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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Right, I came up with this idea on IRC, and while I know it's similar to the USB hacks, this one's a little more difficult to do without knowing your stuff. I don't wanna hear about kids doing this to pwn shit, but I thought it was an interesting thought... anyway, enough disclaimer... We had the USB hacks, we all know about them, and hopefully we all know how to prevent them being used. So you've disabled your USB ports and you're safe... but... what about PXE booting (booting via ethernet)? Say you had a little gumstix computer with an ethernet port on it, running a dhcpd and a PXE server. This solves the problem of having disabled USB ports, you can boot your own OS from it much like a USB stick or CDROM with a live distro on it. I'm sure you could all think of a million ways to use this, and it can be easily fixed if your machine doesn't usually boot via your NIC - turn off PXE booting in your BIOS and add a password (if you haven't already, to prevent USB booting). If your machine boots from ethernet by default though, you might have a problem. What if someone pulled out the ethernet cable and plugged in a crossover with a battery powered gumstix on the end of it? They'd be able to boot their own OS without any access to the USB ports or CDROM/floppy drives. It's a fairly simple idea, and I may not have been the first to think of it, but it could still easily be a risk. Thoughts? Another idea that's been batted around, since we're on the subject of gumstix, is a dual-NIC'd gumstix that could be used as an inline sniffing device. Perhaps a little MITM action? gumstix rogue access point? Again, probably ideas that are far from original, but hey, they're new to me... Discuss! Edit: Ok, I couldn't let it go without another disclaimer. I posted this as a genuine thought for security, not as a call to "HEY LETS GO PWN SHIT". If you're going to test this stuff, don't be a fucking retard about it, ok?
  2. The black GUI thing is basically an HTML "Activity Center", Neptune was going to basically be a kinda crossbreed between ME, 2000 and what would later become XP along with HTML front ends for certain tasks (much like the common tasks panes in XP's Explorer windows, but full screen). The black screen you can see on the WinSupersite is a page for dealing with photos, each different set of tasks had a different colour scheme IIRC.
  3. The 700MB refers to the total capacity, the 80 minutes refers to how long a 44.1khz/16 bit/stereo raw wave file can be on the disc (80 minutes of uncompressed CD quality audio is ~700MB). If you're storing MP3s or videos or whatever else, the 80 minutes part is no longer relevant because you've changed the format you're storing the data in, so the length/size ratio has changed. You can, in a lot of cases, squeeze a couple more minutes (or a few more MB) out of the discs by "overburning" but this can damage some drives and can lead to bad writes on the disc.
  4. Just to note, Linux is a Windows alternative, not a Windows replacement. That makes a big difference.
  5. It's not necessarily warez. If you happened to own the discs, it depends entirely on their contents. In some cases it's as easy as dumping the entire contents of both discs into the root of a DVD or whatever.
  6. Kinda old news, Neptune's interesting though, installed it ages ago just to take a look. Good stuff if you're into the evolution of Windows.
  7. You might want to try using an MSDOS boot floppy (or CD) and FDISKing the drive first. Delete all the partitions on it, create a new primary partition, format it to FAT16 in MSDOS and then try the install. Like I've said, I can't boot from a floppy or CD. I used fdisk on a Win98 to wipe the HDD and create a primary partition (FAT16). However, when I boot from this HDD, I get an "invalid partition table" message. That would be why I meant to mention that my suggestion would be done on another machine.
  8. You might want to try using an MSDOS boot floppy (or CD) and FDISKing the drive first. Delete all the partitions on it, create a new primary partition, format it to FAT16 in MSDOS and then try the install.
  9. What exactly does it do? Say there's no OS? Say it can't find a HDD? Screen go blank? Sounds at first look like the Windows bootloader isn't working for some reason, perhaps it installed it on another drive or for whatever reason the BIOS can't hand control over.
  10. Urgh. I'm not entirely sure what the question is, but if you're trying to "hack" his hotmail back, please see: http://forums.hak5.org/index.php/topic,7616.0.html http://forums.hak5.org/index.php/topic,3264.0.html http://forums.hak5.org/index.php/topic,2916.0.html (I'd forgotten about that one, thanks for reminding me.) http://forums.hak5.org/index.php/topic,1481.0.html (From http://forums.hak5.org/index.php/topic,8296.0.html: ) If not, my apologies, disregard this post or forward it to your friend. If, however, you're attempting to attack his personal site, the best I can give you is a recommendation against trying. It's probably possible, there's always a way in, but it depends what his server is running, how his site is coded and if it takes passwords, how it handles those passwords.
  11. Look, please, we're trying to be nicer to users on here, but you're really making it difficult. Our intention is to help you, but if you'd only omitted the part about revenge... Just... *sigh* ...look, just... lie to us in future, right?
  12. divx/xvid would do that, but at 500MB a movie (providing you'll have no OS or apps) you're stretching the quality. Also, if you're transcoding on the PII then you'll be there for years.
  13. I was going to let this thread take its course before posting to avoid leading it in any particular direction, but I'd just like to agree with those two points.
  14. Prompted by http://forums.hak5.org/index.php/topic,187...0.html#msg90180, I thought it'd be interesting to ask a few questions to the community... Who do you think Hak.5 (the show) is aimed at? Who do you think it should be aimed at? Do you think the show hits the viewers you think it's aiming for? What might make it appeal more to the audience you think it should be aimed at? Where would you like to see the show going? Also I thought it'd be interesting to get opinions on not only the show, but the community. Now granted, there are several areas of the community which are independent of each other, but I'm not sure that matters too much for this thread. Anyway, to the point... What do you think of the community as a whole? What do you think might improve it? Do you think it links in with the show it sprang from well? Do you think it should do? Do you think the crew/cast of the show should get more or less involved? Is the balance fine as it is? I'm asking this as a community member not as a crew member (because I'm not one) and while I can't say this thread would have any effect on the show, I'm curious as to what people really think. No holds barred, no candy-coating, just say what you feel.
  15. Segment would be to short, also this probably does not interest the viewer base. Without wishing to hijack this thread, I'm curious, who would that viewer base be? Scratch that, to save hijacking this thread, see http://forums.hak5.org/index.php/topic,8789.0.html.
  16. I agree with the positive sentiment of this thread, it's encouraging. However, my view is a couple of degrees off of those presented here. Perhaps more could be done to accommodate those who come seeking knowledge, I admit, but on the other hand... well, on the other hand: a) The people we help must want to help themselves. We're not here to hand out silver platters laden with all the answers in easy, 10-step how-tos. b) There is little point in helping someone who doesn't want to be taught. Those who do wish to learn though, they're totally cool. c) I know it might be somewhat against the spirit of this thread, but I point blank refuse to help someone who insists on asking how to break a system that they don't own, or should not have access to*. Same goes for those who don't care how a particular tool or method works just as long as they have a button that does it. d) As an extension to points a and b, sometimes it's good to have to search for/research things yourself. It's a skill that helps immensely when there's no-one around to ask or who knows the answer you're looking for. Skip learning this and you get dependent on everyone else. Besides those small exceptions though, I agree. I tend to help where I can anyway, but some people just don't bother trying, they just expect (and occasionally demand) immediate tech support or instructions on how to hack. Sorry kids, doesn't work that way, the "elitists" (at least the real knowledgeable ones) got where they are today because they made an effort to learn, to seek out information, to read and cram their heads full of data and notes and information, you can do the same whether we help or not. I'd say that on the whole though we could be worse, there are some forums out there that just by posting you automatically submit yourself to a BBQ style grilling with 0% chance of getting anything useful. At least here you stand a chance, providing you're not asking for something unreasonable. * - I re-read my post and decided a clause was required here. To protect yourself, you need to know what you're protecting yourself against. This gives an excellent reason for acquiring such knowledge. However, anonymous posters on a public forum who I don't know may not have the best intentions in mind, and I despise kids who run around thinking it's awesome to fuck up other peoples' boxes/networks (without permission) for fun and I don't want to be responsible for creating a string of them.
  17. moonlit


    No, you're an idiot You are correct Grammar+1 to you sir. You're an idiot still stands for the OP Ahh, I see it now... clever. ;)
  18. moonlit


    No, you're an idiot That was uncalled for, I think he was referencing the OP.
  19. I would've bought one, but after realising I hadn't picked a Diggnation shirt too, I cancelled, now the money I had in my "shit off the internet" account is somewhere in jinx' finance dept's databases and until I get it back I can't order again. C'est la vie.
  20. I wrote a rant here, but frankly I can't be fucked any more. Throw all the fancy words, insults and put downs all you like, but you're nothing to anyone who gives a shit unless you prove it. Maybe I'm not "someone" but I'll damn well try where I can. I'm sick of "I know all and you're shit on my shoe" fuckers coming in here telling us what's what. Give it a fucking rest, for fuck's sake.
  21. I don't have a cluttered desktop, I turn desktop icons off so I'm not tempted to dump stuff there. Then I arrange folders in my drives properly, so I always know where something it, it's in the logically named folder dedicated to it.
  22. moonlit


    ...? ...and again with feeling (or grammar).... You should not have told anyone. If this situation is real then I strongly suggest that you format your hard disk drive, hide under your bed and never apply power to your personal computer again.
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