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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Agreed. Definitely. I also follow that when posting, check, check, post, check, edit, check. :D
  2. You're an idiot. You piss me off. I can request that someone shuts you up. Stop being an idiot. Stop pissing me off. I won't ask that you be removed from the forums. Your first post in this thread was pathetically immature, it proved a point and further revealed you to be little more than a kid who doesn't show any signs of emotional or mental maturity within the foreseeable future. In fact you even demonstrated why people don't reply to your threads or reply to them with useful information; you cannot type in english. If you were to type in english it would make you appear less of an idiot (regardless of whether you believe you are or not) and people might at least read your posts and possibly even reply to them. People don't care if you don't know certain things but the do care if you can't actually communicate. Oh, and those hidden boards? I'm right there... ;)
  3. Yeah, no mirrors or torrents please, the guys need download numbers to show potential advertisers.
  4. dose it work? just remembered i have an atri 2600 Yeah, works great, even has a working battery in it but I have a feeling the screen ribbon cable's going :(
  5. I think we're done here... anyone agree? Lockage?
  6. Yeah, which would be excruciatingly slow... however it is the only way because the XBOX cannot support OSX86 because of its Pentium III CPU (and more precisely its lack of SSE2/3. OSX86 requires SSE2 at the very least so without emulation it's impossible.
  7. Yeah, same thing as NetOp School (now named NSS I think, not sure).
  8. I believe it's "definitely"... I do dislike blatant and frequent spelling and grammar errors though and I'd agree with Cooper's comment on punctuation (or the lack of it). I won't try to say I can spell perfectly but I'll at least try... if I don't know a word I'll look it up to verify I have the correct spelling and/or meaning and I don't really think it's beyond reasonable to expect people to do the same when the time comes that they don't know how to spell a word. With browser spell checkers and even with Word's spell checking functions it's not hard to take an extra 15 seconds to ensure everything is corrently spelt, punctuated and worded. I also agree with Cooper's 'jackass' comment; I really despise forum posts that are non-sensical, idiotic and barely even conform to the English language. I might expect errors from someone whos primary language is not English but it's English-speaking people who tend to be the worst.
  9. I now have a new current oldest piece of hardware: a PowerBook 140 :D
  10. I wouldn't say it surprised me, it just made me laugh a little.
  11. I believe the rules are a little... hazy when they suspect there's been some law breaking has occurred (even if it hasn't they can say that they had reason to suspect you may have been breaking the law)... I would've thought that they'd have had to have got the police involved it it were at all serious and I'm sure you'd have heard something by now if they had. It's possible though, IANAL so I have no real idea where this starts and ends, I'm just aware that there are many ways around rules an regulations if one should have the inclination to do so.
  12. If what you've said is exactly true then I can't see any issue. You've done nothing wrong and they've got nothing to expel you for and if they do you have major grounds for complaint. Request a written (and dated/signed) explanation of exactly what you've done wrong.
  13. When my school account got reactivated after a ban they gave me the password 'chair'...
  14. IIRC technically it's a kernel, a class of OS even... Gentoo, Debian, Ubuntu or CentOS would be the actual OS names... Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, my Linux knowledge is rather fuzzy.
  15. We don't not support piracy on this forum. Please do not ask for help with playing pirated games. Locked.
  16. I hope you have a very large USB device...
  17. I don't have an iPod to test this but if iPods can be read as mass storage devices then you could use the USB/USB Mass Storage drivers available for MSDOS. Windows 3.1, being based on MSDOS, uses whatever drives MSDOS provides it access to and the iPod would (in theory) show up as a hard drive. If this isn't possible then you're stuck. iTunes itself will not run on Windows 3.1 because there's no 16-bit version and 32-bit extentions (Win32) will not be enough to force iTunes (or even a new enough version of QuickTime) to think it's on a 32-bit OS. I'm not even sure if iTunes will run correctly on Windows 95 and if that's the case then 3.1 is beyond doubt out of the question. As for Windows 3.1 on an iPod I can only think of one way to accomplish that - install iPod Linux, compile Bochs for it and install away. Installing's gonna be impossible with no mouse or keyboard so follow the tutorials for Windows on a PSP but alter accordingly to accomodate for the differences introduced by using an iPod. Don't expect it to run at all quickly, that sort of device would have trouble running even Windows 3.1 and I could imagine it would even be sluggish during the DOS parts of the boot sequence.
  18. Locked by request. (Silvestre)
  19. USB doesn't like long distance cables, 15' is really a bit long... Wifi adapters are rather latency intolerant so I wouldn't expect it to work on a 15' cable to be honest. A shorter cable should fix your problem.
  20. Is a coincidence that you have Max in your name and MaxDamage also claims to have 'accidentally' turned a non-U3 drive in to a U3 drive but doesn't know how?
  21. *repeadedly smacks his head on his desk* IRC people? Another new desk please, if you will...
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