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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. You again? I already locked your other topic. You want the program then buy it. Can't afford it? At least use some brain cells and find your own cracks.
  2. 1) They're PIIs, dirt cheap isn't the word. Pentium 3s and 4s are dirt cheap, PIIs are giveaways. 1a) People might not know computers but you'd be surprised how often they know if you're trying to rip them off. 2) Is it seriously worth the effort? Really? 3) If these people don't know Linux then I really wouldn't bother, otherwise they'll either bring them back saying they're broken or they'll be back every 5 minutes asking for tech support. They won't want to pay you for this because they'll assume it's just broken. 4) It doesn't have Windows? How does it run my Office 95 disc? Why doesn't it have Windows? Where's the Start menu? What's this thing on here? Why does it look all weird?
  3. You don't get to have fun before you do the work.
  4. Sooooo... is this about print servers or iPhones? I concur with whoever said the Poll button's too close to the Thread button...
  5. Try this: http://ccftp.creative.com/manualdn/Drivers...Setupus_w9x.exe
  6. Woo yeah, old school rulez ok! '95 ftw!
  7. moonlit


    You have to write directly to the disk, at least to my knowledge, and it has to be very low level code. Not to be attempted if you don't know some serious programming shit.
  8. This topic has been moved to Hak.5 Radio. [iurl]http://forums.hak5.org/index.php?topic=7697.0[/iurl]
  9. It's crap for fiction or anything that's supposed to have meaning but for large blocks of factual information a good text-to-speech engine (ie: not MS Sam) can make it much more pleasant.
  10. I just got my dual head setup back up and running and it made me wonder, how many monitors do people here have? I'd guess mostly 1, but I'm curious... vote away! Actually, since I'm asking, post your graphics cards and monitor types/sizes/resolutions too... ATi Radeon 9250 256MB with 1 VGA out, 1 DVI out and 1 TV-out 19" CRT @ 1600x1200x75Hz 15" LCD @ 1280x800x60Hz
  11. When PDFs feel like that, I'll consider going digital.
  12. Could whitelist by serial number, that'd work, right?
  13. That sounds highly flawed to say the very least... can't say I'm surprised, though...
  14. Not if he hijacked an account...
  15. If all else fails, fuzz it.
  16. Well I don't know exactly what the guy did but I just took a look at the chat, which seems to have been made be in Flash, and I did nothing but enter the room and it crashed harder than a caffeine addict on cold turkey. I'm guessing it's either coincidence or there's a particular exploit that kills the client dead, perhaps a particular character or string of characters. I noticed that very long messages choke it too.
  17. Don't mind him, he's our resident school admin and part time voice in your head... Can't think how the guy could've done that though, got any more info? What happened?
  18. WINE is a layer that sits between the program you're running and your non-Windows OS, it translates 'commands' (for lack of a better word) between the OS and app, since Linux doesn't have native Win32 support. It can only run single programs and would not run an OS. VMWare is a full blown virtualisation product which, for all intents and purposes, is a whole virtual computer in software form. You can do anything on it that can be done on a real PC.
  19. It means that providing you don't do anything stupid you get to stay.
  20. Anyone see anything wrong with this?
  21. I can't really remember but I think ZoneAlarm is closed unless you tell it otherwise.
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