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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Pass... I use Nero 6 and have used Nero for some time and I do like it... I never use the media player or much of the included stuff for that matter...
  2. Non... Non forum... 'life'? I'm not sure I quite understand...
  3. Dubious Years in prison: 19.5 Potential fine: £5000 Plus a possibility of the death penalty!
  4. Are we allowed to post screencaps? I didn't think we were...
  5. EvilServer has a kid?!
  6. Ensure that the components inside your computer are well seated and secured. A badly installed or unseated RAM stick or a loose PCI card can cause this behavour. Perhaps run a test on your RAM and see if it is still in good shape.
  7. Yeah it is pointless really... in Explorer it appears as a highlighable 'nothing' and it just looks like something you would want to investigate and on the desktop it would be found easily by highlighting all icons. If you want a folder that most regular computer users won't find, just create a folder, set the 'hidden' attribute and turn off 'Show All Files and Folders'.
  8. Alt+255 also works as an invisible character
  9. yeah the overclock may cause the issuses you mention so try with the default CPU settings...
  10. I love long hair but Jenn looks awesome with short hair... Suits her much better IMHO. Edit: lol @
  11. That's the biggest display of ignorance and ineptitude I have encountered for some considerable time... I was aware that a portion of the population of this planet are not internet or tech savvy but that was quite frankly scary... Fine, if you aren't technical - great... if you're not up to date with the current technologies - great... Just don't force the world to follow what you think about something you don't know anything about. If you don't know shit about cars do you tell the world how they work? If you don't know anything about businesses do you pass laws on how how they should be governed? No. Why do it for 'the internets'?
  12. Hell yeah! Kick out teh choons!
  13. Well considering the ratio between 120v (USA regular AC wall outlet IIRC) and 80,000,000v is about 1:666667 but you'd probably fry the poor transformer in the process... Ignoring my flawed and somewhat sub-useful AC electronics knowledge, I estimate the output current, if that was to be used from a regular AC outlet (@ 15A) would be about 2.24999888 × 10^-5 Amps @ 80,000,000 Volts ... which is a very small current indeed... I've missed a whole bunch of vital things in this maths such as the type of transformer used, the correct current and a whole host of other things but we can safely assume that it wouldn't work from a regular AC outlet :D Edit: Feel free to rip my logic to shreds, I'm used to the DC world and I don't *do* transformers! Edit 2: I'm also assuming that you would never attempt to run this device from a residential power supply anyways... would you?!
  14. Hmm... I'd love to be optimistic but I'm a cynic... On the subject of what to expect though, I'd expect something vaguely stuctured in terms of a radio signal... We wouldn't neccesarily know if a signal was some form of communication though. Think about encryption - encryption looks like noice unless you know how to decrypt it. Another way to think is in terms of analogue and digital TV trasmissions... if there were no analogue TV signals and we used an analogue TV set to see what's being broadcast we would have no idea that there are digital signals bouncing around unless we could tell by the pattern of static we would see on the screen... We would have no idea what frequencies another intelligent lifeform would use or if they even would use the same methods as we do. We can only base our thoughts and guesses on what we as a species are aware of in our environment.
  15. first computer I programmed properly was an Acorn Archimedes 3000... BASIC and OBEY!
  16. Google.com/ncr If I don't include the /ncr it takes me to google.co.uk
  17. GHRYGGZ! Hark, the n00b is here! No longer is our Duelus king, For him I cry a tear! Long he reigned but now dethroned, Duelus soft and blue, Now the spam-like named one, Is here to bother you, Melodic, spektor, all unite, Duelus must be saved, We must protect our special n00b, May he stand up misbehaved! Damn, where did all this terrible poetry come from?! Edited for content.
  18. I'm pretty sure you said it in an episode :) I think it was a segment with Harrison... I could be wrong though, I can't really remember...
  19. Glad you liked it ;) /me picks up the rusty orange, peels it, rubs it with wire-wool and takes a bite...
  20. Today we see the world is falling, Turning inside out, The brands and politics o'er taking, We stagger on in doubt, We stare above, the stars surround us, Thoughts do fly afar, Those among us strive for money, Humankind have marred, I cannot be bothered to, Complete this prose you read, For 'tis one o'seven AM, I'm struggling to breathe. Thank you... Thank you very much... /me bows and waits for rotten fruit...
  21. People 'christen' cars and beds too, if you see what I mean but that isn't very Christian now, is it? ;) Edit: This thread has been officially hijacked.
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