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About jrwcmj

  • Birthday 05/10/1991

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  1. jrwcmj

    Vista guidance

    install firefox and a child resicor add on such as kidzui or any like that i forgot the over one if you live the uk get webuser it has a guide who to set up kidzui it only cost £2.99 and it has lots of apps listed that are free
  2. jrwcmj

    I got hacked!

    here what i did when somone go into mine change to roters password , youre wep, wpa or what ever and enable mac filtering stoped mine dead in its tracks
  3. consoles i own : xbox 360 wii ps2 (fat one) laptop non gameing as it would not run anything 17 inch screen 2gb ram intel pentium dual core 1.75ghz processer 100 gb hard drive some cheap grapthics card duno what sound card ive got but it works vista home premium sp1
  4. i have created a wiki for gamertags of the forum members if you want to add your gamer tag post it here please Xbox 360 gamertags
  5. jrwcmj

    4od on demand

    thats been fixed
  6. hi was was board so i thought we could share links to are yahoo pipes we had made this is my first one http://pipes.yahoo.com/jrwcmj/techyoutube i hope to do more soon
  7. hi check out my bebo group for hak5 http://bebo.com/hak-5
  8. nice car i wish i could have a car that had a wifi with one of thoose 3g card things in it that your can get from vergin they would be so cool and have like a on the road online fps match
  9. jrwcmj

    vb help

    thank can you look at this code for me Public iTotalpoints As Integer Public iLivesleft As Integer Private Sub endofgame() Lbltotalpoints.FontSize = 24 Lbltotalpoints.ForeColor = vbRed Lbltotalpoints.BackColor = vbYellow Lbltotalpoints.FontBold = True Lbltotalpoints.Caption = "congratulations you scored:" & iTotalpoints & " points " If iLivesleft >= 0 Then Lbllivesleft.Caption " lives left = " & iLivesleft Else Exit Sub End If End Sub Private Sub cmdEndClick() ' end the game by telling telling them what they could have won. Call endofgame End End Sub Private Sub Cmdgo_Click() Dim iSkillSpeed As Integer If iLivesleft = 0 Then MsgBox "game over", vbInformation, "targets game " Cmdreset.Visible = True Else 'pass the function to control the speed of the target iSkillSpeed = 5 iskillnumber = iSkillSpeed skilllevel (iskillnumber) cmd.visable = False iLivesleft = iLivesleft - 1 Lbllivesleft.Caption = "livesleft = " & iLivesleft If iTotalpoints <= 10 Then 'end game cmdend.Visible = True Call endofgame End If Image1.Left = 11040 cmdend.Visible = True End If Lbltotalpoints.Caption = " total points = " & iTotalpoints End Sub Private Sub Cmdreset_Click() Call reset_game End Sub Private Sub reset_game() imageleft = 11040 cmdend = True iTotalpoints = 0 iLivesleft = 3 Lbllivesleft.Caption = "lives left = " & iLivesleft Lbltotalpoints.Caption = "total points = " & iTotalpoints End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Call reset_game Frmtargets.BackColor = vbBlack Lbltotalpoints.FontSize = 24 Lbltotalpoints.ForeColor = vbBlue Lbltotalpoints.BackColor = vbWhite Lbltotalpoints.Alignment = vbCenter Lbltotalpoints.FontBold = True Lbllivesleft.FontSize = 24 Lbllivesleft.ForeColor = vbBlue Lbllivesleft.BackColor = vbWhite Lbllivesleft.Alignment = vbCenter Lbllivesleft.FontBold = True cmdend.Visible = False Cmdreset.Visible = True End Sub Private Sub Image1_mousedown(button As Integer, shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) iTotalpoints = iTotalpoints + 1 MsgBox "you scrored another point, your total points are: & itotalpoints" Lbltotalpoints.Caption = "total point = " & iTotalpoints End Sub Private Function skilllevel(iskillnumber) Dim iSkillSpeed As Single If Option1 = True Then iSkillSpeed = 1 ElseIf Option2 = True Then iSkillSpeed = 1.3 ElseIf Option3 = True Then iSkillSpeed = 5 End If Do For x = 1 To iskillnumber '10000 Image1.Left = Image1.Left - skillspeed DoEvents Next x Loop Until Image1.Left < 10 End Function
  10. jrwcmj

    vb help

    thanks here's what the code looks like now: Private Sub cmdCalculate_Click() Dim sngLength As Single Dim sngWidth As Single Dim sngArea As Single Dim sngPrice As Single Dim sngUnderlay As Single Dim sngFitting As Single Dim sngTotal As Single sngLength = txtLength sngWidth = txtWidth sngArea = sngLength * sngWidth If cboTypeOfUnderlay = "Economy" Then sngUnderlay = sngArea * 1.75 ElseIf cboTypeOfUnderlay = "Luxury" Then sngUnderlay = sngArea * 2.15 End If sngPrice = txtPricePerSqMetre sngFitting = sngArea * 2.5 sngTotal = (sngArea * sngPrice) + sngFitting + sngUnderlay 'Use the FORMAT function to change the final value into currency txtTotalCosts.Text = Format(sngTotal, "currency") End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() cboTypeOfUnderlay.AddItem "Economy" cboTypeOfUnderlay.AddItem "Luxury" i what to add an exit button but i don't know how to do it can you help me
  11. jrwcmj

    vb help

    i tryed canging else if to else if and it says must be frist statement on the line i will ask my teach he might have an idea
  12. jrwcmj

    vb help

    vb did not like that for some reason i am useing vb6 by the way
  13. jrwcmj

    vb help

    lol i kind of write it i had to fix a few fings but i think there might be a few things still wrong with the code
  14. just password the pc so only you can go on people who are not computer lerate should not be alowed to use good computers they get the rubish ones
  15. jrwcmj

    vb help

    this code was given to me by my it teach
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