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Everything posted by Garda

  1. This might seem kinda random, but who is i440. He's on digg an his digg comments always get dugg down really bad. If you go and look at his history, everyone diggs him down, always. Does anyone know who he is? He seems to be a conservative, proponent of commercial software, with general troll-like qualities. That's just my observation. I don't want to start a hate thread, just wanna see if anyone knows anything else.
  2. and just as i hit digg, what do i find on the front page http://diveintopython.org/toc/index.html a free ebook to help you get into python.
  3. thats the same reason why mac has no virus' a worm on the other hand would be quite exciting. that's something that i don't think that lots of people quite realise. There aren't alot of desktop linux users but alot of people running linux on their servers and routers. If an internet worm that compromised linux were to hit it would be really harsh. The reason why we don't have these sorts of things happening though is because linux is inherently secure, not just because it's not popular, and so we can all live our lives as happy little vegimites.
  4. i agree. Personally i think it's no big deal. There's no way that you can make a DVD that doesn't play on current DVD hardware, which means that if it can play it can be ripped. Just another example of the complete lack of respect that media companies have for their customers.
  5. Linux doesn't have a proper virus scanner. I think in fact most of the virus scanners for Linux are in fact scanners that scan for windows viruses, as you would want on a mail or file server for example. Linux implements security throughout the OS and there aren't actually any viruses out in the wild that will compromise a current version of Linux. Firewall, and watching what you allow to run as outside listening services on your computer are probably the most important things if you're running Linux
  6. I hope to learn python over the summer break from uni, then perl6 once it comes out. Perl6 looks pretty exciting
  7. can you delete MySpace accounts? I wouldn't guess that you can, but i don't have a myspace.
  8. haha i don't think it's nice to laugh, but i do it anyway can't wait for the clear CD drive though.
  9. In Australia you still have to vote, you get a $50 fine otherwise. The only problem is that people who don't care are going to vote for somebody for a really stupid reason (such as a donkey vote, where you just vote for the person at the top of the list) or because they have an interesting sounding name or some other stupid crap like that. Also, you can just scribble rubbish on your ballot paper and the vote will not be counted. I think however that most people who wouldn't go and vote simply cannot be stuffed. They would vote, but taking their lazy arses over to the polling booths is too big an effort. I guess giving them a fine for not doing so is probably a good way of getting them to vote.
  10. be ashamed! its the infamous "Dave" t-shirt from purepwnage. /me ashamed :(
  11. can't see really well, who's head is it on the T-shirt?
  12. Do you have a girlfriend? If so do you think that you will still have one at the end of the month? If not, was this to try and impress girls, why didn't you just get some nice clothes and mabey a new car like everyone else... you know, something that would actually work?
  13. i don't think that this is an entirely fair reflection on the intelligence of americans, but it's fun to watch anyway I'm a little worried, if map makers being producing misprinted maps on a large scale... Australia is fucked!! again, not cos it's really relevant, but the chasers are piss funny http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssgYfpJzAR4
  14. Red Bull with its crazy caffine and stimulants or the uranium in hax0rflakes, which is worse? /me thinks Red Bull
  15. um, can we get like someone in the picture doing something. cos like webcams aren't as interesting when there's nothing happening
  16. The process of creating DVDs is a little bit of a bitch. 1st you need to convert them to mpeg2. then you need to author the DVD. This can add menus or whatever other crap you want. Unfortunately there are no free apps that do this nicely that i've come across. Unless you go look at bittorent paying for nice DVD authoring apps is probably going to cost more than simply buying a DVD player that plays DivXs
  17. yea, you're right, it might be a bit hard to get cigarettes at your age, you have alot of vagrents around your area? They're always helpful, smelly, but helpful.
  18. open up its case and put it somewhere so people can look at it. The insides of a hd look cool
  19. Yea! the black one is really awesome!
  20. This is really bad. I think that the reason that much of this is allowed to happen is because too many americans just don't care. This isn't a stab at the americans either. I think that alot of western countries are filled with people who really don't care. People are mostly selfish. They don't care what is going to happen to the terrorists that are going to be captured. The irony is that this selfishness is what is going to hurt the. They don't understand that their own liberties have also been compromised. They tell themselves that they aren't terrorists and that it's all ok, but it's all just a matter of being labeled as one and you become one. I don't mean you turn to jihad when someone points a finger at you and calls you a terrorist, but the lack of liberties that one gets as a terrorist is imposed on you. I think that people seriously don't get this. I personally believe that intelligent people don't understand how incredibally dumb most people are. I believe that this community has an average intelligence greater than the general population. Most average everyday people are actually pretty dumb. 50% of americans still believe there are WMD in Iraq. Americans actually believed that there was a connection between Iraq and bin laden. It shits me so bad that everything that this government is doing is so transparently obvious and yet people are sitting back and letting it all happen. EDIT: what do you know, just as i post, this comes up on digg. the non-US nameservers are actually spread all around the world and each share the one IP using anycast technology. It would be pretty hard to bring DNS down i would think
  21. Ramzi is the best. I actually quite liked ep4. Mabey i'm just too nice? Definetly the funniest thing was the pretending to be disabled
  22. I know this my seem kinda obvious, but why didn't you try the catalyst mobility drivers rather than the desktop ones? https://support.ati.com/ics/support/KBAnswe...uestionID=19546 Meh, how about Jenn Cutter. A girl with her own show about video games, now that's hot!!
  23. Garda

    Hak5 VPN

    Has anybody thought about this? I was just sitting around and thought that it might be kinda cool to create a hak5 VPN. There are obviously a few problems. You can have a centralised model. Where we all connect to a central server somewhere, but i don't think that anybody really wants to be the central node to a big hak5 VPN through which all network traffic goes. That would be ALOT of bandwidth. I don't exactly know how Hamachi works, if that's a decentralised VPN, but i don't think that i would want to trust a 3rd party with a VPN anyway. What kinds of decentralised VPN solutions are out there. Does anyone think this would be a possibility? There's also the fact that for the most part we don't really need one. We can already play LAN games, transfer files and do basically anything else that we need without one. Finally, do you really want to let people that you don't know, particularly fans of a hacking IPTV show into your network behind your firewall?
  24. cool, i'd like to see only thing, don't HDs go bad if opened and exposed to the atmosphere?
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