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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. I run Windows day to day but I'll try anything once, I'm open to any OS of past, present of future. I'm not a wannabe hacker and I'm not qualified to call myself a hacker. Woz was a hacker, I'm no Woz.
  2. http://www.freewebs.com/mloiotn/AntiUSB.rar That one? Complain about the hosting and die.
  3. September would be better for me I think but yeah, I'm up for it.
  4. moonlit

    RF card reader

    correct me if i'm wrong the rf card has a circuit in it that activates when in range of the card reader by a magnetic field...right? and the magnetic one is the one with the black bar..right? Basically, yeah. If it has no black bar on it, it's probably not magnetic. If it does and you swipe it, then it probably is.
  5. Got no problem with it but be aware that the matters and personnel mentioned in the above posts have no affiliation with or connection to the crew of Hak5, Technolust Productions or the forum staff. Any consequence of contact with any of the posters in this (or indeed, any other) thread is purely the responsibility of the individuals involved.
  6. We could easily have two. There seems to be something of a belief that if a meetup happens, it's THE meetup. This doesn't have to be the case, if someone over in the good ol' US of A can work something out, maybe get a few other involved, whip up a plan, then all the better. Hell, if there's enough people in Russia then have a meet there. The whole community can't get to [obscure location in Buttfuck, USA] or [in The Sticks, England], it's just not gonna happen, so if there's no meetup being organised near you, organise one!
  7. Something like http://www.hobbylinc.com/htm/tes/tes2944.htm?
  8. This would be why they invented Active Desktop on Windows (or at least an evolution of the reason). Windows can show HTML pages on its desktop instead of wallpaper, and will render anything (whichever version of) IE (you have installed) can.
  9. If you're referring to the wiki page on which the original AVKill was distributed, this "project" is long, long dead and I'd like it to stay that way. I no longer have the binary or source for the program and if I did I wouldn't be distributing it. It was just another antivirus killer, much like any other, and was only meant to show that it was easy to do and it was not meant to be used in the real world.
  10. All of them. Well, all of them that aren't manufacturer specific. Providing it has the DC connector that fits your laptop, it just has to kick out 19V @ >3.42A
  11. There's also the possibility that with extended use, the CCD/CMOS will overheat, that's a bad thing.
  12. moonlit


    I don't believe I flamed anyone in that post, nor do I intend to until a reason arises that prompts it. I stick by my previous post.
  13. moonlit


    Now, I could be fairly confident that this thread is something of a cry for attention but I'll take the time to explain my post, for what it's worth. See, those two posts you quoted? They weren't joking.
  14. moonlit


    Oh dear. Oh dear, oh dear.
  15. Yeah, a little too much blusher methinks.
  16. I'd rhetorically question why I bother, but I'm not sure that'd be particularly productive. I'll just sigh instead.
  17. moonlit

    4od on demand

    The only way to use the videos from 4oD on any non-Windows/WMP device is to strip the DRM. The 4oD and iPlayer downloaders both use DRM'd video and both use Kontiki to deliver it. The flash/iPhone/iTouch iPlayer is the only useful outcome of the whole lot IMO.
  18. That's why they usually make sure you're paying for "up to" 6Mb.
  19. I think virgins actually help maintain the internet and... oh... nvm...
  20. Yes, it will support XP. As for the ISP thing, if he got a router as Sparda said then there'd be no need to use any particular OS. It's probable that you could still connect from any other OS but drivers might prevent you from installing the hardware required. The hardware is the only issue though, it doesn't matter which OS you connect to the internet with, whoever your ISP is.
  21. isn't what bitch?! ;P Isn't "Someone Else" :P
  22. DarkSenay the drunk and VaKo the stoned, TomB the coder and Moonlit just groans, Sparda's Canonical Linux disc burns, Wesley the mod man, the triple-e spurns, The Jedi's the webdev and Chew's on the stream, Shaun just explained his perverted daydream, Leapo's antenna and Trkstr's peace pipe, The former of which could do with a wipe, GeekChick and StarStorm, Jillan and co., Cooper is AWOL, dJOEk's looking for hoes, owine and dhp run IRC, Which sometimes can be just a little obscene, Mubix for secrets and nomad for 'sploits, All throwing 'round flash sticks and CDs like quoits, Famicoman's running dear MS Neptune, I might have to draw this to a close soon, K1u doesn't have one but metatron does, Between the whole crowd there can be quite a buzz, SomeoneE1se isn't, wetelectric is, Amish has had some odd, strange ideas, Keiyentai's sleeping and Kyu's by his side, Where up on the shelf sits homemade cyanide, benofsky is irish, the land of the Guinness, Dids is at work, I've been told that he's Finnish, Cosmo's a cartoon and Raktor's an Aussie, BigBro69's who he used to be, melodic and gameman are gone, not forgotten, Among all the others, so fed up they'd gotten, Take no offense if your name I've not mentioned, I'm tired and it's hard to pay all attention, Perhaps another I'll write here one day, For now though I'm done so g'day!
  23. I think that's a fair compromise tbh. The USB hacks still get to stay and can be encouraged but the anti-USB-hacks guys still get some of their issues addressed.
  24. Without wishing to turn this into another USB hacks bashing thread, I'd say that the reason for the hatin' is the fact that the pre-assembled payloads may attract those who don't wish to learn but instead want to own machines without having to understand how the payloads work. Many of us have no problem with the constructive uses (backups, update or software installation) and the security angle that's no doubt apparent to most. The reason that's an issue to some is it attracts a crowd that contains not only those who think it's an interesting concept but then move on but also some that simple want to get their kicks by breaking others' machines. With that said, I'll mention that I'm happy with the thought of new moderation for several reasons. For a start, there's someone with an interest in the topic moderating so development isn't stifled and secondly it means I don't have to worry about it. If this works out, there's a chance that the number of "skiddies" might well reduce and the overall feel of the USB hacks in general will be somewhat improved. Again, I have no problem with the concept, some very useful things can be done with it, it's just the abuse that I dislike and that can be reduced with proper care. I've said it elsewhere but I'll reiterate it here, I know not everyone's perfect and we all have different thresholds that define what we call right or wrong, worth it or pointless, white or black, whatever, and I know that some people will use the USB tools wherever they see fit. What they're used for might not be what I call worthwhile or useful but I'm generally a lot happier if that person actually put work into the tool. That's essentially the definition of a skiddy - someone who uses preconfigured scripts or tools to adversely affect the working of a machine or network that isn't theirs to mess with without understanding what the tool does or the damage they/it may cause. On the other side of the coin, if someone downloads these payloads to dissect them and see how they work, perhaps to improve them or make useful tools of them, that's an advantage to keeping them. It's been a tough issue in my mind because as usual I can see a zillion points of view at once. The reason people reacted as strongly as they did was that this was a major tipping point for the show itself and the community around it. It signified the end of Hak5 and the community as the core members knew it. Since that first episode with the switchblade Hak5 and its community will forever be associated with what so many people thought was a bad idea (for the reasons I mentioned above, the pure opportunity for (and in some cases, encouragement of) serious abuse). Hak5 was never hardcore in some peoples' eyes and perhaps that's true, but the shred of dignity, respect and potential for worthwhile accomplishment we felt was left had been ripped from us and replaced by a high speed train that goes only one way - into a 10ft thick concrete wall, a wall upon which sat 100s of laughing, screaming, "gonna-hack-you-mofo" kids waiting to tear this place limb from limb... Ok, so perhaps that last paragraph went a little overboard, but the essence of what I said is true, it felt like someone had taken something mildly interesting and entertaining and threatened to turn it into the exact opposite of what we were really beginning to enjoy. Any, before this post gets any longer and before I ramble more, I'll just close by saying this; I'm prepared to wait and see where it goes before passing judgment on the situation again.
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