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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Waste of time, use .zip, .rar, ,7z or whatever, but don't try to invent your own extention.
  2. Dude... don't do that shit to me... My hard drive's gonna be full like a fat guy at a pie eating contest with a slow metabolism and a knot in his intestine... :shock:
  3. moonlit

    pi day

    ...and what's wrong with a spectacle-clad dark haired woman? I'm just going to go and let my imagination run amok now...
  4. Yeah, blatant. It's like that, right? Innit. Yo, you knows it. I is joking, right? 'Cos that's so ironic. </pisstake>
  5. moonlit

    HAK.5 OS

    Beta? It looks like a concept... ie: pre-pre-alpha... as in... there's no code, it was put together in Paint...
  6. I still don't understand how the Christians woman group didn't relies they must be doing some thing wrong if they are agreeing with the porn industry. Simple: move all porn to .xxx, then block all .xxx
  7. moonlit

    HAK.5 OS

    1) That'd be against the GPL 2) That's been discussed he a million times 3) If you feel you can do it, go ahead, but it's a lotta work
  8. Check the wiki, and don't expect answers an hour after you ask a question.
  9. That's your gateway, that's the part of your network that everything goes to if you like... not knowing much about it myself it's hard to explain in simple terms but basically that's still part of your network. The part your packets hit before they get outside, basically.
  10. moonlit


    A computer from the late 80s/early 90s made by Commodore (of Commodore PET and 64 fame). It was a direct competitor to the AtariST series and the Macintoshes which at the time ran on the same processor line, and indirectly a competitor to the Acorn Archimedes line, though these were primarily machines for the UK educational sector. The Amiga line had; A Motorola 68000 CPU @ 7.14MHz originally, the A500 did at least, as did the A500+ and possibly A1000 and others, later models (A600, A1200, etc) had higher M68k processors like the 68020 (A600/HD, A1200), 68030 or 68040 (A3000?), there were even multi-hundred-MHz expansion cards with highly clocked 68060s IIRC, Between 512k and 2MB RAM usually, Sometimes you see them with more, but these tend to be production machines used by companies and video enthusiasts. Some games had issues with machines containing over 512KB or 1MB or RAM, some were even written to use the A500's CPU timing and as such were incompatible with later machines. Didn't have a HDD, though the tower/desktop models did, as did the A600HD and the A1200 had the ability to have one, the A500's HDD would've been an add-on such as the GVP Impact series, though you could have up to 4 floppy drives (df0: df1: df2: df3:) on one machine, requiring you to daisy chain them from the external floppy port. The Amiga supported 880KB floppies usually (720K to you PC people, it had a different way of formatting the same disks) though higher capacity drives were later available, just like in PC-land. Was popular for gamers, though was a good all-round machine, Commodore screwed up though so it's kinda long-dead now sadly. You can get an Amiga emulator called UAE (or WinUAE for Windows machines) which does the job of faithfully emulating the ol' dog. PCs at this point couldn't match the Mac, the Amiga or the Atari in anything... graphics, sound, speed, usability... though they did soon catch up with VGA graphics, 8 bit ISA sound cards, joysticks, etc...
  11. moonlit


    Install a PC emulator and make it (slowly) boot MSDOS :D That's what I did, it actually installs MSDOS on an Amiga 600HD... A500s are a bit too slow for a PC emulator though, but with tweaking it does work.
  12. I remember this happened some time ago when someone I knew had FF installed on XP (we're looking at <1.5 IIRC), no idea why it happened though.
  13. You're going no-warez with this topic. Lockified!
  14. Offline NT Password and Registry Editor floppy.
  15. Pronobozo is a friend of the crew's I believe.
  16. Ho-hum... wasn't aware that was possible... y'learn something every day I suppose... Anyway, now my eyes have recovered from the 56ft high caps in the previous message, I'll lock this SoB.
  17. If he means poisoning root DNS servers or even his ISP's DNS servers I'll laugh and lock this thread, hence my question earlier ;) However, if the OP meant a MITM attack on a LAN then I'm sure that's worthy of a "watch Hak5, episode xyz" at least. :)
  18. Well, what's you end goal? Why d'you need to do it? If we know that then there's more of a chance we can help you.
  19. sorry moonlit, ill bail out now. though whats creche? Pre-school play area.
  20. If this is gonna turn in to another flame thread you can all go to the creche.
  21. *sigh* Some shows are shit, some aren't. It's a matter of opinion and if someone says they didn't like your show, so be it. If everyone who watches it says it's bad then it's probably bad, if not, then well, it's at least worth working on. If you wanna do a show, great, but never expect everyone to kiss-ass over it. I will say if I don't like a show and I've never made one. Does this mean my opinion's not valid? Of course not, I'm a viewer, part of the show's reason to exist, the audience. If I don't like it though, I could either say something or walk away... the latter being considerably less productive than the former, but if everyone walks away you might miss being able to improve it enough to maybe get a few more viewers. Frankly though I've all but given up on a lot of new shows because people don't have (in my eyes, for my taste) the on-screen presence or knowledge to make something interesting to me, or I might just not be interested in the topic.
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