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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. that sounds interesting. My problem though is that I'm not very good at doing anything that takes a sustained effort, I have an idea and I burn out on it, then end up with another idea (which is especially easy when something out of your control voids the effort you'd put in up to that point)... I really do want to help share this stuff, it's too cool to lose, but I'll request a bit of a back seat for now... when the infrastructure's in place I'll be more than happy to upload anything though, so I won't be completely useless. :P
  2. Thanks Shinmaryuu, we'll have to see if we can't figure something out. :) Zalzer - The problem with torrents and material that isn't hugely popular is that they die. People stop seeding eventually, and even if they didn't there'd still be very few people active on the torrents in the first place. If bandwidth wasn't a problem then an FTP server or HTTP downloads/streaming would be idea, that's what made Stage6 perfect (along with the quality, the hosting of the original file, etc).
  3. Stgae6 will be closing its online doors as of the 28th of February, it's a sad day for online video (and my connection, having just uploaded a pile of IPTV shows to it >_<). http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/02/25/di...tage6_shutdown/ http://www.stage6.com
  4. If you hadn't modded it you could've probably sent it back to Microsoft for a free repair/replacement under the extended "my xbox is fucked and it's your fault" warranty.
  5. moonlit


    I use SelfImage for all my Windows drive imaging needs, it's small, it's light, it's portable, it works a treat and it's free. What more could you ask? Oh, compression? Yeah, it does that too.
  6. Make me think liveUSB w/VPN or something. Whatever it is, I'll bet we probably see it every day.
  7. Yeah, uploading big videos with small tubes really does suck...
  8. XP isn't aware that Vista exists, you should always install Windows OSs oldest first, the newer versions are aware of, and account for, the older versions. As for drivers, that works the same for any OS, be it XP, Vista, Ubuntu, FreeBSD, BeOS, OSX, all of them. Download and store your drivers before you format so you have them all there waiting for you when you end up at a 640x480 16 colour desktop with no networking, audio, etc...
  9. VLC can do deinterlacing, start the DVD and right click in the video, under Deinterlace you'll find a bunch of methods to choose from.
  10. Install a codec pack like KLite or CCCP as we've said, those have MPEG2 (DVD) codecs alongside just about every other codec you could ever need.
  11. oh dear god... Is it bad that I read that decrypted? No, 'cos I did too. :D
  12. I'll be shot for suggesting it but if you're on Windows then Windows Media Player will happily play DVDs (with suitable codecs, see KLite Codec Pack or as Deveant suggested, CCCP). VLC works fine for me though. I personally tend to avoid commercial solutions like PowerDVD because they're heavy, bloated and altogether redundant.
  13. The only way to circumvent an "airgap" firewall is physical access (which may include handing Sparda an infected floppy/CD/USB stick/etc) because it's not actually connected to the internet. His point was that you cannot touch that machine without being in the same room as it (or social engineering someone who is in the room with it). It's not an actual product, it's simply the fact that it isn't connected to a network period. It's from the same dictionary as "sneakernet", which while not being a traditional computer network does allow data to be passed through it. It actually just means walking to someone's place with a floppy full of warez in your hand (while, if you're being pedantic, wearing sneakers/training shoes).
  14. Ah, that explains a lot about your post in the FUCK SHOWNOTES thread. 'Nuff said.
  15. As someone who doesn't have blind faith in either Hak5 or Rev3 but watches shows both groups put out, I can say they both have their flaws and they both have their upsides too. Simple fact of the matter though is that if you don't like it, don't watch it. Now, that's what people usually say when they want you to STFU and GTFO but this time that's not the case... I absolutely believe that for the show (for any show) to improve, there has to be some level of constructive criticism. "THIS SHIT IS FUCKING BORING" doesn't cut it. If you want to improve the show (as you see it, bear in mind others may not agree) then explain what you like/don't like. Tekzilla is aimed, as much as I dislike the idea, at those who don't know a whole lot about computing, the ins and outs, the tricks and corners to cut. Systm is more hardware based, a little more advanced but still aimed at those who haven't really done a lot in hardware before. Hak5 is a mash of the two, with some extras thrown in too. I can't stand anything with Martin Sergent in it but I don't go around bashing it, I just don't download it. They all have different audiences and if you like one show you may well dislike another, it's how opinions go. I will admit that I've voiced opinions for and against many of Revision 3's shows and I've also done so for Hak5 and Ziff Davis' shows. All of them have had low points and to claim without any second thought that the sun shines out of the asses of Louderback/Kitchen/Tobler/Rose/Laporte/Norton/Dvorak/Corbin/etc, etc, etc would be nothing short of stupid. That's not to say I think the names I just mentioned do a particularly good or bad job, I'm simply suggesting that to fanboy out without much of a basis to do so is pretty pointless. I'm gonna end up going around in circles just like I do in every rant but to sum it up I'll say this; If you don't like a show, either help improve it or shut up about it.
  16. Depends on the drive/how much data/how highly compressed it is. Remember though that flash drives mostly suck at writing, not reading as it would be doing in this case.
  17. Most people will be running *NIX and the people that run Windows would have done a clean install and will do another one when they get home. ShmooCon tends to get less complete idiots. Install? Why waste time, just store an image on a bootable flash drive - fresh install each day you're at a gathering.
  18. I know the feeling, my stuff's scattered across DVDs all over the place... still, makes a fun surprise when you find it. :P
  19. charmap and notepad...
  20. What. The. Fuck. Is this what's left of this forum? C'mon people, make an effort...
  21. http://regmedia.co.uk/2006/09/15/xbox360_lappy_1.jpg[/img] http://gizmodo.com/gadgets/home-entertainm...-mod-199703.php First one was best, couldn't say "it's been done" back then.
  22. Because I can't play ut on it lol I'd say most people don't play games other than solitaire and mineswipper on their PC. Games have grown in popularity over the years but the games consoles are what most people play on. Games consoles are turning into PVR and media delivery systems so they will grow in number, but computers as VaKo said will not be needed by most people. I cant do Steam on a eePC or Team Deathmatch 2 admittedly I dont "hardcore game" but according to the tell taile Steam whatsit I play on average 50 hours every 2 weeks on the thing. Actually, the eeepc can play UT and I'm pretty sure it'll play HL2 as well.
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