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Everything posted by Garda

  1. finding a password that's easy to remember and secure is kinda hard if i ever find the perfect password i'll announce it to everyone so that you can all use it
  2. it's to subject you to playground style exclusion and humiliation point at him everyone point at the n00b oh hahahahaha!
  3. Garda


    i primarily use my university's email, with portable thunderbird but also gmail and.... windows live mail i mostly try not to use the hotmail one because gmail is better, seriously, windows live mail beta sucks balls, but people on my msn list email me there sometimes the problem with gmail is that i always get context related adds. so people, USE PGP so that google and the NSA and the 5 other groups that are all reading and archiving our emails can't invade our personal space.
  4. Notice they've written this message to point out to the heavens, ie to god i'm sure god knows about jesus pretty well
  5. Garda

    Hey Guys

    hmm, only 1 post count and a hello message are you sure you're not a bot i mean, maybe they got so good that now they can make context specific spam, which knows this is an IPTV show relating to computers and haking. maybe they're so good that they're going to be able to have completely active members that contribute hundreds of posts to the community and yet are just automated spam bots. OMG, we're going to need a secret code or internet handshake to tell each other apart. Then they're going to figure that out THEN WE'RE DOOMED!!!!! </paranoia> wow, need to lay off the crazy sci-fi
  6. only problem. nobody, and i mean NOBODY supports ogg. sure, there's linux, but that's about it virtually no video players or software around supports theora it's unfortunate, but that's the way it is
  7. wow, that was kinda weird you can see it moving inside trying to get away what was the pelican thinking, is that normal for them to eat pigeons? and yes, they are evil vermin
  8. madlogic i personally recommend using something like knoppix, it would probably be a better option than dos on a usb you could use fdisk to get the filesystem id for every partition on the computer i've never used ntfs4dos, but it's not really entirely unusual for people to have windows installed on something other than the first primary partition. So long as there is at least a primary partition that windows keeps a few files on, it is possible to have basically all the rest of windows on another partition somewhere else, it doesn't need to all be in c:
  9. at least your myspace is less fucked up than everyone elses why so many hot friends?
  10. yea, the same for aussie spellings. i think the reason is because they wanted to use aspell from the GNU project as their spell checker, but i think the reason why they couldn't was because the LGPL is incompatible with the MPL and so they went for a crappier alternative. You'll notice that among other things "Firefox" comes up as an incorrect spelling.
  11. i think darren has a point. as a public service, we need to spread firefox to all myspace users. because everyone on myspace is a stupid noob. hence they all use IE. if we can get them to use firefox, they'll still be a bunch of myspace using retards, but at least they might be able to spell properly, dragging down the overall quality of the web just a little less.
  12. what a great article, i never thought it was possible to come up with so many different words and phrases which all mean poo
  13. dude, i just had a kebab and a really surgery/syrupy desert thingy, i was about to throw up i hear in some parts of the south of america they deep fry mars bars, some people are just crazy
  14. i would so be too scared to leave a webcam in my room you just know that at some point you're going to forget that you have it there and start scratching your but or doing something else even more disgusting.
  15. the kitties should probably also get rid of the link in psychoaliendog's post these guys are getting much better at posting their spam in innocent looking posts. If this is automated, i might start to get scared
  16. Garda

    Cain on usb [How To]

    just wanted to make sure, have you actually done this and taken it to different computers to make sure that it works i wanted to confirm that winpcap in fact works and that it doesn't require installation. Also, is there some functionality that is unavailable if you use it on a computer with limited functionality such as one on which you are only guest or a limited user.
  17. ohh yea, totally, she has him so pussywhipped. i'd feel sorry for him, but he is an evil server hell-bent on taking over hak5, then all of IPTV and i'm guessing the world itself, so in that case, no pitty at all.
  18. no cos winnerz don't do warez but in fact it may be the case that people who don't pay for the software are going to get the better deal when someone can crack the WGA stuff so that it doesn't call home and it doesn't check to see if your version is legitimate, you have complete freedom to do as you please. Call me a MS sympathiser and wish death apon me if you want to, but I kinda feel sorry for MS. The fact that they have a userbase much larger than what the quality of their software warrants aside, they do have a case where apparently 50% of windows installs in asia are illegitimate. I heard on WW at twit that that is the main reason for this. I guess in that way, their product is copied by people on a major scale so they're trying to do something about it.
  19. i feel disturbed because so many of these are me
  20. http://www.techweb.com/wire/software/193300234 apparently the new vista license is only going to allow you to upgrade your computer one time and to transfer the license to another computer one time. This, along with other things like the fact that vista has an all new network stack and some other things i believe makes it a somewhat unpalatable option for some people. I particularly don't like the idea that WGA has to phone home all of the time to make sure that you're running a proper version of windows. who here thinks they are actually going to buy vista? who thinks they are going to stick with XP or do something else? i guess if you buy a new computer you won't really have much of a choice. i think most people wont care. I don't believe that alot of people upgrade their computers during the lives of those computers. Remember most people aren't hackers.
  21. i think this is the story to which the link is supposed to point http://www.adequacy.org/stories/2001.12.2.42056.2147.html just to confirm, this is a joke piece right?
  22. AdInfinitum is the shit everyone who hasn't already, strongly recommend the change
  23. hotmail shits me cos there's no POP access i use my uni's email + thunderbirdportable i do have a hotmail account, everyone was on msn messenger during high school. The new windows live email is better than their old web email client, but still sucks major donkey testicles compared to gmail
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