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Everything posted by Sebkinne

  1. It's not an issue on our side though - Whistlemaster has a fix coming for his modules.
  2. That's an issue with the infusion, not with us. I know that WhistleMaster has a fix for his infusions. He hasn't uploaded them yet though. I also just installed WifiManager - no issues here. Try again?
  3. A fixed Pineapple Bar has been pushed out. Grab the update through the pineapple bar! Best Regards, Sebkinne
  4. We are pushing a fix within the hour. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  5. Who edited what? We don't edit people's stuff without leaving a note. We sometimes redact something or fix formatting if it is horrible to read (spoiler tags). But we always leave notes. Let's clear this up.
  6. Season 13 was skipped!
  7. Janekong, What firmware are you on? Please upgrade to 2.8.1 and your issues are fixed. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  8. http://wifipineapple.com/mk4/scripts/wp4.sh
  9. Janekong, This is an extensive howto and informative wiki article about it. Will it fry your device? Possibly if you plug in the wrong serial adapter or hook it up wrong. Personally, I haven't fried a device in that sense.. More by messing with bootloaders etc. Opening the pineapple is simple. Remove the two front rubber feet and take out the screws. Done.
  10. Actually, this is most likely a power issue. Are you using a powered hub?
  11. You can try flashing it. Download the 2.8.1 upgrade and see if it'll take it. I don't want to be responsible for a brick. If something goes wrong, please know you'll need a serial cable to fix it (or to flash it if this fails)
  12. No wonder.. Please contact the hakshop asap to get a replacement sorted out.
  13. Yes, it is. In regards to kismet, you can set up the pineapple to run kismet-drone and have Kismet server run on your laptop. In terms of finding rogue access points, it's as good as your laptop would be. Technically anyway. The pineapple can be controlled over a Web interface. Using things such as SSH tunnels, you can access the UI remotely. You can of course control it over SSH too - it behaves pretty much like a normal Linux box. For anything else, send me a PM and I'll see that the right contact is made. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  14. Yeah, that's not the network manager. That isn't our firmware. Did you download some other network manager?
  15. killer04, I suggest you take a look at http://wifipineapple.com for more information. Also, check out the hakshop - lots of information there too.
  16. Seeing as it has been delivered, I have removed the link to prevent personal information to be leaked. I'll also lock this thread.
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