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Everything posted by jollyrancher82

  1. When did Hak.5 start being shown on CBBC?
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darknet
  3. If someone uses my nick.. let's just say you don't see many TomBs.
  4. And this is why we keep spektormax locked in a dark room.
  5. Now it's sounding like the Cube movies. :P
  6. Temp Hak.5 IRC channel is on the server: Channel: #hak5
  7. Sounds like an MMORPG that could be called "Life". I actually like the idea.
  8. Why do people care if its open source or not? How many people actually here download the source and use it? Closed source and free isn't bad either.
  9. For a chance to be live on TomB & DarkSenay's The Quiz Show 2.0 on Hak.5 Radio, go to the following URL and follow intructions: http://tinyurl.com/lnno3 Have fun :)
  10. Not everyone wants to pay tons of money for something. If you're just a hobby programmer, and just want to mess around with code, I say use the express versions. Unless you want to pirate VS2005. /me shrugs
  11. The express versions of Visual Studio 2005 are cut down versions for hobby programmers, who don't need some of the things in Visual Studio. Microsoft also give them away free.
  12. I hope you had a gun to your head when you said the P.S. Otherwise I'll have to pwn you with my redeemer. Nice map tho.
  13. Wheres the "none: I have a PC" option? :roll:
  14. You have officially been dismissed from TomBism.
  15. I vote for hard reset :)
  16. I think you meant to say "anonymous"?
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