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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Paper? /me carves the rules on a large stone tablet and beats the living daylights out of the n00b.
  2. Stop posting the same fucking question multiple times. I don't care if you've rephrased it, just keep your fucking shit to one thread.
  3. yeah, one of my posts actually got somehow so screwed that I think a post was removed from a thread and the post that I wrote became SomeoneElse's post... I checked with him (I was drunk when I posted it) and it was indeed my post but it still says SomeoneElse wrote it! :S
  4. thanks VaKo, that the URL I've been trying to remember for the last few months, I keep bookmarking it but I forget to back up my bookmarks... :/
  5. Heh yeah, there's a few more strings that come up with those kinds of cameras too, it's cool, I used to watch them all the time, sometimes I'd look up the IP location and work out what the image was showing or where it was and save it to watch later... a little voyeuristic but fun none the less :D
  6. Pulling the battery should do it, same principle as a desktop, only smaller and the battery's harder to get to.
  7. I call big steaming fly-attracting stinking rotting thick sludgy brown BS.
  8. Locked: Requested by Painkiller667.
  9. No, that's why I was so confused... I think the forum DB is borked, I was a little drunk but I could've sworn I wrote that message and it seems I did... Thanks for restoring my sanity :p
  10. To continue the car analogy, in the UK it was either suggested or is currently the case (I'm not sure, I haven't yet got a licence) that you must have basic knowledge of how to replace a wheel, check oil and water levels and perform general maintenance on your car. If this sort of thing was a rule for anyone who uses computers, here's a few ideas an example; - Basic use of firewalls, anti-crapware apps and antiviruses, why you need them, how to use them and what they do, how to choose one that isn't fake/a malware downloader, - Be aware of what these malware apps do and why, - How to tell if your machine has been turned in to a zombie or if it's infected, - Be aware of rootkits and the potential damage they can cause even if you can't remove them, - Know when it's time to call an end, back up your files and start again, - How to tell if you're about to install an potentially unsafe application and learn ways to test an application in a safe environment, - Learn that not everything requires internet access and to question the reasons when something unexpected makes a connection. - Learn that if it looks like it's being helpful but you didn't ask for it then it's probably fake... too many people fall for "zomg you've got 10,000,000 viruses on your computer, click here to fix them!!". These things may sound like standard knowledge, perhaps people might say that people don't need to know this stuff but in my opinion those things are essential knowledge if you're going to connect a machine to the internet. Another thing is that people rely on geeks too much. Yes, I said it. I used to like being the guy everyone came to to fix their computer problems, I enjoyed it. Then came a point where 99 times out of every 100 the issue was malware related. People should know how to deal with that themselves for our sake and theirs. They shouldn't need to suffer a slow machine/connection and we shouldn't need to suffer having to fix it every time but they need to learn how to deal with it otherwise it's going to continue the way it already is. Also people need to stop saying "zomg use linux instead!!" because if people can't keep a Windows system clean then it's unlikely that they'll manage to successfully use Linux. Everybody says that Linux doesn't get malware but if you have the faintest clue then you'll know that's not the case. If people all switched to Linux believing it'll keep them safe with no effort then they just continue to remain ignorant to malware and viruses.
  11. Well I agree that it's not necessarily the computer owner's fault but people don't know enough to realise they're even infected let along how to clean a zombified machine. If education isn't going to work (which it won't) then people have to be beaten in to taking notice.
  12. I don't think there's anything too extreme in terms of spam killing, I'm pissed off with it too, it's like a fucking poisonous vine creeping through the net. I've no idea how but I managed to catch a spambot the other day, I noticed a sudden spike in network usage and after a quick Ethereal session I soon found emails being pumped out left right and centre... I soon dealt with it but it pissed me off that some asshole was using my machine and my connection to spew out canadian pharmacutical spam. I want these fuckers dealt with, I'm just not sure how... I should've dissected the bot now that I think about it but the first thing on my mind was killing it. It's all goddamn money... same as in RL.
  13. Good old English ales! Shepherds Neame's Spitfire, Greene King's IPA and Newcastle Brown are among the best but if you really look around you'll find the range is amazing... go explore!
  14. Hey VaKo, I just noticed your (new?) signature, that's a great film, I should get hold of it again :)
  15. moonlit

    hack php

    ZOMG H4XX0RZ!! *points at Hak5*
  16. +1 to geek if you know where this came from well, it's All About The Pentiums, Baby! good old Weird Al :p Now I'm questioning my sanity... I could've sworn I wrote that message... last night... I remember... I was a little drinked but I'm sure I wrote that message... :S SomeoneElse - Did you actually... post that?
  17. Has ne1 noticed teh nub is called K1u?!?!?!?!?!?!
  18. moonlit

    Linux Help

    The iSO you need has x86 somewhere in the name.
  19. Where'd you get that lot, dude? I could do with some new kit :p
  20. heh yeah, dual head setups rock... I have a 19" monitor running at 1600x1200 dedicated to IRC ;)
  21. I could point you to http://www.hak5.org/wiki/AV_Killer but I'm not going to. *cough* I'm in a mood where I can't be arsed to argue about how pointless, immature and childish this is so go fetch... Google is your friend. It's not at all hard to hijack a webcam or snarf IM logs at all.
  22. probably about 6 or 7 hours a day... I have a sleep debt though so I could really do with a month or so of sleeping for 8, 9 or more hours a day but that's never gonna happen... which timezone I sleep in though is another matter entirely
  23. Same here, I never have/had a machine that didn't have a floppy drive/didn't end up with one because if you get stuck it's always there... in fact this machine has two (long live the B: drive!) :D
  24. my guess is the graphics card/driver's playing up...
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