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Everything posted by Garda

  1. RSS ticker and noscript --- must have i have about 10 plugins other pretty good ones are bugmenot videodownloader Forecastfox that's why i like firefox. i can make it exactly the way that i want it. I think that if firefox was shipped the way that i use it nobody else would want it.
  2. 1. Firefox 2. Thuderbird 3. VLC 4. 7-zip 5. Gaim 6. Openoffice 7. Cdrtools 8. uTorrent 9. Putty 10. Enigmail and GPG plugin for Thunderbird (a plugin but who cares, it's cool)
  3. This is where you can get the flash player for linux http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flash..._7_linux.tar.gz the website says to unpack the package and run ./flashplayer-installer I remember doing it differently. I think for Konqueror, it had a directory that it looks for plugins in. I copied the flash player to that directory. It should be listed somewhere in the configuration options. Don't have a linux box available to me right now so i can't find that out right this moment
  4. anybody know how to authenticate to an NDS (novell directory service) server and access all of network resouces from linux.
  5. isn't that little screen the amiga equivelant of the BSoD.
  6. haha i hadn't noticed you were gone
  7. hahahaha, say this on /. it's official (well according to PC World) world worst website...myspace.com http://www.pcworld.com/article/id,127116-p...es/article.html when you're worst than rabies for kids (http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dvrd/kidsrabies/) you know you have a problem
  8. This is the most retarded thing that i've heard in a very long time. I can at least understand putting DRM on music that you download from their music store, there is at least some logic to that. Putting it on CC stuff makes absolutely no sence. MS doesn't own that content in any way, they have absolutely no right to restrict what you do with it. This is SOOO stupid I hate MS just that little bit more now
  9. Some people take WoW a little too seriously
  10. after about a week the phone is still dead. for those out there interested this is the replacement the samsung X150 $100 + i get $20 call credits with optus. only problem is that it's locked to optus. The nokia was easy to unlock (unlock code you can find on the web) apparently this is harder. i think i like this one better than the previous, even though it doesn't have java or gprs. That shit is so expensive that it's not worth it and i never used it anyway. (slashdot.org cost me $2 and didn't appear properly)
  11. Yea VaKo is cool In fact I'm making "true = (VaKo == 1337)" in hex, my sig
  12. found this website you might wanna take a look at http://www.livecdnews.com/
  13. wait. if you have root, can't you just uninstall it or reinstall OSX or install another browser or use bootcamp and install linux (you could install windows too, but who wants to do that)
  14. WOW, why do you ask, you seem to have already tried all of them :) 3 not on your list Morphix: http://www.morphix.org Based on knoppix but is modular. It's kinda cool Backtrack: http://www.remote-exploit.org A pen testing liveCD based on Slax (http://www.slax.org/) Slax and backtrack are really cool cos they are REALLY easy to add and remove modules from Geexbox: http://geexbox.org Turn a computer into a media centre, kinda cool
  15. Ok. Still doesn't work yet. i went to a nokia repair centre. The place disturbed me like fucking crazy. You get a ticket and wait in line. It seriously felt like waiting in the emergency room of a hospital. It was quiet, depressing and there were really old crappy magazines on a table for people to read. I don't think that i would have had to have waited too long, but i left anyway, the place was kinda too wierd. anyway, i have my eye on a nice little LG. Problem is the one on display was pink. So mabey it's a chik's phone. Kinda like that lipstick on nokia had, with voice recognition. I'll see if they come in blue. Otherwise pink is like fucking gay
  16. it looks like something that you install onto a mac to filter sites with certain keyword and certain domain names. few things i can think of. ---getting root password, a little bit of a bitch. ---getting firefox. If this is just a web browser plugin then getting a hold of firefox or any other browser will work. I have no idea whether it simply drops packets from certain ips. I don't think it's that sophisticated. ---liveCD. I have no idea about linux on the mac. I'm pretty sure though that bootcamp would require root. I don't know if they can just use the native efi and not have to worry about bootcamp or bothering with any of that, just a thought given that there was linux on the mac before bootcamp. All that net nanny software shits me so bad though. It blocks half the web and is an annoying shitty pain in the arse. Wait. I just realised. It's YOUR laptop. backup your data and reinstall OSX. I'm guessing you're a bit of a newbie so mabey that'll be a bit hard. But that is kinda screwed up. It's your laptop and you don't even have root. Just tell your perants you think you need to have that talk. "hey mum; dad. There comes a time in every young man's life when he's grown up, he's used to the command line, and he should be given root on his own laptop" /me just thought of an amazing skit
  17. you need to use proxy/tor/SSH from school just to use the web. geez they have you tied down tight
  18. http://www.tomshardware.com/2006/09/10/fou...on_the_rampage/ tomshardware confirms it. While the core 2 duo is superiour to the best AMD chip on the market, the FX-62, the core 2 quadro is going to blow AMD away even further. What does the future hold for these guys. Hopefully they're going to be able to figure something out, otherwise they're gonna get blown away. I have percieved that many of the PC manufacturers and retailers are selling fewer and fewer AMD based computers. That's my opinion anyway, what do you guys think.
  19. I don't think spam is too big a deal. Yea sure it's annoying and it comes up every so often but it's not something to cry about ...yet
  20. If any of you have ever wanted to know what happens when you put a mobile phone in the wash, don't bother trying to find out. It dies. It was on when i put it in now won't turn on at all, sim card still works though. Has this ever happened to anybody else. is there mabey a chance after all the crap inside dries that it might work again For those interested it was a nokia 3120
  21. Garda

    3D KDE

    I personally think that it doesn't matter if xgl is acutally much more functional. What matters is that it looks TOTALLY AWESOME!!!
  22. http://hardware.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=06/08/29/199228 As a read this thread, i knew i had heard something before. Am I one of only a few that still visits /.
  23. yea, but who has folders full of files 4GB big. That's what you want to search for. Something incredibally big, then find its magic number to see what kind of file it is. Trust me, few computers have more than like 6 files >200MB Truecrypt is the way to protect your privacy and to make sure that it is only you who gets to ever look at the crazy 4 way with the dirty slut who takes it in 3 different places at once. It's so easy you have to be retarded, ie a myspace user, to not be able to handle it. But honestly chronicdubs. If your gf or mum want to watch the crazy 4 way with the dirty slut who takes it in 3 different places at once you should be nice and let them watch. Who are you to deny them. :P
  24. obviously if you have never entered your social security number, or gone to a website with it, or something like that, it's not going to be on your computer. I'm going to guess that there could be stuff on your hard drive if some of the following happens. You use internet banking or something like that, and your browser saves the data that you enter into the fields. This is all of that auto-complete stuff. You should never allow any of that. It doesn't get encrypted. If as you said you write it down in a text file. If you save emails with banking data. Which i'm extremely sure you wouldn't get because how fucking retarded would your bank have to be to send you an email with your details. That would be pretty dumb. basically though, if you have used your computer for anything that requires any kind of web based authentication, there's a pretty good chance sensetive information is on your hard drive
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