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Everything posted by Sebkinne

  1. Well, you bought the ap121 (check the page again). No USB. It is possible that it will work, but you loose out on most features. I suggest you cancel your order.
  2. To activate your profile you need at least 5 posts. As you have six now I suppose your one post fixed your issue ;) I am not sure what that was about the password lists - PM me if you could?
  3. Do me a favor and downgrade (and keep downgrading if you are sure this is firmware related). Then report back in which firmware version this bug was introduced. I know there is a slight issue with channel hopping / monitor mode in 2.8.0 but we will get that fixed asap.
  4. Yup, that was the name of it! Yeah, it seems to cause nested partitions. I am sure it is possible to use that but change some settings.. or get a different partition wizard ;) But this should solve your issue, I am glad you are on your way to getting things up and running!
  5. Your fstab looks correct - still, it seems like you have more than just two partitions. Can you execute an "ls -la /dev/sd*" and post that? If you see more than /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2 then you need to re-format your drive. If your partition program shows only two partitions, maybe try a different tool - a different member recently had the issue that his wizard was creating sub partitions just like yours seems to be doing.
  6. Yeah, see: It doesn't mount to /usb/ at all. Could you post your /etc/fstab?
  7. The web-interface check your mounts. run the "mount" command and report it's output please.
  8. What exactly is happening? Where are you executing the commands? What is the output?
  9. A pineapple can be used for this, yes. The thing is, it is made to do much more than just this, so if you need it purely for sharing 3g to WiFi, I suppose there are better alternatives. Best, Sebkinne
  10. Hey Semtx, How are you powering your pineapple / 3G modem? It is possible that your specific modem is drawing too much power once it is actually connected and basically reboots itself. The pineapple seems to see a disconnect of a USB device, so this may be one possibility. I am on my phone right now so I only looked over the logs quickly, I'll be back at a computer soon. Best, Sebkinne
  11. Install using "opkg install package --force-dependencies"
  12. You will need to upgrade to firmware version 2.8.0 for stabilized packages.
  13. Glad I could make you switch! In terms of dhcpd, that is strange. I am sure it is fixable though - the wiki has lots of information on it.
  14. The issue isn't related to the forum itself but Facebook having removed our connection app. We will get that sorted out in the near future.
  15. Quite easy - just takes up unnecessary space ;) Though, we can see how many submission and votes we get - Then we can decide if we will use multiple banners.
  16. Computerguy, Awesome! Yes, you are allowed multiple submissions. I encourage everyone to take part in this :)
  17. Well, according to ls -la /dev/sd* you have more than just those two. I suggest you re-format. Just do it and see if it helps.
  18. I repeat. Follow THIS guide to format your USB. If you don't use Ubuntu then it will be slightly different but still: Remove All partitions. Re-format the drive. Create 1 partition, give it 80% of the space or something, format it ext4. Create another partition, give it all available free space and format that ext4. Now the USB will work.
  19. Hey everyone, I am sure you all know (and love?) the current SSH banner for the Pineapple Mark4, but we think it may be time to update it and make it more relevant for the pineapple. Rather than designing our own, we though we could put together a small contest and let the community design and vote for a new banner! The rules are simple: There has to be a recipe for an alcoholic beverage. This beverage should be pineapple related and have a fitting name There has to be a spot for a version number, in the format X.X There should be an ASCII Pineapple That's it really. The submissions will then be featured here and on our website. We will then have a voting period that will determine the winning submission. To take part in the contest, simply reply to this topic with your ASCII banner! Best of luck! -The Jasager Team
  20. You say you followed the USB formatting guide? If so, you should only have two partitions, sda1 and sda2. Not 3, 4 and 5. Looks to me like you need to re-format the stick following these instructions. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  21. Nothing to do with this topic or your post, but you do realize that "hak5 zombie" is not his name right? That is his member title. Yours is "hak5 fan". The name is above that ;)
  22. Sorry to say, I have always had this issue running on Chrome or Chromium in 64 bit linux.. : (
  23. Edit the /etc/config/system file and change the timezone directive to the appropriate one: http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/uci/system#time.zones
  24. Hit enter a couple of times. The boot you see after the prompt is the syslog pumping to serial.
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