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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. It would if I had the patience to trawl this subforum but to be honest I usually leave you lot to it. I don't like this subforum or what's discussed in it but as a moderator I don't get to say what happens and what doesn't. I do, however, rant at other posters on this forum who try to persuade the more knowledgeable here to help them cheat in games or fiddle exams or hack their school networks. It's nothing personal, I just don't see why anyone should take time out to help people screw up so badly. I understand it seems entirely justifiable in the minds of those who ask for these things but it's not fair, it's not clever, it's going to come back to bite you on the ass and a lot of it is downright stupid. If you (plural you) do really want to go ahead with these things then I suggest you learn how to do them yourself by researching and such. There are sources out there to obtain such knowledge (where the task in question is possible) but this isn't one of them. As I said in another thread somewhere, it's a waste of time for you, a waste of time for us and a waste of time for those who are affected by whatever you're doing or those who have to chase you down once you've done it. As for locking threads, it's a little over the top in most cases and the community tends to moderate itself in that if someone posts a question on how to do something stupid, enough people have the sense to shoot them down in flames so badly they're a charred and blackened mess by the end of it. Frankly I hope it stays that way. I know the show encourages skiddy behavior sometimes, and perhaps this forum does too, but it makes more sense for all involved if we retain at least some maturity. I'm not suggesting, for the record, that I think anyone who hasn't been here for the history of Hak.5 is an idiot, I'm simply saying that in order to grow we need to retain those who have a sense of what's worthwhile and what's not, and those who aren't taking the title of hacker purely as a trophy.
  2. moonlit


    Makes sense but I suppose it just depends which repositories you pull from. I don't think it'd be so hard to check for the cutting edge but maybe not quite as stable stuff if that's your flavour. Perhaps I could've said it gives you the ability to get the latest stuff... it's still more up to date than that CDR you've have sitting under your desk for the last 12 months. ;)
  3. Go jump. I'm DONE with cheating fucking kids. DONE. If you think we're going to help you fuck with results or steal answer papers or whatever the hell else you plan doing you can bloody well think again. Edit: ...and get a goddamn dictionary, what the hell does "somfink" mean?!
  4. moonlit


    Advantages over a CD install: All packages and source that gets installed/compiled is as up to date as you can get it, it doesn't require 700MB media, you don't need to download a bunch of crap you don't need... You don't need network booting, it's a boot floppy, it boots to a tiny kernel with a few drivers to download the OS you're installing.
  5. Never OC with a Stock Cooler. Why not? Plenty of people have overclocked Core2Duos with the stock cooler and had complete success. I think what you meant is don't overclock unless you know WTF you're doing. Knowing WTF you're doing includes knowing when to upgrade your cooling.
  6. I still think breaking in to the network is a little extreme for something that is really nothing to do with cracking...
  7. Is it a riddle? Dunno, but lol @ the idea of a text-based MSDOS version of Guitar Hero w/PC speaker music :D
  8. Unplug the projector and plug in your own laptop?
  9. You made me agree with K1u, something's wrong here. ...so yeah, don't cheat in (multiplayer) games.
  10. Seems we're quite the scary bunch, eh? :P It's amazing how different you can look though with different clothes/hair or a couple of simple (not hugely altering) photo editing filters.
  11. Sketchy... what's up with that hair? lol Edit: nvm, fixed.
  12. [move]Nope, you've lost me.[/move]
  13. +1 to random and useless post I thought that was interesting actually, Wiimote hacks are quite fun.
  14. I didn't know NTFS could do that, you learn something every day. Thanks for the info.
  15. Though with a little manual configuration VLC will happily save any stream it can play to your HDD.
  16. http://forums.hak5.org/index.php/topic,4005.0.html
  17. Linux is for people who couldn't afford Unix back in the day, an educational OS originally. BSD isn't the same as Linux and it's only derived from Unix and isn't Unix itself. Oh, and OSX isn't based on BSD, it just has some BSD glued on the side.
  18. I'm going with dead backlight too, that or a dead inverter... either way, if you're handy with a screwdriver then you might be able to get spares, either the right sized CCFL or a compatible inverter. If not then it's pretty much dead. Try ebay for parts or a reputable dealer if it's fairly new.
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