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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Yeah it might be a learning curve but it'll be an exciting and I should imagine rewarding one. Don't be afraid to take advice from the lady! ;)
  2. Hey, congrats man! It's gonna be a fun ride but I'm sure it'll be worth it. Here's to a new life and wellbeing for a long time to come. :)
  3. Totally, why replace it when it still works? I only replaced mine 'cos it ceased to function :D
  4. Damn, tha's a weird shaped TV, even for an Alba, looks like half an arcade box or a Vectrex or something :D
  5. Inverters are horribly inefficient and very wasteful with power sadly. DC-DC is much nice... depending on the requirements of an inverter, probably cheaper then an inverter too :p
  6. Meh, guy's gotta say what he feels sometimes... Since we're on the subject; 10 PRINT "d4rR3n 15 4 14m3r!" 20 GOTO 20 :D
  7. moonlit


    What I'd like is a sort of hybrid IPTV/TV scenario, where I could say I want tech-related programming, maybe something else, something else, something else... line up a bunch of different types of programming and then be able to channel hop... So for instance, if I chose tech, I might have say Cranky Geeks, dl.tv, Hak5, GeekBrief and a few others lined up in a 24 hour loop, until a new release, then the show would be replaced by the new episode, padding out the gaps with shorts, perhaps skits from Hak5, episodes of GeekBrief (since they're short) and stuff like that, Then I'd like to be able to flick over to another channel and have a different kind of programming, perhaps gaming related or something... (I dislike gaming shows but you get the idea). The downsides to this are that there's a distinct lack of shows in other areas, plus there's the fact that shows vary in length, so padding would be an issue if there were to be any kind of schedule... I think the equivilant to radio channels would be a heck of a lot easier, since there's a whole lot more decent audio shows out there, they're often longer and are released more often.
  8. I'm not gonna pin one on anyone for speaking out, he didn't like the way I responded, that's his right... which stands as long as I've got the right to say what I think. I'm not the only person here, if people wish to respond constructively to this topic then I'm not going to stop them. However, the reason I reacted the way I did is because it gets very tiresome when people use people's time and knowledge just to 'piss someone off'. It's like me asking what the best paint stripper is so I can go and strip the paint off my friend's car because 'we always prank each other and I wanna piss him off'. You may disagree, but that's exactly the point. I disagreed with this, you're disagreeing with me and chances are you or someone else will dislike what I'm writing in this post.
  9. moonlit


    Yeah, I've heard about it a few times, I've applied for a beta invite thing but I dunno how likely it is I'll receive one... still, looks a very interesting project and it'll be good to see if it can do well.
  10. .bmp files are significantly bigger than the same image in .jpg or .gif format and thus they are slower to download. .bmp files aren't web friendly, especially for those with slower connections, if you're using images online it's always a good idea to get the file sizes as small as possible.
  11. Alright, calm down chaps, I see no argument here, sneaky_rupert merely said that a lot of fans won't run at that voltage. Merely an observation, no-one said you were BSing neochivers, no need to get so defensive.
  12. Just a little note, I'm not saying a PDA like that isn't useful BUT Windows Mobile is NOT capable of running the same apps you run on your desktop/laptop, the Windows Mobile OS simply *looks* like Windows and isn't binary compatible with it.
  13. Oh? News to me - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SuperDisk SuperDisk ftw! ;)
  14. Great new, hope we can get someone in to do the job... someone around here's gotta have experience...
  15. Oh look, it's down again, what a surprise. come on, Darren, man, you gotta sort this
  16. Yeah, while the engine's running you get anything up to ~15v IIRC, but when it's off (especially with and older battery) you might only get ~11v. This should still be enough if you get your circuit sorted right it shouldn't make that much difference.
  17. Voltage regulators ahoy! Nah, it is possible to run a PC from a battery like that, though I wouldn't recommend it. If you did choose that route I'd advise you to try for a prebuilt DC-DC PSU, making your own can cause some nice big headaches, not to mention that car batteries aren't the cleanest things to work with and you'd have to charge it to use your PC. Oh, and car batteries tend to output less than 12v a lot of the time, though in a car you don't notice because car appliances are supposed to work according to the conditions found in a car,
  18. Keep everything locked down, VNC through a VPN (or don't leave VNC running), use a firewall, keep your antivirus and anti-malware apps up to date...
  19. Disconnect from the net, back up your personal files and reformat, your system is hosed.
  20. moonlit

    Rip MultiTool

    Change .bat for .exe
  21. yeah, and a little salad and mint sauce :D
  22. You can use Sysinternals' Rootkit Revealer (free) to check for possible rootkits under Windows. Be aware thought what because of the limited ways you can actually check for a rootkit (its purpose is to make the system lie about what's happening on it), it returns things that MIGHT be rootkits and most systems will give you results because of the way Windows works. These results do not automatically mean you must reformat. If your do find a real, undispitable rootkit though, your only option is to reformat. As I said up there, basically a rootkit is a program that alters the system in some way to hide its (and often other programs') presense. It might do this by tricking Windows in to not telling you there's a particular app running, it might make Windows appear to 'forget' that there are malicious files in your System32 folder. Basically it's there to decieve you, so there's never real proof that it's totally gone because in theory that rootkit could make your antivirus believe it's been killed or make you think you deleted it's files/registry keys. It's also too entwined in the OS by that point for it to be worth trying to remove, a format is infinitely quicker, safer and more reliable.
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