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Everything posted by jollyrancher82

  1. I spent the day changing my PSPs casing: :)
  2. It's not perfect. 'Can you advice some online place or other resource where I...' Can you advice? I'm sure he meant something like 'Can you advise me on..' or 'Can you give me some advice regarding...' :P ;)
  3. Why use uTorrent when you can use Azureus? Because Azureus is a resource hogging Java application.
  4. I found the image, and pasted it in the IRC channel!
  5. Might as well leave it unlocked as it could be of some use to someone else who might be interested in the subject.
  6. http://www.ownthebox.net/~tomb/misc/Manife...wo-Point-Oh.txt Something I quickly put together after someone posted a link to the original Manifesto in the IRC channel :)
  7. No one seems to have the tomb.mov easter egg :( Does anyone have a copy they could send me? :)
  8. Uptime records don't mean anything, the longer uptime a server has the less reboots it's had, the less security patches it's had installed, etc.
  9. Legally? Crack? A? PHP? Login? This would mean you're hosting the PHP login on your own server on your own network, am I right?
  10. K1u looking at your posts throughout the Hak.5 forums I think you're the fake piece of shit trying to impress people. Duelus knows a large amount more technology related stuff than you. Want to argue with me go ahead.
  11. Please tell me the thread title was spelt like that on purpose.
  12. You can build any PC to play a PC game, but you have to buy the console to play the game for that console so they put the price high. That's business for you.
  13. Would you tap someone elses water pipe if it was out in the open for anyone to steal? Would you steal someones petrol if they left the cap open?
  14. They no longer do this for Edgy onwards. http://www.nubuntu.org is good too :)
  15. I'll take a coding section (C/C++/Assembler and stuff).
  16. I must admit his coding style is a bit... odd.
  17. Some of your points are preference. There is no 'correct' order of coding. The main() function doesn't have to go at the bottom.
  18. Buy a case with a locking door that covers the power button. Like my case does .
  19. I don't see the problem. You're upgrading a computer which has Vista on it, therefore after an upgrade you pretty much have a 2nd computer from the left over parts. So if you could install Vista on more than one computer, you effectively can put Vista on those 2 computers. Where as the new license says you have to buy a new copy for each computer. What is wrong with that...
  20. As all XP machines have DEP enabled, CMD is protected by that, so shellcode wouldn't execute.
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