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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Use port 6667 to connect without SSL.
  2. hsncorrosion: Can you please not type your messages in capital letters?
  3. Uh... it's simple command line usage, it's really not hard...
  4. Happy new year! ...and thanks :D /me hands melodic a beer
  5. You could combine the web controlled lights from Hak.5, the 'auto-lock Windows on USB key removal' thread in the USB Hacks subforum, a batch/app that constantly checks to see when you've inserted your USB key and a sort of key file. Example: Batch file on USB key called 83N2kjB3j2SihdNjWbnk89.bat (the filename would act as your 'password') which activates the unlocking. The computer would constantly check for the key and if it finds a key, checks for your password .bat then runs it. Warning: Bad Psuedo-code follows: CheckForKey; 'Check for USB keys If KeyFound Then CheckForBat; 'If there's a key then verify it's the right one If BatFound Then UnlockDoor; 'UnlockDoor would run the bat file If Not BatFound Then CheckForKey; 'If key has no batch then it's the wrong key If Not KeyFound Then CheckForKey; 'If there's no USB keys then keep checking Also when the key is removed you could have a timer that locks the door again after say 15 seconds of the key being removed. CheckKeyPresent; If KeyPresent Then CheckKeyPresent; 'If the key's still there do nothing If Not KeyPresent Then LockDoorDelay; 'If key's gone, lock door in 15 seconds
  6. *shrug* I'm sure it's happened.
  7. Assuming you're having this issue in Windows, it has a habit of trying to connect to the signal it thinks is best. If there are other connections nearby this may be what's happening. You can find more info on this and how to fix it online.
  8. moonlit


    http://www.weethet.nl/english/tivo_extract_videos.php seems to have some good info. I can't verify it, I don't have TiVo.
  9. The cheapest way is to rip some out of old computer cases, the ones that sit in the front of the case. You'll get at least 2 from a lot of cases. You can buy them individually I believe but this is the easiest way. You could also remove them from old USB hubs as well but this is a little harder than the ones in computer cases because you have to be able to 'de-solder' them. The ones in computer cases are also pre-mounted on a small board too so that makes them perfect for projects.
  10. I think a few stickies answering the most common request is a good idea. The basic thing though is that if you're easily annoyed by people who tend to ask questions that get asked a lot or questions that may be related to things you don't find appropriate (school hacking, pranks, skiddie blackhats, etc) then don't come here. This is the place where beginners or newbies should be able to ask things and not get flamed like a hamburger on a bbq. If you wish to participate in this area then please do not get on people's backs, this is supposed to be the safe area. If there's an inappropriate thread it should be replied to fairly swiftly with an explanation of why the thing they asked is bad or perhaps how the way they asked it is bad and quietly locked. If flame posts are found, at least by myself (and likely other mods), they will be removed.
  11. sh3lls.hak5.org is no longer part of the Hak5IRC network.
  12. Hehe, I saw something on BBC Digital Radio via Freeview (over the air free digital TV) and they have the name of the current song/show on screen (because there's no video, it's radio) and for a short while they had some for of XML-style stuff up there, looked kinda like a custom language, something they use for the app that handles the Now Playing I suppose.
  13. Do I have to put you people in a creche?
  14. Beware latency issues and make sure you solder every joint immaculately otherwise you'll have major problems. I don't know if this is worth doing to be honest, it's hard, time consuming, may not work and will still only give you the same amount of slots that you have now. That's not a "don't bother, it's not gonna work", I'm all for trying things like this but be aware that it's not going to be easy and may never even work.
  15. /me dances on the grave of the dead thread... /me is back from RL... hah!
  16. Well I think after a certain age the maturity curve straightens out a bit anyways :p
  17. /me doesn't have a HDD that big so begins counting out 3.5" floppies...
  18. Oh my! I might just have to take that as a compliment there Deveant, I'm actually 20... cheers :p
  19. What? ... You dug up a thread for... screw it, nvm...
  20. /me senses mucho resurrection of deceased topics in recent weeks...
  21. Damn right, BBCs and Acorns kicked ass, Archimedes forever!
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