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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Technically yes. The school XP key idea /is/ legal however providing you ask the IT staff. The copy of Windows has been purchased but undoubtedly is sitting unused because as VaKo said the machines get imaged anyway in most cases. It's the easiest legal way to get a free key. I have to say though I've never seen anyone have quite this much trouble installing a copy of Windows, it should be as simple as inserting the disc, booting, using the XP partition manager in setup to delete the existing partitions, create a new one, formatting it, installing it, activating it.
  2. ...with you so far. ...ahh, see, now you've lost me.
  3. Nice, but I'm pretty sure it's not real.
  4. Could just tweak the HOSTS file if you need an instant fix... anything that sits on the machine you're blocking is next to useless though, and that includes so-called net nanny programs. Use a Linux router solution for more effective blocking or remote filtering via a proxy or a very restrictive ISP for even more effective filtering.
  5. Trouble is though it's not possible to visit any drinking establishment with 20 minors en tow, and even if we didn't end up in a pub we'd still have a crowd of kids we'd be responsible for, regardless of whether booze was involved. This causes all sorts of legal/liability issues as I'm sure you can imagine. The only way to really fix it is if the parents of every minor came too and that'd cramp their style, would probably bring down the event a little and I can't imagine all of them would want to come and others wouldn't be particularly keen on the reason we all met anyway... Little Johnny's going to meet up with a bunch of international hackers he met in a chatroom who'll be drinking and playing with fire... that wouldn't fill me with confidence as a parent...
  6. We had the same concerns for the UK minimeet we held earlier this year and all considered I think it could've gone a lot worse. I was the youngest there I believe at 21 so there was no need for concern for minors, worked pretty well I think. Nice idea though, I'd be interested in more geeky meetups and if we could pull off a huge one it'd be well worth going to. I have to admit though that I share the thoughts that have been expressed so far: geographical nightmares, minors, the bulk of the group being intolerably immature... perhaps I underestimate people but I wouldn't want to go to all the effort just to find out I was right.
  7. If you're on Windows try WinAVI Converter. It's not always the best quality but it's blazing fast, well worth it for jobs you need done quick.
  8. I thought I was going mad when the font changed, I figured I'd been looking at IRC too long... I preferred the new font, but either way, I think some of the text is still using the newer font (nav buttons, stuff in the text below the header logo).
  9. Alt text for the image: "THE CAKE IS _NOT_ A LIE"
  10. Ahh, maybe it's not fixed then... I just hadn't seen it since I saw this thread. :P
  11. I don't know what conditions cause the "big white space at the bottom of the page" bug, but I think this might've fixed it...
  12. Vote however you like, you're one of a very few people who can't see where I'm coming from. I try to be as fair as possible whilst also making it plainly obvious that these things will get you in to trouble. If you want to set up a site explaining to kids how to view MySpace at school then that's your business. Anyway, I think it's time this thread got back on track.
  13. I've a few things to mention here. The first is that you do not tell us how the hell to act. Second is that anyone with a single brain cell is well aware of what people can and undoubtedly will do with these tools and we just get a little concerned that some people really shouldn't be using them or really shouldn't be using them the way they wish to. Granted, it's ultimately their decision when, where, how and on what they use them, but it's also our decision how to react to someone asking for help. A warning never hurt anyone. Lastly, this thread is actually one of the least flame-grilled threads on the subject of logging or abusing school networks or computers. The OP clearly isn't in deep distress that someone warned him that it might not be the best idea to do something and no-one was an asshole. I see no problem with this thread or the posts and posters in it. Go jump. As you were.
  14. I think (though it could be my imagination) the posting times are getting longer again...
  15. Frankly I'm not even sure what's tolerated any more. I can't run around culling posts and removing download links if there's nothing outside of my head to say they need taking down. Sure, I don't like skiddies, I don't like the USB hacks and I *hate* when both of them come together. But it ain't my show, it ain't my community and it ain't my forum. The project itself is questionable. A USB stick that pwns computers? I can't see how that can be anything other than shady at the very best, so anything discussed around it is going to be a little "back street" really. As for school computers, I think our opinions have been made clear a million times. DON'T BE A DICK. There's only so much we can say or do to prevent people screwing up that badly, some people have a self-destruct mechanism. Some might just be doing it because it's the only environment in which they have access to a computer network... that's not an excuse but it does make it seem a little more positive. Thing is, we don't know. We also don't know how people are using the USB hacks (though we can guess half the time). Projects need more than 2 people in them!! I cannot stress this enough. To back up what VaKo said, you NEED redundancy. If 1 person dies/loses their net/kill their computer/gets bored or pissed off with the community, etc, etc then the project's dead. Start with more than 1 or 2 people involved in the first place, you'll have a few more when people drop off. Be welcoming to newcomers, if they want to help then show them the ropes so they can take over. On the forum - I like it, it works for me. I like fewer links and headings and stuff, it looks much cleaner and there's less "hum, where do I post my thread..."
  16. 1) Jesus christ, enough replies already. 1a) You seem awfully desperate, especially considering it's for your girlfriend. 2) If her uncle owns the company he has the last word and can ask the IT guy to unblock it. 3) wtf... myspace at work? Is she a 16 year old on work experience?
  17. Angtoria, Moonspell, Mortiis... and I remember liking them somewhat, but though I haven't heard them in ages I quite liked Fields of the Nephlim...
  18. moonlit

    vb help

    I was guessing it was a debugging exercise where the teacher gives you a basic but broken program and the idea is you have to fix it. Seems to be a great way to learn once you've got the basics down, I stated teaching someone the same way a little while ago.
  19. moonlit

    vb help

    I get the feeling you haven't really done any VB before... To add an exit button, add a command button control, call it cmdExit (or whatever you want it to be called), change the caption, then add: Sub cmdExit_Click() End End Sub
  20. moonlit

    vb help

    One thing I did notice is that you're not using properties correctly, each control has many properties and to ensure your program works and the code is readable you must use them. For example: Should be: You'll need to do the same with the combo boxes too (of course using the relevant property).
  21. Me neither, just can't put my finger on it.
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