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Everything posted by Garda

  1. i think it's really important to protect your privacy. I use PGP and usually sign all of my emails, if for no other reason than to let people i send email to know that i use pgp. People always say things like, "oh, i'm not a terrorist, i have nothing to hide" i personally think that argument is really stupid If you don't use pgp, may i recommend www.gnupg.org or an email client that has integrated support for it, or even something like the KDE utility (Kgpg i think) which is a nice little utility that lets you use gpg without having to go to the shell. There is a similar utility for windows users.
  2. Not a movie but a cool line anyway "it's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum... and I'm all out of gum" First heard that on Duke Nukem. Duke is so cool.
  3. not 100% sure what you mean here. If you mean is shell programming in linux going to be different to shell programming in BSD. That just depends on the shell for which you're programming. It's going to be the same if you're using the same shell. For example bash in both Linux and BSD. If you mean is programming in Linux going to be the same as programming in windows, yes and no. Depends on what language you're using, but basically every programming language that is available on Windows is available on Linux. As an example, you can program in C++ on both Windows and Linux. The basic stuff which is part of the ANSI standard is the same. There are some things, like system calls that are unique to Linux, that are unavailable on Windows. For the most part however it's very much the same in /etc/inittab there should be a line somewhere of id:3:initdefault: change the 3 to a 5 probably PC-BSD. i've read that it's pretty easy to install and get working. It's based on FreeBSD.
  4. http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/can-you-trust.html obviously that's RMS so it might be skewed towards his opinions. Personally what i think it's going to do is that it's basically going to take away control from the user. It's going to make it effectively that you are no longer root on your own computer. I don't think that you're going to be unable to write your own software. I think instead you're going to have much more stuff happening like the whole Sony rootkit thing. Where companies that don't trust and respect their customers are going to have spyware are malware put onto there that they can't see. or perhaps something like WGA, where your own computer shuts down and stops listening to you because somebody else told it to. I think it will be that we're not really going to have our own computers, rather we're going to be effectively leasing them from another company. By leasing i'm not speaking in any way about not having to buy the computer. It will still be yours and you're still going to have to pay for it, but instead it's going to effectively be something that you're borrowing from MS or somebody else. They control what it does, what it lets you do and not do, not you. I think the reason also why this is going to happen is because for most people they'll not notice or they won't understand that they should be the ones in control. People generally have a very submissive mentality and will just accept it. Also, i think for most computers are just a utility towards getting the services that they want. They just think, "i use a computer to get my email and IM with friends." I think for us it would be different because for us the interest is much more the computer itself note that TC very much also includes media devices such as what we only just began to see with DVDs and we're seeing much more of in your TiVo and the next generation of high-def DVDs. In this case TC would be used to control how you're able to access any of your purchased media. I'm pretty sure that with Vista high-def movies will either play in low res or not at all if you don't have a proper monitor and videocards that are compatible with the DRM standard that is used to control the video. Even if you have a HD monitor or tv already, it's not going to work.
  5. i was gonna go but it's in sydney, and like $70 or something melb uni has one, might go early next year
  6. ahh that's brilliant, stuff darren's idea of having a flash animation that tells you how to post properly, just have that message flash onto the screen in big letters. Now darren's idea is helpful, constructive and perhaps welcoming but it think the Duelus message is much more amusing cos it'll scare alot more people away
  7. hahahaha, that's true, it didn't occur to me. She wrote the computers are gay and evil sign with a computer
  8. Hey, do these kinds of kids remind you of the little white guys who dress up in baggy jeans and talk like black rappers and try to be cool
  9. My first install was Red Hat 8 on a Pentium 200. RH8 is kinda old, but trust me, it was still REALLY slow. I was gonna read the install instructions on the cd first, but i was like, nah, this shit is easy. Guess what, i did it no problems, and i had no idea wtf a unix was. So anybody complains that installing Linux is too hard, go read some documentation for 5 minutes and you'll be miles ahead of where i was when i did it the first time. The thing i really liked about it was that it was designed in a very intuitive and logical way, for me anyway. This may not be the case for all however since i think i have a mind that is much more technically and analytically oriented than most people, but i'm sure that would be the case for many here
  10. First i'd start with "hello" second i'd probably say, if you write all in red for all your other posts on the forums i'm really going to not like you
  11. am i the only one for whom that video reminds them of the generals intro
  12. gaim encryption: http://gaim-encryption.sourceforge.net/ and gaim otr: http://www.cypherpunks.ca/otr/ ARE gaim with encryption otr is a little bit of a better option for message deniability, but this has integrated tor support and some other really cool stuff noticed something that kinda bugs me. "Note: whistleblowers within any department are encouraged to use ScatterChat." So if you're using this and you work for the CIA or DoD, aren't you basically saying, "hey look at me, i'm a whistleblower"
  13. RFC stands for request for comments it's usually a published set of protocols or specifications of some sort. They're usually open internet related standards each rfc has a number, like RFC1234 so in this case you have RFCs for particular technologies with rfc numbers that corresponding to the particular technologies. For example internet etiquette (yes, there is an RFC for netiquette) has rfc number 1855.
  14. The problem i have with that add: there is a significant difference between a home invasion and stealing somebody's TV, and not acting to within the exact current interpretation of some very fucked up copyright laws also, downloading videos is nothing like in the add. why can the media never get things in any way near right. Why didn't they for example have a bittorent client open, and any video that downloads that quick is going to be REALLY crusty. Why didn't they show a movie download happening something more closely to real life... really, really slowly
  15. Garda


    I'm pretty sure this is the origin of that song
  16. yea, the kitties may or may not put this into the short bus. If they don't you wanna go and find out what WEP is and how to deal with it
  17. VaKo that's an excellent decision at first i thought he was just really really really really really really dumb, but now i'm pretty sure that all he's doing is just fucking around with us and to be honest i don't want that shit around here
  18. But wouldn't that be exploitable and thus defeating the object of the closed kernel? :/ Yea, i think it was actually something that they didn't want to do but they had to compromise because all the AV companies were bitching about it. i guess in this case for once i don't actually feel all that bad against Microsoft. It's almost like they were forced to put holes in their OS so that the AV guys would have something to do
  19. Garda

    New Forums!

    he's right use 320x240 ... all the 1337 haxorz do okay I'll try that. PS: What I good topic I came up with! 6 pages! :shock: hey Panarchy, can you show us a screenshot after you change the screen size, you know, to make sure everything is working ok
  20. Garda

    New Forums!

    i read about that somewhere, it could mean that your monitor is broken and is leaking radiation. You probably need to take it for repairs or else you'll get cancer, you know, you may have it already
  21. Garda

    New Forums!

    please don't tell me you're going for that record
  22. wow, crazy task bar oh wait, i think we need to call it the ledge now don't we Quile, i'm afraid to see what your room would look like
  23. Are there a portable perl or python interpreters for windows available somewhere i'm thinking something whereby would just have some libraries and so long as your script was in the same directory you could run perl or python code. No needing to install anything onto a computer or change registry settings or anything like that do such things exist and where can i get them
  24. ahh, dude, you only do it once, and it's pretty easy. Relax. Eat an ice cream, they're nice :)
  25. haha if you wanna contribute with unused processor time you should join the folding team http://hak5.org/wiki/Folding%40Hak5
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