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Everything posted by jollyrancher82

  1. fractals are not random! :-) No such thing as random, something always has an effect on things, so nothing is truely random. :)
  2. It's the people who tell other people how to type and stuff on the Internet. Not everyone's first language is English. The Internet isn't an English exam, and people shouldn't tried it as one. This is another example of people being lazy, and not wanting to read something that isn't quite legible at first sight. The whole "google it" thing is because people are getting too lazy to help others, they think that Google can answer it, rather than them spending time something that they find simple to someone else.
  3. It would have this image next to it, if it was locked.
  4. Did you clearly not see: Sticky: Pandora Timeshifting App: Main Discussion Thread [ Goto pageGoto page: 1 ... 59, 60, 61 ] :?:
  5. That got locked because i'm sick of people not using grammer and punctuation. This may be the internet but there is no excuse to type like a dyslexic hobo on acid. Grammar Nazi's taking over the forums now. :roll:
  6. Sorry what spyware and virus'? I haven't had either using Windows.
  7. Isn't the worst explorer? I prefer Explorer over KDE and Gnome.
  8. If KDE is the best, I'd hate to see the worst.
  9. #fluxbox, #osdev, #skyos, #skyos_dev, #ubuntu, #ubuntu-devel, #knet, #xerved, #hak5, #hak5#dev, #main, #osdev, #dsbsd, and more.
  10. I'm sure someone has already packet sniffed Steam, and being there is no public announcement screaming that Valve is doing something dodgy, that it is safe to leave Steam running 24/7.
  11. It won't anger Sony, they just release a newer firmware with "bugfixes".
  12. I don't think it's the same exploit, just exploiting the same library.
  13. I love how many people use "Install Linux" as a solution (i.e. easy way out). I'd hate to see how those people solve problems in their actual lives. :)
  14. http://www.engadget.com/2006/08/27/an-open...ill-fairuse4wm/ Gutted.
  15. Yeah, erm.. it wasn't my birthday... dJOEk decided it would be funny to say it was :(
  16. I haven't done much... I finally learnt C/C++/ASM/PHP/CSS/etc I also made some Linux distribution called nUbuntu. Also working on a big project at the minute.
  17. Yeah.. download it legally, until you strip the DRM which is illegal... might as well just pirate.
  18. Any games console can crash... You're just pointing out the Xbox360's crashes because they're made by Microsoft, and I doubt the Xbox360's crash is far from being an actual BSOD. Considering the amount of Xbox360's sold, and you showed 2 pictures most likely of the same crash. I think it's safe to say, more people have NOT had it crash than those who have.
  19. If you're comparing bad faults because of a company, then I don't think people will buy a PS3 because they don't want rootkits.
  20. A "day" is 24 hours. Last time I check a clock it went round the clock twice defining a day. But I do know what you're talking about.
  21. I listen to MP3s on my iPod. 8)
  22. Considering he wants to run games, I would assume he doesn't :)
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