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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Main rig's wired, laptop's wireless, rest of the family's wireless.
  2. See above for the best emulator, and for my answer to the ROMs question. Google is your friend, whether it be a white, grey or black friend you're looking for. ...and by that, I mean searching "homebrew gba" should do the trick.
  3. Sure you did. Of course she's not cheating on you, right? I mean, that guy's only her friend, even if she does see him a lot... Those messages on her MySpace? Ah c'mon, you know what people are like online, he didn't mean that the way it sounds, surely. No need to like... keylog her machine or something. Oh, and she says sorry she can't make it tomorrow, she's got a date (with her girlfriends, right? *cough*).
  4. moonlit

    cisco test

    *sigh* The only way I know of to cheat in such a test (not that I have, would, or ever intend to) is either open new tabs to google the answers or have them written on your hand/discuss them with the person next to you. From experience though some of those tests really aren't hard, I did them at college and for the most part got scores in the high 80s to high 90s, including a couple 100%, and they even included topics I wasn't entirely sure about like IRQs (as in which IRQ is used for [device]). It's not infeasable that these people are passing by knowing (or guessing) the answers.
  5. I think Aardwolf summed up my thoughts on it... TomB does have a point, it's beta, and just like any other beta program it's gonna have teething problems but because of my experiences with iTunes in the past (which, after a million updates, does now work great) I simply don't trust Apple software on Windows to improve... at all... not even slightly. Apple seems to port its apps, slap on the trademark prettiness, then hope no-one notices it's a pile of dog doo. I don't dislike Apple or their products, I use iTunes daily, and I'll even get by with Safari if I'm using OSX... it just doesn't work on Windows (yet?), especially alongside browsers with much more functionality. It's not even in the same league as IE7, FF2, Opera 9 in my opinion but I will wait and see, I won't write it off just yet. Prove me wrong Apple, make Safari kick every other browser's ass.
  6. Yeah, that's what my post was about... ...kind of...well... crap.
  7. Apple's Safari browser is set to appear on Windows machines, both XP and Vista. I just wanted to get first post on here about it... Discuss!
  8. [me=moonlit]sighs loudly[/me]
  9. moonlit

    2 questions

    You *cannot* normally burn a CD image to a DVD, it doesn't work. As I said though ImgBurn will make the necessary tweaks on the fly so that it will work. I don't know of any other software that does this on the fly.
  10. Because he had no answer, he was blatantly trolling. Just another of the "Micro$haft Winblowz suxx04rz" group I'm afraid. Anyway, show's over, move along, nothing to see here.
  11. Hah. Thanks, but I'll save that claim for if I ever am ;)
  12. moonlit

    2 questions

    Burn it using DVD Decrypter (now called ImgBurn), it can burn CD images to a DVD. Most programs won't convert it, which needs to happen.
  13. I think we can safely say that worked, though Stickam > Ustream for quality, and Ustream drops too much audio for my liking. Still, it's not *that* bad. Overall success. Whether we do anything with it (and more to the point what can we do with it) is something to think about it... very cool though, lets me play at running a "TV station" without splashing out millions ;)
  14. I wonder if we can use the argument that it's spelt "Hak" and therefore does not mean the same as "Hack"? ;)
  15. Welcome. Lame. I haven't done this since I was about 12 years old, and even then I didn't do it *to* someone.
  16. moonlit


    No can do, you're fucked (if you'll excuse my choice of word). Can't take back an email after its been sent. Your boss will probably ignore it anyway, perhaps act a little awkward, realise it was meant for your girlfriend, and everyone will move on.
  17. Funny you mention this, I started experimenting with it a couple of weeks ago, and this is how I went about it: I have a mediocre spec video card with s-video out. I connected to s-video out via a composite adapter to the input of my capture card (allowing ustream to stream whatever's on my second monitor (basically turning the stream in to my second monitor). I then set my wallpaper to a "Moonlit is off the air." caption, so that when nothing is playing, it still shows something vaguely relevant. I then configured my video card to clone any video playing using the graphics overlay (can be done using either ATi or nVidia cards with multiple outputs), so whenever I play anything in VLC it would then get fed out to my TV-out, back in to my capture card, and out to the internet. I could then just line up a playlist in VLC, and hey presto, online TV station. However, I can't remember if that worked or not, and I can't try it now because of a whole slew of reboots between now and the point where I can test it. I do remember I had problems with video feedback but I can't remember what caused them, I have a feeling it was because I was viewing the captured input while VLC was configured todisplay the video in such a way that it would spew it back out the TV-out. The other option is to record the screen (or the bit where VLC's video is), but I've not had too much luck with this method because it sucks up resources leaving the video playback stuttering and slow.
  18. Dual booting will give you much improved performance in both operating systems but has the disadvantage of not being able to use both at the same time... A VM (as most prefer in the Mac world, Parallels, it's like VMWare but for Mac OS) would allow you to run both OSs at the same time, but with reduced performance on the guest OS (ie: you won't get 3D accelation in a VM... yet). Parallels even has a mode where you can have an app that's running in Windows appear to be running as a Mac app, so say you needed IE6 for something, you could open Parallels, do this funky thing, and then it would work and act like you have IE6 running on your Mac desktop, just like any other app (though from what I understand will still be running Windows beneath IE, it just crops the screen). Basically though, if you're looking for raw performance then dual boot (gaming, resource heavy apps, anything with 3D), if you don't need the raw performance then try Parallels, which provides the convenience you lose with dual booting.
  19. Make sure its properly erased between uses... it doesn't *have to be*, but it's a way to make sure it's blank every time you come to use it. Oh, and I agree with VaKo, Nero Burning ROM will do just about anything when it comes to blank and writable optical media, always the best bet if you're on Windows.
  20. without meaning to interrupt the thread, I have to agree, I was gonna say so before I say you post ;) Nice one mike86, welcome to the community :)
  21. Apparently bar Shaun, who posted before I got here, we don't do digital revenge, especially on "friends". It's pointless, extremely petty, pathetic, not even almost worth the effort of either doing it or teaching someone how to. I'm guessing school's out, we're in for a treat in the coming months, eh?
  22. ...says you. Anyway, if you're gonna "hax teh skool" I can't stop you or anyone else doing it. I don't have the energy to say *yet again* how much of a really stupid idea it is to do so, but I will say that none of us will be held responsible if you get caught and punished.
  23. ...Mr C...? Say, you don't happen to have his phone number, do you?
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