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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. iTunes does this if you ask it nicely.
  2. [me=moonlit]gives a low rumbling guffaw...[/me]
  3. Pick up a tiny hub, strip the case and sockets, solder the mouse's USB pins on the PCB to the correct pins on the first port on the hub, then do the same with a small flash drive (or perhaps even smaller, one of those tiny USB to memory card adapters) but use the second port. Et viola, a mouse with flash memory in it.
  4. http://forums.hak5.org/index.php/topic,4780.0.html http://forums.hak5.org/index.php/topic,3297.0.html http://forums.hak5.org/index.php/topic,821.0.html http://forums.hak5.org/index.php/topic,3035.0.html http://forums.hak5.org/index.php/topic,976.0.html http://forums.hak5.org/index.php/topic,5252.0.html Enjoy.
  5. Y'know, maybe I'm too cautious, but that doesn't seem like the best drive to install a tool that's designed to maliciously attack computers on.
  6. Reading a book doesn't make you a security guy. Sure, you need to start somewhere, but you need to research like hell (constantly) and constantly evolve. Practice is essential.
  7. Well then no, it's generally not possible perhaps unless you have very very very expensive equipment, and even then it'd be touch and go.
  8. You're going ok here... Sensible comment, logical, useful... ...and now you just fell out of a movie. :/ Oh yeah, and "the" was written twice before "school mainframe", it's like one of those weird grammatical optical illusions. :D What I'm trying to say though is that we whole-heartedly welcome intelligent techy-minded people who know their stuff and know when/when not to use it but if you don't know what something is, please take the time to look it up. It not only makes you look smarter but it allows you to expand your knowledge too. If, though, your school actually did have a mainframe and was very wealthy during the years when a mainframe was "the thing you wished you had" then I apologise... Sysadmins are people too! That was a bit redundant...
  9. To sum up this thread: You're screwed.
  10. I would say it's more like a castle (although windows is arguably secure as a shed) with guards and the gates closed, but his the od stone block missing from the wall. Whereas Ubuntu is like a house where all the furniture is stuck to the ceiling... sure, it's fully furnished, but unless you know how to defy gravity it's completely useless. :D
  11. IIRC you could SMS them to yourself, haven't done it in years though and I don't remember how well it worked. It's probably documented on some back-alley Geocities site somewhere...
  12. Gotta let kids be kids though, never get that chance again.
  13. Ahh, what it was to be young, carefree and full of energy... *sigh*.
  14. Alternatively, contact your local system administrator.
  15. I second that, providing I don't actually have to interact with... well. anyone under the age of about 12, and even then they have to be mature and intelligent for their age... I hate talking to kids or other things that may or may not give me a blank look for using the wrong word to say hi, or that might shove a car in my face if I do successfully say hello...
  16. VB works wonders if you need to bash out a Windows-only app that isn't going to be a massive do-everything app. Nice and easy to learn but not a huge deal of room for expansion (though you can do an awful lot with it).
  17. It's a common method of getting a DIY projector, you just have to raise the screen from the fresnel a bit... there's tons of DIY projector stuff online, just give it a quick google and there's various methods. I looked in to doing it some time ago but I never got around to sourcing the parts. If you can pick up an OHP and a cheap LCD or old laptop though it's definitely possible (if you don't mind stripping a working LCD screen). As I mentioned though there are commercial options, they were used for presentations when transparency paper was all the rage, it meant you could project powerpoint presentations and such without spending what would've been £1000s on an expensive VGA projector.
  18. It is possible, has been done (commercially and DIY, if you DIY watch the heat from the bulb, LCDs don't like it), it works well enough, the resolution's as high as the panel's resolution (obviously the higher the better but more pixels = more money). LEDs generally aren't bright enough though LED projectors do exist but usually on a small scale.
  19. lol. Also, just so this isn't a completely pointless reply, google NT Offline Password and Registry Editor. If you're asking this for a legit reason, this should suffice.
  20. Ahh, didn't realise it was a recovery CD, thought it was a regular Home CD he got with it
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