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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Essential reading for DOOM fans: dmfq6666.txt - DOOM FAQ v6.666 dinsan66.txt - DOOM iNsAnItY v5.5 dmsp1666.txt - DOOM Unofficial Spec v1.666
  2. There's a ton of websites out there that do the same thing actually, you'd be surprised how much people still do it.
  3. Stock 701 4G w/Windows XP MCE 2005 here, runs great.
  4. You're not very good at this whole integration thing, are you? I'd suggest reading more, it might give you some idea of how much you'll be disliked if you continue posting like that.
  5. ...are you trying to pimp out a public system?
  6. Had I been able to buy it for $199 and escape the contract, insert my own SIM and use it as an HSDPA modem I might've been interested.
  7. Seeing as it's a wiki, you could help with some of those things yourself.
  8. Because I'd just sit there and continue to work on clearly compromised computers without piping up, obviously. Just so happened that the guy was stupid enough to use his own email, and then stupid enough to infect a public computer using it.
  9. So we could probably use someone in/around/near Berlin (or at least in Germany) to help choose/book a hostel, any volunteers?
  10. Keep this shit to the same fucking thread, will you? I'd merge it but this POS forum software wants me to manually paste URLs so I can't be fucked.
  11. Wordpress is a CMS, as is Joomla. There are many out there, some free, some commercial and some enterprise level, they've been around a while, long before "Web 2.0" happened. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Content_management_system for more info.
  12. Blow for blow I think they're fairly evenly matched. Let's compare... eee 901 Wind Winner CPU: 900MHz Celeron M 1.6GHz Atom From benchmarks they perform similarly in the real world. RAM: 1GB RAM 1GB RAM Neck and neck. LCD: 8.9" 1024x600 10" 1024x600 MSI has it here. Size: Small Bigger than the eee Asus takes the size prize. Battery:2.5-3h 2.5h/5.5h If you take the smallest battery, it's pretty even. If you take the biggest though MSI steals the running time with a higher capacity battery, Asus only has a standard battery right now. HDD: 12-20GB SSD 80GB HDD Wind has the size, eee has the low power/cool running/shockproofness. Webcams are the same, the eee has no bluetooth at this point but is smaller and lighter. If you're prepared to wait, the eee 901 and 1000 will be a much better match for the Wind, including 7-8h batteries, bluetooth, 802.11n and a 10" LCD. In the end though it's your decision (which makes my 15 minutes of organising that table a bit redundant) but I recommend waiting. Things are hotting up with not just Asus and MSI, but for Dell, Acer and countless other companies getting ready to start kicking out these Small, Cheap Computers. I'm really rather happy with my eee 701 though, specs really aren't everything and if you get a chance, play with as many of them as you can in stores or whatever.
  13. A static charge can be very very high voltage but very very low current, that's enough to kill a piece of hardware. You don't even know it's happened, and you don't necessarily even know after you've installed and tried to boot the computer. Things can appear to work but then intermittently fail for "no reason". Whether you think it can happen or not, it makes sense to take precautions anyway - better safe than sorry, right?
  14. moonlit

    lappy temp

    Turn it on with the power hooked up, then when it's running pull out the cable. If dies immediately, the battery's either not connected properly or it's knackered. If it does stay on, try running the battery down and charging it again, also try removing it and replacing it. As for the temps, they're within expected temperatures for a modern laptop.
  15. Content Management System, it's basically a structure that makes a site easy to set up and maintain, you concentrate on the content rather than constructing each individual page by hand.
  16. Disassemble the entire machine and rebuild it from scratch.
  17. Could be any of the following and more: Bad power Bad motherboard Bad or badly seated graphics card Bad or badly seated RAM Bad CMOS settings Bad CPU Badly connected drives (trust me, you'd be surprised how often I've had that)
  18. It's actually written in a mixture of Visual Basic 2008 (the interface, drive and file enumeration) and Visual Basic 6 (drive ejecting). That's really not a good way to do it, but since it was a proof of concept and I really wanted to get it out quick, I didn't spend time working out the quirks in Visual Basic 08's inability to eject the drive correctly (that is, it worked on Vista but for some reason it didn't work on XP). If I still have the source I might release it in the next few days, I'll have a look for it a little later. It's not commented and it's not coded very well, my VB skills are a little rusty, but if people want it then I might as well, someone out there could probably clean it up and improve it. Edit: Source Full VB08 source. The VB6 bit is a problem right now, I still have it but I'm having issues retrieving it. Still, the bulk of the app is in the VB08 source, only the eject code is missing. Do with it what you will, it's free for modification, compilation, education, whatever.
  19. That's an old one, they featured it on Diggnation just last week. Entirely fake though, no truth in there whatsoever, just plain not happening.
  20. My mistake, I just got it wrong too lol. Still, you make a good point about the 901s, I'd say if anyone's waiting for an eee, waiting might be a good idea. That is, wait for Asus to release the Atom-powered models, wait for the competition to heat up (Dell's offering, HP MiniNote, the MSI Wind, etc). TheRegister has suggested that prices will be dropping on the older models of the eee soon, so keep your eyes peeled.
  21. For up to date info, check http://hakpack.hakrepo.net/
  22. He means the newest eee, yes (currently the 9" 900 model, the Atom-powered 901 due soon), but the resolution is actually 1024x800, not the uberwidescreen 1280x600.
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