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Everything posted by Garda

  1. A friend of mine told me that one of the biggest reasons why Australia is so far behind the rest of the world as far as bandwith goes is because Telstra (the main telecommunications company, kinda like AT&T before the break up) is really big here and has for many years now been running as a privately owned company. Apparently they have been very poor in the way that they were managing the nations telecommunications infrastructure. High bandwidth prices are a result of that. Other reasons that i'm going to guess are that most of our internet traffic would probably be heading to the US, which means that alot of that would be international traffic, which would be more expensive. That would factor into the cost that an end cosumer would see. Foreign investment into Australia, building infrastructure that telstra doesn't own might be a good idea.
  2. I have to tell you. You have the nicest room i've ever seen. Seriously. Not just because it's always neat and tidy when you photograph it (i don't know, you might only be cleaning it up for the shots, but somehow i don't think so). You also have a cool arse desk and a nice duel screen thing happening. Seriously, it's awsome!
  3. I know, just ask Dvorak what he does about spam Apparently spam is on the rise, people were talking about it on some security focus mailing list i don't get anymore cos they clutter my inbox i personally don't have a problem with spam, but i've been very careful about who i give my address out to. I try never to leave it out on a website somewhere
  4. i dugg it, but why tell us 4 days after it was posted to digg. get the word out quickly so that we can help it get to front page nice article
  5. i'm going to guess that the questions you're trying to ask is whether you can use a multi-protocol client so that you don't have to use as many ports. as you mentioned, it probably requires less memory if you have many protocols in one client, instead of a client for each messenger service. More than anything else though it's neater to have them all in one app. the problem about opening ports is that it still needs access to whatever port each protocol uses. So if you have msn and aim on at the same time, they both need the same access as what the regular msn and aim clients use (ignoring things like protocols that can use a http method so that they only requre port 80)
  6. People are going to waste loads of time talking about shit like the last guy paris hilton fucked. Do you really want that happening over YOUR network?
  7. Garda


    i think Fedora is pretty popular, so it's an ok choice. Everyone seems to like ubuntu these days, but that's cos ubuntu is a cult bent on taking over linux and then eventually every piece of technology available to man as far as programming, all of the above are available on linux. C# is available if you develop for mono, mono is an implementation of much of the .NET technology for windows.
  8. nice! the problem for alot of corporations with the GPL was always about how to get around the GPL. How to either destroy free software, or how to get at all of this free software and turn it proprietory. In this case in particular it seems the MS and Novell are trying to use patents to achieve this. Sure, the software is free, but the patents that we own, they belong to us and you can't actually use your own software that you wrote yourself because it infringes on our patent. That's why the GPLv3 is really important. All of the new anti-patent stuff is really important to protect free software
  9. you know you're lazy when you can't be bothered lying unconscious and not moving for an extended period of time :P
  10. yea, my sister was really into the sims the save files are in the person's documents folder i think there is a directory called "EA Games" or something like that, if i can recall it was also pretty large, ~500MB or something like that. All you need to do is save that directory with winzip or something like that, then after formatting, reinstall the sims and replace the "EA Games" folder. The thing is that if she has any addons or something like that, you have to install exactly the same ones as the ones that are on there already, so if she has the sims 2 and sims nightlife or something like that, you need to install both of them before replacing the directory.
  11. hearing aid + smart phone = a mobile VOIP phone that is sergically attached to your head. Ohh the good times to be had
  12. i didn't get to see it, it didn't load properly, but i think this is the video to which you were refering youtube is better, it works nicer i think this was his first state of the union after the 11th of september when he was pushing REALLY hard to go and invade iraq there's a newer one here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kc4lWIVlPi0 "trusting in the sanity and restraint of the united states is not a strategy, and it is not an option"
  13. Garda

    DLink PW Cracking

    i'm going to guess that admin passwords are sent as plaintext to the router an arp cache poisening attack + packet sniffer should work
  14. i disagree, i think computers would work much more efficiently and would be able to fix many more problems if people weren't involved ;)
  15. you aren't serious right? i don't know about you, but if you've got a controller but no wii into which to put it i'm guessing that you're gonna feel pretty silly. i'm not really the wait in line person anyway, i was always the type to wait for whatever everyone was making a big deal about
  16. i think you should check for spelling and grammer before sending anything that's supposed to sound sophisticated
  17. how do you think he got to 600 posts?
  18. I would be of the opinion that starting a thread which seems to have absolutely no point to it and consists of only one word is quite a n00b-like behaviour and that were it still around, the short bus would certainly be an appropriate destination for this thread.
  19. it's usually important to mention what distro you're using there are different package managers that different distros use so the process of installing and uninstalling software is different depending on which distro you've got if you installed your software using your package manager, there should be an equivelent command to remove a particular package if you're new to linux something like synaptic or kpackage might be easier. they're gui package manager tools
  20. if i had to guess, i'm going to guess darren and the other guy are at the purepwnage ep 12 screening first, the guy in the front has a purepwnage beanie thing on second, the guys mentioned specifially that they're going to the purepwnage screening third, darren's denial of a photo that quite clearly has him in it says to me that he's trying to hide something, and he usually tries to hide anything relating to upcomming shows and yea, the circled chik does look kinda hot
  21. yea, i just went to look on upcoming. It's not there anymore There are videos that have been submitted earlier than this by a few hours that are still on there, so it seems that this has been taken down, rather than simply having been on upcoming for too long i think it could be part of the algorythm. diggs that get to front page organically don't usually have a whole croud of people quickly digging them up and then being left there the way that is the case for when a digg is posted in #hak5 for example.
  22. 20 hours 40 mins only 41 diggs and no front page yet what gives? i thought with that many diggs it would have made the front page by now
  23. the minimum that you need for most versions of linux is simply to get your computer booted. most will let you install from ftp, the local hard drive, and even NFS. You're problem here is getting your computer booted. as far as using his cds, you should probably just use one of the publically available ftp mirrors for your distro. They're probably going to have better bandwidth than your mate. What distro are you using? You're going to need to boot your computer, so it seems that you're unfortunately going to have to go out and buy a blank cd. you don't have a floppy drive and you say that your bios doesn't allow you to boot from usb, it seems you're stuck otherwise you don't need to do too much though, the popular distros usually allow you to boot from a cd that has very little on it, and then to download the rest of what you need from an ftp server.
  24. no, you don't get a cookie, but you do get put in a cage... just as every good retard should be yegshimash! sexy time!
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