshifting. You cannot use the window for browsing while 3tunes is running, open a new tab and 3tunes will quit, close the window and 3tunes will tell you Currently there is a "dirty" hack for finding the window, this will be removed in future releases. Currently all MP3s are copied to C:. This will be made configurable in the future. For more information please visit: http://3tunes.codingproject.com to download, find help, and submit bugs.
  4. Update: 0.1.1 is out, with a lil fix :) I left some code in for pausing which didn't make it into the 0.1 alpha, and 3tunes didn't function correcty. Here is a screeny of pause support working now:
  5. lol... I used 90210 to register :) I am coding it in C... And for those interesting there is an alpha release out: http://3tunes.codingproject.com Please understand it is an ALPHA, I am away of bugs. You cannot currently pause or skip songs. Any other questions you can find me on IRC
  6. I personally can't think of a way to check to see if a user has skipped a track. The only possible solution I can see is to make sure a user doesn't skip a track.
  7. Update: The final application will be called 3tunes with the respective URL of http://3tunes.codingproject.com
  8. I am currently coding an application which is called iPandora, and does what the hack normally does, plus it'll have other features. The alpha I will release will have simple functionality. As I progress more functionality will be added for example: - Check whether the song is paused - Format the information in the filename with things such as %artist% %title% %length% %bitrate% I shall be releasing at http://ipandora.codingproject.com I will have a website with instructions and other information. Please remember it will be an ALPHA release, and I appreciate all bugs, preferable a way to recreate the bug and a screenshot. I need to get back to coding :)
  9. rofl... it's like my friend telling me he wants to code an Operating System in Visual Basic .NET
  10. ATi drivers are not .NET, a program included with the drivers is .NET, coding drives in .NET is 100% retarded
  11. I played with Mono back when it first came out and haven't since because I am not a fan of .NET
  12. If that was the only reason for Vista... Microsoft would realise Dx10 for XP lol...
  13. But when you pretty much own the market, you can price your products how you like. Until Microsoft get a serious new competitor, they will not reduce the price.
  14. 99% of PC users are home users. 100% of home users don't care about the insides of the operating system. Aslong as it checks their email, browses websites, and type up the odd text document. The home user doesn't care about the insides. Everyone should stop thinking the every PC user cares about the insides of Vista. Everyone should stop thinking that Vista is intended to run on todays PCs. Vista is made for PC's which will come out next year, sure it'll run on the really top end PC's this year, but it's not intended to run on a 500mhz P3 with 256MB ram. I think this is the main problem with "geeks" these days, they don't seem to realised not every PC user is a geek like them. When people come up with new arguments apart from "Vista won't run on my XYZmhz PC with XYZMB of ram", and any other arguments which pretty much only geeks care about, I might just listen.
  15. You could do a bare minimal install of anything, then add Xorg and Fluxbox, then build up other programs you need. Although you won't be running Firefox.
  16. wetelectric's new Podcast TWIW: This Week in WoW :-)
  17. It's not like people knew about it. Plus it's a game.
  18. I use Linux on my P2 server, but I stick to Windows on anything I use day to day because I know it'll just work when I want it to and hardware is fully supported :) I have used Gentoo on my laptop before and that's the distro I would use most if I had to.
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