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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. moonlit

    Dual boot

    Download the ISO, burn it, reboot your machine with it in the drive, wait, click the install icon on the desktop, follow the steps, use the built in partitioner that comes up when you're installing to resize the Windows partition, create a new partition in the newly acquired free space, continue install, follow prompts, restart, install apps and drivers, enjoy.
  2. This topic has been moved to Pandora Timeshifting. [iurl]http://forums.hak5.org/index.php?topic=7270.0[/iurl]
  3. I already can. So please, explain again what this thing will actually do... It can... grab passwords... and... open cmd.exe?
  4. http://www.ubergizmo.com/15/archives/2005/...pitin_mini.html http://www.minidisc.org/md_data_table.html Looks like you can do it, no idea if the drives are still around though, might take a little searching to find them. Seems they were available from several manufacturers in both internal and external flavours. They don't seem to hold a great deal though, from the old discs and drives storing around 140MB to the newer drives and HD discs holding somewhere close to 1GB. Still, if it means those MDs don't go to waste, may as well use them if you can. Good luck finding a drive though, if you get it working tell us how it goes.
  5. Officially, up to 8Mb down, 512Kb up... In practice, ~5-7Mb down, 3-400Kb up.
  6. Which, I might add, is a stunningly bad idea to do in practice. Particularly the write access bit. Wow, imagine your databases being open like wikipedia... [me=moonlit]screams and wakes himself up from the horrible nightmare[/me]
  7. AGP is still usable and for most people I'd say more than adequate. For what you need, it will be much more than enough. AGP is dying though, everything's PCI Express now.
  8. moonlit

    ubuntu help

    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToConf...ftVirtualPC2004 [insert sarcastic reference to reading the manual]
  9. Also check out: http://www.questionablecontent.net/ http://www.ctrlaltdel-online.com/comic.php http://www.little-gamers.com/ http://www.explosm.net/comics/ http://www.applegeeks.com/ I used to have a few more but they got kinda boring so they left my bookmark bar. Enjoy!
  10. moonlit


    I've used it, works fine... I've seen no advantage to using it, but it's handy if your regular DNS is down.
  11. ...and don't change your forum nick to match the one you used to commit the act. :roll:
  12. They're on archive.org somewhere I think... erm... or at least one episode is... Box 5.0: http://www.archive.org/details/fts_50 Dunno where to find the rest, but I did manage to grab them some time ago so if someone has a place I can upload all the episodes, I'd be only happy to do so.
  13. Yeah, but doesn't that make it really geeky? :D
  14. Haha, all was well though, was a great laugh, hope to do it again some time... ...and next time, I won't bother walking ;)
  15. lawl. [me=moonlit]returns from the meet, not as hungover as DarkSenay's probably gonna be this morning...[/me]
  16. Nope, not too late to attend... we'll probably be in or around the hostel mentioned above. If you come and ask for us in the hostel (ask for either the Hak5 group or the HackPack group I guess) we'll let the hostel know if anyone wants us to get them in touch with us in case we're not in at the time. Unfortunately though we can only arrange that if you're over 18 due to alcohol consumption and the hostel's 18+ restrictions. If you're over 18 though you're more than welcome to come find us. :)
  17. You could do it the easy way and use a rich text control, but then you gotta skip the images... still, it'd work as a text-only browser. Also you'll have to parse and intepret any form of scripting yourself (like JavaScript, etc). The even easier way is to use an IE control on a form, but that's really cheating and isn't making a browser it's (as VaKo said) skinning IE.
  18. [me=moonlit]watches first episode and bookmarks.[/me] Nice, can't wait for episode 2.
  19. It's cool, just as long as you can make it. Sucks about the passport, hope you get it in time!
  20. Chances are if you have to ask, it's not secure. There are ways of getting in to everything, you can only put more hurdles in the way so most normal people would give up.
  21. This isn't that sort of site/show/community, we don't want anything to do with anyone who's supposed to have a reputation for being feared.
  22. [me=moonlit]is wondering if this is for any legit purpose or just for ban evading and such...[/me]
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