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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. I think the point was that it did have a password, that's why he couldn't log in...
  2. It's still available all across the net, and it's available sans-ripper in the form of ImgBurn, that's what I was thinking of... even the interface makes you think "DVD Decrypter"... that's because that's technically what it is, but without the 'decrypter' part.
  3. Along with these general niceties, we just basically ask that you don't blatantly link to warez or post topics asking how to hack your school/friend's MSN/brother's email/etc... Otherwise though as long as you get along with everyone else (though healthy debate is good) then go play... frolic in the meadows of Hak.5's forums!
  4. It won't work, the formats are different. However, DVD Decrypter (now called something else and lacking the DVD decrypting features) can convert images on the fly when you choose a CD ISO and use DVD media.
  5. [me=moonlit]rolls around in agony on the floor...[/me] ...please! [me=moonlit]flinches[/me] Seriously though, what's this thread about? :/
  6. *tuts and shakes his head* Welcome to the ship-cum-submarine, enjoy your s... [me=moonlit]inhales a lungfull of water, leaving the end of his sentence sounding a lot like waterlogged gibberish[/me]
  7. Bump (and maybe even a little grind... maybe)!
  8. Part of the circuit would be a small amplifier for the microphone I'd imagine but unfortunately I can't remember enough about electronics to tell you which part... you could replace the mic with a mono 3.5mm plug and send it some audio that way but you'd have to really keep the output of the source dfown very low... *very* low... a headphone jack outputs a lot more (even turned down very, very low) than a micorphone will so it would probably sound distorted and loud. It would be mono, and it wouldn't sound good, but it would work enough to get it to a radio. It might be easier to find a schematic specifically designed for stereo and/or to take a headphone/line in input.
  9. idareyou: Do not edit the info back in to your message again without talking to a moderator, I removed it for a reason.
  10. This didn't look legit, I removed the info. We have no way of knowing that these boxes aren't friend's machines, or work machines, or any other machines. Please do not post IPs or request that the community attack a computer, even as a challenge, unless it is an official competition of some form.
  11. If you take off the plastic you'll be able to use it without the it, and if it still works enough to get your data back and continues to work you can glue the plastic back together, it really shouldn't be a problem.
  12. meh, he came in to IRC and asked, I directed him to the Offline NT Passwor... yadda yadda, he didn't have much luck, I told him to try again, should do the trick, it's never failed me
  13. You realise that if we went for Hakolites I'd have to be a wrestling geek and request that the TKAF is renamed to Hakolite Protection Agency...? I would take great Satisfhacktion in seeing that happen. :roll: Well, if that ain't an idea... The Fhacktion... *cough* *grabs coat*
  14. Ok. Slow... down. Breathe. In... out... there we go, that's better.
  15. my laptop's 800x600, but I consider it obsolete, it was available in 1024x768 too so it was on the edge even way back when... I'd agree with aardwolf, 1024x768 is probably what you wanna aim for
  16. 1600x1200 for me... You could also add 1280x800, a lot of 14-17" widescreen LCDs top out at that.
  17. Wow, what a way for your personal info to 'slip' out...
  18. yeah, organising this thread a bit is cool... I was avoiding creating a whole string of threads about it but a wiki article's a good idea I think
  19. I'm cool with 2nd weekend... a long weekend would be cool :)
  20. moonlit

    cat cam?

    parallel = higher Ah serial = more voltage more current = longer running time serial = possible ka-boom
  21. Well I'm nowhere near London personally... who's a bit closer to London? :D
  22. Alternatively, try Wordpad or any MS Office app's Browse dialogs...
  23. Apparently the shoe on head thing on the front page was Darren's doing. A joke, apparently.
  24. Sounds good, you got a couple of quid for the cider?
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