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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. ...which actually means 'accept', you would be asking them to not tell you they can't accept it.
  2. Sorry, but despite my better judgement I had to comment on the fact this is technically a how-to for removing pooh from your computer...
  3. Yeah, but if they pulled it off then it'd make a lot of people happy that their OS works and feels like their beloved XP ;) Edit: I think it's a joke:
  4. For Science/Math: 37% scored higher, 4% scored the same, and 59% scored lower. For Computers/Technology: 7% scored higher, 2% scored the same, and 91% scored lower. For Sci-Fi/Comic: 87% scored higher, 4% scored the same, and 9% scored lower. For History/Literature: 79% scored higher, 5% scored the same, and 16% scored lower. For Dumb/Dork/Awkwardness: 27% scored higher, 13% scored the same, and 60% scored lower. I'm a Slightly Dorky Technology Geek.
  5. It matters to me that as a moderator for this forum and a regular user of others I have an interest in communities staying clear of people who abuse the service or the other members and if I suspect that someone has been banned for doing either of those things then I'd rather they didn't try to bypass a ban or suspension just because they didn't think they deserved it or because they persist in pissing people off. Now, note I didn't accuse you of anything specifically. I want to make it clear that my post wasn't intended as an attack, but if you did get banned from somewhere for a good reason (or even any other kind of reason, given that the rules are likely not yours to make and/or break) then you should respect that you weren't wanted there and just go find somewhere else to hang out.
  6. The question that comes to mind is why did you get blocked from it in the first place and, knowing that we wouldn't appreciate someone bypassing a block or ban to use this forum, why would we want to help you get around said ban?
  7. Yeah, we tell people this all the time too, so why yet another thread about it?
  8. If I was going 64bit I'd say Vista x64 because XP x64/IA64's a bit low on good drivers. Personally though I would stick with 32bit, and I'd go with 32bit XP because I know it works, the compatability's as good as ever, drivers are everywhere and it's plenty fast enough. Trouble is, you aren't using your hardware to its full potential. I guess you've gotta weigh up the pros and cons, but if you want speed and compatability, go for XP x86.
  9. 512MB is fine, I have only 512MB and use Virtual PC all the time with Windows as host and guest OSs and it's flawless.
  10. 1) It's likely a botnet, which would be a DDoS (distributed denial of service). 2) Specifically what attack I wouldn't know, there are a fair number of DDoS methods. 3) This being the case, the IPs themselves are of little use unless someone obtains and reverse engineers one of the bots in this net. Contacting the attackers will do next to nothing even if you could. Best way out of this is grin and bear it and if you're being attacked for a personal reason go sort that out.
  11. chaddles, PM me or reply to this thread please so I know you're no a spammer.
  12. That's what I do, makes things infinitely quicker...
  13. Sure, they exist, in the same way that urine powered cars exist... I mean they are real, but there's only one of them and it probably works about as well as cutting meat with a piece of fluff.
  14. MP3 to MIDI converters don't exist in any useful form, it isn't possible.
  15. You could just go on foot... :P I uh... I enjoyed the exercise! *collapses*
  16. I would go but I'm not sure it's worth paying that train fare again just to see Kevin and Alex... and a bunch of screaming Digg fans... *shudder*.
  17. Actually, that sounds kinda tasty...
  18. Kids copy what they see, they need role models... who do we have as role models? 50 Cent and Paris Hilton? Good job...
  19. In that case, try this apparently fairly complete guide: http://www.flexbeta.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=8373
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