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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Look harder. Basically though, it can't be done, so there's little point in looking for it.
  2. Yes, let's all bash Windows. Whoop-de-do. Quit being fanboys.
  3. I should've locked this when I posted last... Oh well, locked.
  4. Nope, you can't make it any better than what you have. Some apps might try to clean things up but you'll lose a lot of detail that way.
  5. It's been claimed that they have around ~9Gb/s to play with. I think that might just be enough.
  6. It shouldn't do, but seeing as it had been compromised once, the computer could well have been well and truly owned by anything other than the hacksaw.
  7. ...am I the only one here who thinks that posting a database related to your job on a public forum via a public file host is unbelievably retarded? Or, perhaps it's not actually for work at all, perhaps it's just for your own enjoyment.
  8. You've been here for 4 posts. 1 of those has been game piracy and at least 2 others have been blatant spam. If you wish to keep your account here I'd buck up your ideas.
  9. Recently Rev3 have had a little downtime. Why? They've been under attack. Not just by any regular asshole, but a large, corporate asshole. One that's been fighting and fighting dirty for some time now. Who's this, you ask? Why, it's your friends and mine, MediaDefender! Now, Mr Jim Louderback explains the whole deal better than I could, so here he is, Le CEO de Revision3, take it away, Jimbo... http://slexy.org/view/s20086vpi8 (Copied from an email from J. Louderback, also on the Revision 3 blog). Edit: If you feel so inclined, I'm sure a couple of extra diggs wouldn't go amiss: http://digg.com/security/Inside_the_Attack...led_Revision3_3.
  10. Yeah, that's great and all, until you realise that they've had an eye on you for a while and that "someone probably hacked my account" is about as believable as "I actually live on Jupiter, I wasn't aware that the rules were different from planet to planet".
  11. VLC is great for this, video works in much the same way and it's so useful, I can stream the output of my digital TV set top box to my laptop via my desktop's capture card and VLC, works a treat. Thanks for the link anyways, might well come in handy for someone. Welcome to the forum, also. :)
  12. Possibly, if you can explain why you'd want such a program...
  13. I showed you that in my rewrite above, use "if fileexists" to see if there's another page after the one you're looking at. If not, quit. Edit: ...and excuse my saying so, but I much prefer my version of the program, I feel it's much cleaner. Still, whatever works.
  14. ...and what tells us that it is? We get kids in here all the time asking how to hack/crack/get revenge/steal passwords/do other stuff that's ill advised and potentially illegal, how do we know that you're any different? You have 8 posts, the majority of which have been asking about how to "hack" systems or networks. Given that you have such a low post count and that none of us know you, would you trust someone like yourself if you were in our position?
  15. Your last post was borderline acceptable, you didn't say you were attacking a system that wasn't yours. This one is really pushing it. We don't offer advice on attacking or gaining access to systems that are not yours.
  16. I don't know if users can edit posts that old, but if you want me to change it I can.
  17. Yup, any one of them will work fine.
  18. pagenum=1 drawpage(pagenum) do if bjoy(0) then pagenum=pagenum-1 drawpage(pagenum) elseif bjoy(1) pagenum=pagenum+1 drawpage(pagenum) elseif bjoy(2) end endif loop sub drawpage(page) cls if fileexists("media/"&page&".jpg") then pageimg=loadimage("media/"&page&".jpg") pastebob(0,0,pageimg) else end endif end sub Should be a complete and functioning program. Not sure how the PSP handles button input, but it's easy enough to modify the input sections for whatever kind of input you need. I'd comment it but I'm pissed off with the code tags and formatting, so I won't. It's not hard to read though. Files should be named without leading zeros. Joystick button 1 turns the page back, button 2 turns forward and button 3 quits.
  19. You can actually make more modern PSUs (ATX PSUs as opposed to your AT one) turn on by connecting the green wire on the motherboard power connector to a black wire on the same connector, a paper clip or a piece of wire will do the trick. You could add a switch in there too if you wanted, it's safer than a live switch with 110/220v on it covered only by a thin piece of (likely old and weakened) rubber.
  20. Try unloading the images when you switch to another. It'll be slightly slower because each page will be opened on the fly, but it'll solve memory issues. Also, you might wanna add a function to turn the page back too. Actually, looking at the source, you could probably do this: image1=loadimage("media/001.jpg") pastebob(0,0,image1) waitkey(k_return) cls image1=loadimage("media/002.jpg") pastebob(0,0,image1) waitkey(k_return) cls image1=loadimage("media/003.jpg") pastebob(0,0,image1) waitkey(k_return) cls (...and so on) If you can use variables in the file names you could skip the numbers in the code altogether and just increase or decrease the number stored in a variable, this way you don't have to hardcode every possibly page. You could then add 000.jpg and [lastpage+1].jpg as front and back pages saying you're at the start/end of the magazine, and to either flip forward (if it's the first page) or back (if it's the last page) and to flip forward on the last page to quit. It'd be more efficient it terms of code length too. Perhaps something like: pagenum=0 'Start with the first page, 'probably the front cover. '---------------------------------------------------------- Start of loop. cls 'Clear the screen. pageimg=loadimage("media/"&pagenum&".jpg") 'Copy the page you're on to the buffer. pastebob(0,0,pageimg) 'Display the image. waitkey(k_return) 'Wait for the button press. 'Modify this to check which 'button if you want to be able 'to turn forward and back. pagenum=pagenum+1 'Turn the page forward. Will 'need to be -1 if turning 'the page back. '---------------------------------------------------------- End of loop, check the user 'didn't go past the last page, 'if they did, quit. If they 'didn't, loop back to cls. I don't know the language so you'll have to fine tune that, but it's probably a better way to carry out the task in hand. The example I gave there would use filenames without leading zeros, you could fix that with some simple formatting of the numbers, and the forward/back page turning will have to check for the appropriate button press and increase or decrease pagenum accordingly. Shouldn't be that hard though.
  21. You don't, really. The only way to really make use of it is to either repair or replace the power brick (or internal power regulator, or whatever is actually dead). That or use the plastic surround/casing to stuff laptop guts in and call a digital photo frame (or stuff laptop guts in it, add a touchscreen overlay to the laptop's LCD and use it as a touchscreen media player/tablet/etc).
  22. ...or the slightly more sculpted AlphaSmarts: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/8/82/AS_Neo.jpg
  23. Sounds like a plan, could be interesting. Nice idea Metatron.
  24. You could try: dd if=/dev/ram of=/mnt/sda1/ramdump.img (Where /dev/ram is your RAM, may vary depending on the distro you choose. /mnt/sda1 is the drive you want to save to, will depend on what drives you have and which you want to save to, and ramdump.img is the filename, can be changed according to taste.) Edit: You'll need to do this under something that isn't Windows. Just about any Linux distro will do, but bear in mind that for this purpose you'd want it to be as small as possible (think floppy disk distros) so it doesn't write over much of the potential "evidence" in the RAM. Bigger distros will work to practice with, but they'll overwrite the stuff you're trying to dig up with this technique. So with your Linux distro in hand, boot it up, get to a terminal (you shouldn't have a GUI if you're preparing a stick/disk just for this task, but if you have one, pull up a terminal anyway) and type the line I included above (you may have to make slight alterations depending on the distro and how many/what kind of disks you have). It might take a short while because flash drives are fairly slow, but be patient, it'll look like it's doing nothing for a while, then it'll stop looking like it's doing nothing, then that's when it's done. You can then take the file on the flash drive to be dissected elsewhere.
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