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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. That'll be Shinku from the anime Rozen Maiden, and a very good anime it is too. :)
  2. That would render the entire exercise pointless...
  3. This thread is doing nothing but pissing everyone off, I think we're done here, thanks for playing.
  4. I LOL'ed... Yeah, you would.
  5. Who the fuck are you, anyway?
  6. ...and this is exactly how not to welcome people to a forum, along with how not to look intelligent or mature and a side order of how to look retarded. Well done folks, well done.
  7. Man, I knew we were trying to clean up the forums a bit but no-one ever mentioned that part...
  8. Who the fuck gives credit to themselves in the very bottom of a wallpaper where something is obviously going to cover it up. Who the fuck makes such a comment without any good reason to do so? Quit acting like you know shit.
  9. VB6 really is outdated now and I say that as a keen ex-VB6 user myself. If you're going to use VB I really would recommend updating to .net just to keep up. VB.net 2008 is a lot more like VB6 now anyway except with a better IDE and much better compatibility with newer versions of Windows.
  10. Nah, when you get a Scotsman with a real thick accent it sounds like a string of random syllables unless you're from the same area as them.
  11. This has been around a while now, it's fairly easy, if you have physical access for long enough you don't even need to remove the RAM, just cut the power, boot a micro Linux distro, dd the RAM to an image on a USB stick/drive, walk away. Oh yeah, and Firewire has always had direct memory access, so with a suitable Firewire device and a machine with a matching port, you could grab the RAM contents without even powering off the machine.
  12. Well.. you don't really believe that we all are white hats??? You do read the posts in this subforum, right?
  13. Do that again and I ban you.
  14. Ok, I might've misread bits of this thread, it's not hard to do when you're so bored of people trying to crack shit... Regardless, he never said whether anything on the hard drive was encrypted, providing that's not the case changing the password works just as well. Anyway, as I've said, I've seen people ask this question too many times to care, there's a zillion sites out there with tutorials about how to break Windows passwords and if people actually put effort into finding/reading them perhaps it'd be a little easier.
  15. All I'm saying is that rainbow tables aren't the way to get this done.
  16. Yeah, we have no idea whether this is an archive you're supposed to have access to. There are ways, Google knows them. Some are more effective, some are less. If you want to do something like this you'll have to do your own research.
  17. Expensive, lumps of garish plastic with 3 minute battery life and pointlessly overpowered components? Well, each to their own I guess...
  18. Wow... do you have to make a fucking comment out of everything you troll. I said to top it off. I agree with the others who've QFE the "really.. that's the problem you see", it was really the least relevant point of the entire thread. On a side note, this is the second time I've seen you flinging shit in the last 5 minutes, quit it already.
  19. Do this shit on your own time. Whatever makes you happy, just not on my watch, take it outside, both of you.
  20. Judging by that biased, insulting, baseless post I wouldn't say you're worth flaming. Inciting Yet Another OS War® doesn't make you look cool or sophisticated or knowledgeable, it makes you look like a twat. In addition, there's fuck all wrong with running in a VM, especially when you need several potentially different or incompatible environments on the same machine.
  21. Notice this thread was started before the announcement was made...
  22. Which was after the conversion. Not to worry, the database should be sync'd again when we officially change over.
  23. The player will work on any battery that will fit in it, which includes 1.2v rechargable NiMHs to 1.5v alkalines so you have a little margin to work with. You'll be wanting something that looks a lot like this (though it's simple and not hugely efficient, it's extremely easy to build): USB Resistor MP3 _--_ +5v -------------[ ]---------------| + | D- ----- | | D+ ----- | | -0v ----------------------------------------|_-_| The resistor, if the mp3 player chews ~150mA and if my math is correct, is probably gonna need to be around the 27ohm mark with a rating of 1W. From the USB's V+ pin to the resistor to the positive end of where the battery would sit in the mp3 player, then connect the ground to the negative end of where the battery would go... sorted, plug 'n' play. The other option if you want to get a little less kludgy is a voltage divider, which is one of these: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Bill_Bowden/R.gif[/img] In your case, you have 5v going in (V) at 500mA (I'm guessing, since it's USB) and the Vout should be 1.5v, and with those numbers we can calculate the R1/R2 values to give you 1.5v between Vout and ground... According to http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Bill_Bowden/r2.htm (which happens to be where I nicked the picture above from), R1 should be 7ohms and R2 hould be 3ohms. Now an advantage to this method, if my electronic knowledge isn't completely useless, is that you can use the remaining 3.5v to do something else with rather than just wasting it. You could use it to... I dunno, power a couple of white LEDs to use as an in-car flashlight...
  24. We won't be using SMF soon but thanks for the heads up anyhow.
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