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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. The homepage just got owned. It now says "shoeonhead@hak5.org".
  2. Heck yeah! I remember using those on the Acorns back then, but I believe some one the Amiga compatible monitors did that... and way back when, the PC monitors *only* did green (or amber). :D
  3. I agree with you there, despite the ubuntu contributors best efforts it's still not ready for Joe Bloggs. Some would argue that it's not supposed to be, that's another conversation entirely, but if this is gonna ever be useful to Joe Bloggs then it needs to be fool-proof. No CLI knowledge required, no editing config files (didn't we do that enough in Win3.1? ;)), no reinstalling graphics drivers 6 times because they don't work, none of that. It just won't work.
  4. tweak your VGA cable, it might well be a loose cable either at the VGA plug end or the monitor end.
  5. So yeah, what's the plan for this thing then? :)
  6. Not a problem, always enjoy a word from VaKo, the resident banstick holder. :)
  7. Locked by request (digip, cosmo).
  8. Ahh, ffs, this is the second thread today I've seen explode in a ball of flames. You wanna be the big man? Fucking ignore the posts that piss you off. People here did actually try to help you, and you got pissy. You don't want the help, and don't want to look for the answers because you can't operate a search engine? Well screw you. This thread's obviously redundant, locked.
  9. Yes please! I'd use this as a main laptop probably, I'm not bothered at all by the screen size, it's enough for most things anyway, and anything that can't be done on a small screen isn't something I'd do on a laptop anyway... As long as it's x86 compatible and has at least 128MB RAM and maybe a few ports for expansion, I'm all up for this!
  10. Hey, woah, this thread's getting way outta line. Sure, it's a tragedy, emotions are high, butyou all need to chill the fuck out. Saying you're glad someone died isn't fair to anyone. This thread is on the verge of being locked. You wanna continue discussing it? Then chill. Get back on topic and have some respect.
  11. K!TV can do that, it can show a live video feed in a windowless... err... window. It's free, and can be set to stay always on top if you need it to. It can also record, which is a bonus for security cams. Edit: and if you really wanted it to, it can show the live video feed as your desktop wallpaper. :D
  12. No, the password's listed in the text file above.
  13. It would likely be impossible to use just the screens since that's very costly and requires custom proprietary hardware. However if the devices are full functional you may be able to use VNC.
  14. Note to self: Hurt Mr Andrewson very, very badly.
  15. That's scary. That's to be expected. That's well... just... geez.
  16. Unless you have an anteater to stop you...
  17. Agreed. I mean... agreed with everyone :P As I say, I'm up for everything but both the PoVs (drinking, sight-seeing, hooking up with teh chixorz -vs- doing some techy stuff with london, a few laptops, a rogue access point and a piece of string) make sense to me. Make that a neutral vote of 'whatever, anything goes' :)
  18. moonlit


  19. Then we're all good... ;) As you were, new people and welcomers!
  20. As cybereagle says I'm not sure if this is gonna be on a scale worthy of vendor involvement but that would be cool if it could be arranged... I'm thinking we'll be lucky if we get 30 people attending (though I might be underestimating, I really have no idea) but I think it would be cool if it ended up being bigger than I'm thinking. My thoughts were a bunch of like-minded people getting together, having a few drinks, talking tech if the mood takes us, then sprinkle in some spontanious stuff wherever we feel like sprinkling it... if it ends up as a full blown organised event with stuff to do then that's good too... I'm up for pretty much anything. Guess it comes down to what we can organise/what we feel like organising/how long this is gonna be. :)
  21. Alright, how about this... Anyone's welcome providing they fully understand that we (the organising parties and attendees) will notat any time be responsible for their belongings, their health, their travel, their whereabouts or permission (or lack of) to attend. Should a complication arise no-one organising or attending this will be held responsible for anyone classed as a minor in the country hosting the event(s) unless otherwise legally arranged. Alcohol will *not* be purchased for those under the legal age of purchase under any circumstances and if any minor obtains their own alcohol at any point during the meet then no attendee shall be responsible for the consequence(s). Any part of the meeting which requires a venue which will/may refuse entrance to those classed as minors will be exclusively open to those who meet the criteria for entering the premises. These conditions are not exhaustive and may be modified or extended at any time without prior warning. Any good?
  22. Actually AVKill is one of the things *not* listed as a reason. :)
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