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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Yeah, all Hak5 releases are, unless otherwise stated, Creative Commons licensed, you can use them wherever and for whatever (I think the only condition is that you give credit to the creator(s)).
  2. Sure, it's: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogonLegalNoticeCaption and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogonLegalNoticeText Edit: Oh, you didn't want me to tell ya? ;)
  3. There's actually a registry key in Windows that by default is empty, but if you set it it'll display a msgbox with a legal notice when someone logs on.
  4. That wouldn't help. In fact it might even be worse because people don't expect to download an executable file outside of some form of container (like a .zip or .rar) these days. An animation showing what it is doesn't prove anything either unfortunately, I could post a 'screensaver' here that's actually a virus and post a screengrab and animation that's nothing to do with that particular file (it could even be a screensaver with a virus inside, you wouldn't know the difference because it does what you expect).
  5. Firefox does occasionally have perfomance issues with animations and flashy stuff like that. I've not had it with these animated gifs but I've had firefox start chewing my CPU a couple times with pages containing masses of animations and flash stuff.
  6. Meh, it's cool, people are going to be suspicious of random EXEs... not to suggest that your screensaver was infected (especially since it's been confirmed otherwise) but until someone other than you runs it no-one else knows that it's clean or even if it's a screensaver... This isn't a jab at you personally, it's just a thing in all of us, we're paranoid by nature. :)
  7. I don't know if you're aware but I think most people use DIY as the acronym for Do It Yourself... not to say your way doesn't work, just figured it might help people who don't use DYS :)
  8. Fair enough, but you gotta realise the kind of people who come here aren't the average "Next >, Next >, Next >" people :)
  9. USB's only 5v, but I'm just being picky ;) At first I thought you meant just controlling 2 PCs with 1 mouse... Youcould use Synergy for something like that but this won't work if you need it to move the mouse on both machines simultanously... However, it's quite simple (providing the PCs are networked) to make a small app that records mouse activity on 1 PC and transmits it to the other for it to copy what you're doing on the first. I can't code outside of Visual Basic but I can think of a way it'd be possible in VB, you could track the mouse cursor and WinSock it over to the second machine and have a receiver app to play back the transmitted mouse movements/clicks. Sort of like a crude headless VNC-ish-type-thing. You would have to mess with Windows APIs though I think, I have a feeling VB can't natively track the mouse position outside of it's window or move the mouse around the screen. Not the most elegant solution but totally possible and it would accomplish what you want, I'm sure there are many better alternatives though. Edit: Note: This would be much easier if both machines are running at the same resolution, it'd be much harder if they're not... also you'll need both screens to display the same thing otherwise what you click on one screen might be completely different on the other.
  10. moonlit


    AVG Free's great, works for me and has done for a couple of years.
  11. Meh, it's generally not a good idea to download random stuff from the net but if you've got a good AV installed and a VM to test said exe in you're probably fine.
  12. Providing you have a way to charge that battery there's no reason why not. Bear in mind though that laptop batteries hold a lot of juice so you don't wanna go wrong connecting it up. Laptop batteries aren't very tolerant of being shorted so be very careful about checking and double checking your connections and/or circuits before you connect the battery. You'll also find that the laptop battery will pump out more juice than your circuit requires. You'll need a small circuit to cut down the voltage coming from the battery otherwise your iPod's gonna go boom. This should be a simple case of a few resistors but check out the voltage of the battery and figure out which resistors you'll need to cut the power down enough for an iPod. There are many tools on the internet that can help you calculate these resistor values. I'm assuming you just want to run the iPod from it but you could also integrate a small stereo amplifier circuit, perhaps steal one from an old pair of PC speakers. The reason I say this is because a laptop battery could be anything from about 10v to 14v, even the 10v battery is much more juice than you'll need for an iPod assuming it requires 5v, though I'm not sure about the requirements of an iPod, you may as well add a small amplifier. A possible layout could be a voltage divider (or potential divider). This would allow you to give 5v for the iPod (you might wish to use a 5v voltage regulator to give the iPod a steady supply) and the remaining voltage could be used to power the amplifier. ______________________________ | | | | [ ] [#] | [ ] Resistor 1 [o] iPod o + | | Battery |______________| o - | | | [ ] [ ] Amp | [ ] Resistor 2 | |_____________|_______________| My electronics knowledge is shaky, but that should to the trick, you just gotta work out the resistor values according to the battery's voltage. Edit: Thinking about it, this would be real easy to add switches to so you could turn off the iPod or the mplifier individually, so you could use it as an iPod charger on moment then decide you need to use the amp on a personal CD player, for instance or someone else's non-iPod MP3 player the next, so in essense the amplifier and iPod are completely seperate, yet being in the same package can be integrated by simply plugging in the amplifier and switching both devices on. ______________________________ | | Switch Switch [ ] | | [ ] Resistor 1 [#] o + | [o] iPod Battery |______________| o - | Switch | [ ] | | [ ] Resistor 2 [ ] Amp |_____________|_______________| Again this should work but before building anything do a little research and maybe get a second opinion on this. I'm not responsible for anything exploding! ;)
  13. I did something similar but I wasn't sure if it was worth posting, not sure if I've still got the files anywhere but I might go look for them some time... I did a rotating triangular black and yellow 'warning' style sign with the Hak.5 logo as the image in the triangle and I did a brass plaque style one, the kind you might see on an important person's door (brass name plaque with wooden backing).
  14. My 5200FX was 40 quid new I think, that'd be fine for me, 'cept someone gave me a 9250 for nothing so I figured I'd use it, it's better than the card I paid 40 quid for and someone was giving it away... amazing, isn't it?
  15. moonlit


    Response to a thread maybe? Guessing the wrong button was pressed somewhere along the line...
  16. Yup, I'm with Manuel on this one, that's very likely what jdav (Duelus) is referring to. Thing is, we have lightened up a little because there were a couple of comments about being a little more tolerant of newcomers and to let things a little looser and we were fine with that. However, the problem here is that jdav (Duelus) could not respect the fact that people were trying to talk and every message he sent was just random numbers. We do welcome people to IRC, fresh blood is always nice to see* but we also like people to realise that IRC can be a place to have a reasonable conversation with likeminded people and that to decide you're going to interrupt that with non-sensical... well, completely random and pointless messages is nothing short of plain immature. *jdav (Duelus) is by no means new to the community but I thought I'd drop the point in here anyways since it's obviously a thread about what people think is tolerable in Hak5's IRC channel. In fact, to make this thread productive and to give those who don't usually visit the IRC to say why they prefer not to and maybe encourage people to use it more, perhaps we could use this as an opportunity for people to speak out about what they think is reasonable in IRC chat.
  17. Hmm... fried spam, just like the old days. :D
  18. Lamb - Cotton Wool D12 - Shit On You Black Sabbath - War Pigs Ramones - High Risk Insurance :D
  19. Render the master copy as an avi then convert.
  20. I'm not familiar with fastpush but I don't think it's an MSDOS program. I have a feeling that it's a Windows console application which while looking like an MSDOS application actually does require Windows to run, just without a GUI. If this is the case then I'm afraid what you want isn't possible, at least using the method you describe.
  21. Am I the only one who thought "Terminate and Stay Resident" when I saw TSR? :/
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