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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. [me=moonlit]flinches and spasms.[/me]
  2. I guess there's quite a few different codes, but hey, share the wealth :)
  3. Promo code "SHHH" for free tickets and promo code "INSIDER" for 50% off tickets.
  4. When a computer is off but still plugged in it's never truely off, it's always consuming a little power.
  5. Wireless isn't, never has been and never will be secure. Get an ethernet cable.
  6. Merged. Stick to this thread for batch files no-one in their right mind will use.
  7. Does it say cyclical copy error or cyclic redundancy error? Not sure if it will help, but maybe it is a disk read/write error your copying from/to or one of the files is bad. http://ask-leo.com/how_do_i_fix_a_cyclic_r...opy_a_file.html Nah, he means the copy operation would just loop itself... it copies files of [file type] in C: and all subdirectories back to My Documents... which is in C:... so it copies the files that are there back to themselves until the script is stopped.
  8. We. Don't. Do. Revenge. Now, read VaKo's post above this one, and don't ask again. Oh, and welcome.
  9. Try removing the HDD and CMOS/main batteries... if that doesn't work then without Son'y help it's dead.
  10. Pure uninformed, distorted, manipulative, bullshit. And then some.
  11. Please keep invitations to the one thread... merged.
  12. Looks like it's still infected, I'd wager System Restore's files are also hosed. I say reinstall, it'll be much, much easier than trying to pick out the crap.
  13. KGMR IS DEAD! HAK5RADIO LIVES AGAIN! http://hak5radio.com/ http://hak5radio.com:8000 http://hak5radio.com:8000/listen.mp3.m3u Hak5Radio, community radio: Powered by you. STICKING IT TO THE MAN!
  14. Not "notepad exenamehere.exe", I meant write a small app to do it, it's rather easy, I might do it later if I get bored.
  15. I always fancied using a sewing machine foot pedal as an accelerator... Only thing I'm not sure about with those is exactly how they work and what kind of resistance they have... Perhaps with a small circuit for a psuedo gearbox (so it gives you more of a range of speeds, if you wanted to go slower you could drop a "gear", easier to impliment than a real gearbox but less effective). Still, a couple of 12/24v batteries and something like that, a couple of motors, some wheels/tires, brakes, steering, you're good to go. It's a really basic plan as far as karts can go, you might not want the motors driven directly by the motors, you might want 2/4 wheel drive, etc, there's a whole bunch of decisions you could make depending on how much you've got to spend and what the kart's for.
  16. MagicISO is legit, it does work, but it's at the very very vey bottom of my list of apps to use for disc images. If you can use the file in anything else I recommend you do, but if it won't work in anything else then MagicISO won't hurt anything, it's just horrible to use IMO.
  17. Yeah, but Apple didn't honour it (I said they likely wouldn't ;)). Shame though, $50 for 1TB's an awful nice idea ;)
  18. A tea or coffee, plenty of water, food (preferably hot, and lots of it).
  19. Dunno, cybereagle's the one who was in touch with him and he's not been online much lately... Wiki still says he's coming though, so we'll just wait and see. TomB - Ian (as was explained earlier in the thread) is a guy who attends (and arranges) a lot of meetups.
  20. You could just write a program to open the exes (open, not run) which would lock the files.
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