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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. MS' Virtual PC 2004 is free and very usable, if slightly lacking in compatability over VMWare. VMWare Player is free, but requires a 3rd party too to configure VMs, VMWare Server was at one point free, not sure if it still is. Also you can look at Bochs, QEMU or Xen which should give you enough to boot most operating systems fine. Hardware support is fairly standard across the board with well know components leading to easy driver installation.
  2. Set VLC to pump out a stream, then add all your IPTV shows to a playlist, select shuffle mode (mybe throw in a couple of logo'd clips/idents if you want a 'tv channel' feel, then press play. This should work anyways, I've never tried it though. I have streamed with VLC before, it usually works well, but I've never tried it with random files...
  3. Ok, normally I'm yelling at people for not using enough punctuation but in this case I'd prefer if you used less... we don't need a million question marks to show us it's a question... one or two will suffice.
  4. Moved to New Here? because it's a question we get a lot... this seems to have plenty of decent options in the poll too.
  5. I'm guessing those dates are American format... For anyone who isn't good with those; Starting immediately = Now 10th March, 2007 = Cutoff date for arrival of packages already in the mail 12th March, 2007 = Torrent seed offline 12th March, 2007 = rtables validation machine goes down 24th March, 2007 = Networking kit will be packed up, Crackbot will disappear As yet unknown date = When it'll all be back
  6. Are you sure? I think you might need to go over your two lines of code again to pick out your mistake =3 This week's pointless thread-revival award goes to...!
  7. So your part of the particularly gormless user demographic :P Point proven? I can safely say I haven't clicked a single link in this thread... did I pass? ;)
  8. I don't know about Blackberry phones, but for a lot of makes and models it's quite easy. You can find applications to generate codes from the model, IMEI and operator but these only work on some phones. A data cable or unlocker clip will be required for those that don't support the codes.
  9. As I said on IRC, RadioShack = Tandy (though now owned by Carphone Warehouse and no longer has any stores to the best of my knowledge). However, if someone mentions anything to do with RadioShack, it's very likely that RS isn't the only place you can buy it from. Maplin is a good UK alternative, they tend to have most things.
  10. Beat you to it unasoto ;) A flash drive will be much slower than a hard drive. For the best performance, put your virtual memory on a partition on another disk if you have more than one... By that I mean if you have 2 HDDs... say 1 is your Windows drive and maybe you have a second, it's better to put your paging file on the second drive because the more disk access there is on a drive the slower the performance of the paging will be.
  11. moonlit

    OS X

    is this on season 1 or 2 cos ive looked on S2 and cant c it ill have to DL S1 if its on there? Season 1, Episode 2.
  12. I really wouldn't recommend trying to put your virtual memory on a flash drive, but if you really want to try it... Right click My Computer, choose Properties, click the Advanced tab, Performance Settings (the Settings button in the Performance settings area), Advanced, then Change... this is your virtual memory settings. You might render Windows unbootable if this doesn't work out so be careful.
  13. You have 15 seconds to steer this thread away from a "Patrick Norton with a flamethrower" thread!
  14. Oish! Time out people, I got char-grilled just reading this thread... noticing people are getting a bit sensitive lately, y'all might wanna chill out a bit! Person X has an opinion, Person Y has one too. If you can't agree, agree to disagree. This is not a verbal boxing ring, people! Locked, I think them sausages are just about done... who's got the ketchup?!
  15. Which one; Kimberly or Kat? >_> You wouldn't prefer Trini/Aisha? Rita Repul... never mind.
  16. He's making fun of you. There are many ways of planting trojans, the easiest of which are physical access to the machine or stupid people running things they shouldn't (that contain viruses). Other options might include remotely exploiting a service or application running on a machine (with perhaps a buffer overflow or whatever) and make it run your own code which might download and run the trojan locally or using an application's update features to download a trojan disguised as an update instead of the real update. ...and so to close, I'll use the obligatory *sigh*.
  17. There are Gamecube emulators, though they won't turn your PC in to a Gamecube. Any current or last gen console emulators aren't going to be good enough yet, PCs simply do not have the power to emulate these amazing machines. The may seem modest in terms of consoles especially considering current generation machines but bear in mind that as a rough guide a PC must be ~3 times as powerful as the machine you wish to emulate. My emulation theory may be rather out of date, but simply comparing specifications will not tell you much about how well an emulator will run on a given machine, especially as the emulator cannot be 100% compatible with the real machine. As a side note, speed isn't everything either, a fast emulator may be fast because it fails to emulate a certain portion of the original machine that may be essential to run some games yet it might not matter to others if this part of the device doesn't work or is only partially emulated. Also factor in that these are not commercial products, they are written by hobbyist programmers in their spare time and while they do a sterling job most of the time, writing software that emulates a machine like this is far from simple and it will take a very long time to do so. PCSX2 (a Windows/Linux PS2 emulator) is about the best last gen console emulator and still, despite the efforts of the programmers, cannot play PS2 games anywhere near as well as a real PS2. As for your original request, you might want to (try Googling, or) look up the Dolphin emulator, it's what I believe to be the most complete Gamecube emulator to date but don't expect your PC to suddenly be a full-fledged Gamecube, it won't happen. The piracy issue isn't relevant here. Emulation is questionable in terms of legality/morality in some peoples' eyes but officially, providing the emulator contains no copyrighted proprietary code from the console then it's legal. You must own the original game discs just as with a real console. An emulator is basically (as far as the software that runs on it) a copy of the machine it's emulating and anything that's legal or illegal on a real console is legal or illegal on an emulator. Some emulators require the console's BIOS image which is usually ripped from a real console and again, this can be seen as questionable in terms of legality but if you own the console then I don't believe there's an issue. The first result on Google for "gamecube emulator" was http://www.emulator-zone.com/doc.php/gamecube/. Edit: You mentioned in another thread that you own a Gamecube, I'd recommend sticking with the real thing unless you're just interested in how good the emulators are. You won't 'play' games on it, you'll be more likely to see the first couple of splash/loading screens and if you're lucky you might get to the game part, but it's not gonna be quick and it's unlikely to look pretty unless you have one hell of a graphics card.
  18. Yeah, they're not stupid, if the machine's connected but the monitoring software's reporting a problem and there's a member of IT staff on hand, you'll likely have one of them breathing down your neck about 15 seconds after you kill the program.
  19. Set up an HTTP server?
  20. Brighter LEDs, more LEDs, a lense, don't use a remote control as the light source (because a remote pulses the light so it's never as bright as an LED fully on). Edit: I really do recommend watching whichever episode or BSoD (see link earlier) it is that Foxx plays with IR, I forget which one but it's interesting and relevant.
  21. Yeah, a lense will definitely help, and it also depends on the intensity of the LEDs you use. Get the good ones and a lense and you should be (very) good to go.
  22. That's what I was talking about, yeah.
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