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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. if that was, so's this: Google
  2. Umm... ok? Well, it's a grey area I suppose... I certainly think testing cosmetics on animals is completely unneccesary and as for medical procedures and drugs... why? Why test on animals when we need to know if they have the desired effect on humans? We have simulations and such so do we really need to? How would you like it if a bunch of giant bunnies gathered up a bunch of humans and started injecting us with crap? Still, I'm not gonna go shouting about it or protesting because it's gonna happen anyways... it's not a case of annimal rights, it's a case of profits.
  3. Oh god... overwhelming urge to... It's MORPHIN' TIME! Triceratops! Hyaaaa!
  4. Wait... Do my eyes deceive me? Harrison was in a dodgy 90s boy band?! North and South (See top right for 'Harrison' and bottom left for Wess in his younger years, prior to his role in Power Rangers) Edited to add URL
  5. www.google.com/ncr I'm in the UK and the /ncr takes me to Google.com with no country redirect.
  6. Meh, I wanted to show my involvement in the community and I thought this way it'd warn others to check their URLs... :roll:
  7. Nah dewd! Old news! I guess they still work but when you've gotta program them with a hammer and chisel, what's the point?
  8. Isn't that just good memory rather than a learning style?
  9. I do have a BeefBox running my webserver and NASA Space Program 2.0 though...
  10. I don't spam, I inform :D
  11. dude the Conroe isn't a Microshaft product! TRAITOR!
  12. This is a service announcement: Rachel Rickman, please be aware that the URL you stated as your webpage in your profile results in a 404: Not Found error. This concludes your service announcement.
  13. yeah but they've had that for ages, it's nothing new... ...the VeggieNet support is awesome though... they just released the VeggieLAN 4.3 patch yesterday so I can finally stream groceries right to my hamper :D
  14. I suppose I'm all three sometimes though generally kinesthetic... I don't tend to work well when people tell me what to do though, so I'm least 'audio' of the three.
  15. Yup ;) They even come with the RedWine cooling fluid and 154TB CheesyCrackers drive!
  16. I pwn a Microshaft FruitHamper server ;)
  17. moonlit

    useless post

    not so much a Linux dude myself, but I did stumble across www.calmira.de all those years back for when I didn't have a copy of Win9x and everyone else did... Win9x shell for Win3.x!
  18. moonlit

    useless post

    ever find yourself posting random things on forums? -5 Redundant.
  19. I pwn you - I have a StrongARM powered carrot and a M68000 powered potato.
  20. Compensating for something are we? Correction: Compensating for somethings are we? Correction: Compensating for something are we?
  21. With link to www.google.com: [url=www.google.com][color=blue]G[/color][color=red]o[/color][color=yellow]o[/color][color=blue]g[/color][color=green]l[/color][color=red]e[/color][/url]
  22. nVidia and ATi? GeForce and Radeon? :?
  23. Ahem. On a more productive note, try the link below for some external goodness :D http://www.baber.com/baber/graphics/tv_tuners/external.htm
  24. Channel 4 is a free to air analogue channel so technically it's whatever channel you tune to it... generally though it is actually channel 4. yeah... I believe it's channel 104 on Sky (UK satellite) but they start with channel 101 (BBC1) so I guess that's kinda channel 4. You'd be surprised. We don't have as much ad-time between our programs in the UK as some places. USA have ads up the wazoo and you sometimes can't tell the ad from the show since they don't add in the "You're watching <program name>" thing... meh stick to free media, it's better for content (sometimes, anyways) and it's got less ads...
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