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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. You're gonna have to clarify here, do you want to run MSDOS on the PSP?
  2. I'm going with VaKo on this one, I don't care that it's not on my TV, I have S-Video out, I don't care that it's not coming in to my set top digital box, that's what my computer's for and I don't care that I can't (necessarily) channel hop to it. I can watch it when I like on whatever device I like, it's not controlled by a TV network, it's not subject to draconian DRM and it's got a bigger community around it than it ever would on TV (in my opinion). VaKo's right, if this was taken up by a TV network that'd be the only place you'd ever see it and all the people who once enjoyed it around the world would either have to pirate it or go without. Also, I know the guys have stopped drinking on camera and such but it's still more of a relaxed atmosphere about the show than a lot of TV shows. Sure, some TV shows feel just as comfortable, but some feel more false or forced. So basically, if you want it on your TV I suggest either your computer's TV out (if it has the ability), perhaps using an iPod or something (they can output to TV, right?) or perhaps XBOX Media Centre or similar. A few of us on the IRC some time back actually tried to figure out a way to have IPTV feel sort of like a DIY TV network or channel, perhaps you could do the same, maybe a set of playlists with streams or video files that you could control with a remote or gamepad would be a better idea.
  3. http://www.hak5.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=4642 Don't duplicate post.
  4. With a whole bunch of hacks. Those three browsers all render differently and you have to pick out what's actually wrong with the site on a given browser then find a workaround. So for example, if something's 80 pixels too far right in IE7 but correct in Firefox, you've got to add an IE7 only script to move that back by 80px. It all depends on the problems and in which browsers they need to be fixed.
  5. Expanding an image from a post still doesn't work. It's the only thing I've noticed, it DOES work on AdInfinitum though which is what I used before switching to this new theme.
  6. moonlit

    BIOS crack.

    Well in some cases it's possible to boot a virtual machine in VMware with a virtual hard drive linked to your real hard drive and begin an OS in there. When it comes to rebooting, the bootloader has already been written so the install proceeds as if you'd started normally. This is a LAST RESORT though, it will not work in all cases with all OS' on all configurations so don't try it unless you're confident you have to try this option and you know what you're doing. It can (and will) mess up the OS you currently have installed.
  7. That works... ...you done this before by any chance? ;)
  8. Yeah, but don't forget to not use your safehouse enough to accidentally leave any real ID behind.
  9. Well there are ways of doing it on wired and wireless networks as far as I know since they're all actually ethernet and wires or no wires, it's all the same thing.
  10. moonlit

    BIOS crack.

    Yeah, from my experience laptops have the same as a desktop: a small battery. Rip this out, let it sit, problem solved.
  11. I should imagine the first thing they'd do is cut off the phone, likely bar it via IMEI. BY this point you know you're busted, then you toss the phone. Problem solved.
  12. No, I think he's quite right, it does look like a bot. We're getting a lot of 'automatic' posts that look legitimate recently. This thread may be deleted. Stay tuned.
  13. No, you're right, that's entirely possible. You can alter the sensitivity of your circuit so that when it's dark enough the monitors don't affect it. Sounds an interesting idea, I'd be interested in seeing the results if you go for it. :)
  14. I think the only way to identify the computer after switching disks would be the NIC's MAC. This can be spoofed though so it's still not 100% identification.
  15. Also UltraVNC, RealVNC and all the other VNCs will work... a Google Search for 'VNC' should give you loads to play with. :)
  16. Can't remember now, the info should be on the wiki, it's for AVG, NOD32, Avast (I think) and maybe one or two others, I didn't bother finishing it, I just left it for people to improve on... the basic framework is there...
  17. Yeah, I guess there's no reason this wouldn't be possible, I think it'd probably get annoying though. What you could do is have the sensor somewhere that your hands aren't going to cover it while typing and you could have a keyboard that's back lit at night and not backlit during the day.
  18. Woot! An app I made is detected by antivirus software. My work here is done, goodbye and goodnight! I'm kidding. It's probably way too old to be useful already, you could try editing some of the code/packing it or whatever but meh, it's only a PoC anyways, it's there for you to do what you will with.
  19. Hak5 Community Rainbow Tables Site and Contact Information In order to give people the best idea of what the project is, and set straight communication gaps between groups, this is the project information for Community Rainbow Tables. Note:Hak5 Community Rainbow Tables, abbreviated Hak5 CRT group, and its subprojects, including RainbowTables by Mail and all other projects under the RainbowTables community, are not part of Hak5 Technolust productions. This is a community group, not an official extension of Hak5. Contact information for Hak5 and the CRT group are different, so please be careful and use the following methods of contact regarding CRT group issues and questions. Hak5 Community Rainbow Tables (CRT) Email Address: hak5rainbowtables@gmail.com Hak5 CRT News Updates / RSS News Feed: http://rtables.blogspot.com http://rtables.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default Official Hak5 CRT Page: http://www.hak5.org/wiki/index.php?title=C..._Rainbow_Tables Hak5 CRT RainbowTables by Mail: http://hak5.org/wiki/Community_Rainbow_Tab...wTables_by_mail Hak5 CRT Meeting Agendas: http://www.hak5.org/wiki/Community_Rainbow.../Meeting_Agenda
  20. Hak5 Community Rainbow Tables Site and Contact Information In order to give people the best idea of what the project is, and set straight communication gaps between groups, this is the project information for Community Rainbow Tables. Note:Hak5 Community Rainbow Tables, abbreviated Hak5 CRT group, and its subprojects, including RainbowTables by Mail and all other projects under the RainbowTables community, are not part of Hak5 Technolust productions. This is a community group, not an official extension of Hak5. Contact information for Hak5 and the CRT group are different, so please be careful and use the following methods of contact regarding CRT group issues and questions. Hak5 Community Rainbow Tables (CRT) Email Address: hak5rainbowtables@gmail.com Hak5 CRT News Updates / RSS News Feed: http://rtables.blogspot.com http://rtables.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default Official Hak5 CRT Page: http://rainbowtables.org Hak5 CRT RainbowTables by Mail: http://mail.rainbowtables.org Rainbow Tables IRC: irc://irc.hak5.org/rainbowtables/ Hak5 CRT Meeting Agendas: http://www.hak5.org/wiki/Community_Rainbow.../Meeting_Agenda Torrent Download http://www.groenekoeien.com/hak5_rtables_l...-7_ver2.torrent Moonlit: Updated URLs, 19th Feb 07
  21. Hak5 Community Rainbow Tables Site and Contact Information In order to give people the best idea of what the project is, and set straight communication gaps between groups, this is the project information for Community Rainbow Tables. Note:Hak5 Community Rainbow Tables, abbreviated Hak5 CRT group, and its subprojects, including RainbowTables by Mail and all other projects under the RainbowTables community, are not part of Hak5 Technolust productions. This is a community group, not an official extension of Hak5. Contact information for Hak5 and the CRT group are different, so please be careful and use the following methods of contact regarding CRT group issues and questions. Hak5 Community Rainbow Tables (CRT) Email Address: hak5rainbowtables@gmail.com Hak5 CRT News Updates / RSS News Feed: http://rtables.blogspot.com http://rtables.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default Official Hak5 CRT Page: http://rainbowtables.org Hak5 CRT RainbowTables by Mail: http://mail.rainbowtables.org Rainbow Tables IRC: http://irc.rainbowtables.org Hak5 CRT Meeting Agendas: http://www.hak5.org/wiki/Community_Rainbow.../Meeting_Agenda Moonlit: Updated URLs, 19th Feb 07 Moonlit: Unstickied, presumed dead, 1st Nov 07
  22. moonlit


    Whenever it's ready. Hope that helps.
  23. Actually this is perfect, thanks, I came across the Mandrive on a stick thing a few days ago and I was thinking about doing the same with with BackTrack... Aren't coincidences funny? :D
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