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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. Jobs said "Flash is full of fail" which is true, but that's why iOS devices don't support flash.
  2. I had to get my wisdom teeth removed before a deployment to the desert, that was fun. Only used the meds once, accidentally bit something hard into one of the holes.... Was the first and last time I'll ever use Oxycontin.
  3. Sorta. The general rule is to keep antenna cables as short as possible, you do lose signal in them. These little guys are using rg-178 coax I believe, which loses a little less than 1 db per foot with the connectors. That's a perfect cable though. Twisting up the cable, which a few people have found because the sma connector has come lose and screwing on the antenna twists the connector, bending it too sharply, or pinching it will increase the loss.
  4. What is your network type under network and sharing center? If it's set to home, I think that will turn it on.
  5. It's a piece of coax cable 1.3-ish mm thick! :o I can solder some pretty damn small surface mount components, but there's no way I could solder the ipex side of it. It's so expensive because they're a bitch to make. I just wish I could find them shorter... I can find them 6" and longer all day, but trying to find one the same length as the one in the pineapple is damn near impossible without having them made.
  6. I watched a dude open a locked locker with his foot once. Some dumb ass watched him open his locker then went behind him and put on a different lock. His size 11 combat boot caved in the door and popped the rivets holding the hinges to the frame.
  7. If you have a local store that carries these, never move!
  8. ssh in and create it that way. Damn! I started to write out the reply, then went to actually create it on my pineapple...
  9. I have a couple municipality clients that use mesh networks built into the light poles for the police hud cams. I didn't set up the system, but I do know they use wpa2.
  10. Lead by example!!! ;) Look how the wrong use of hacker has turned out...
  11. Yes. We should use the wiki. I think a good idea to keep the dev's hair from turning too grey is to post up your how-to here on the forums first, then apply for wiki editing rights and let them know you're going to transfer the how-to from here to there. That way we don't have a crap ton of wiki editors that never contribute. Oh, what lazy bastard just linked back to this forum!! ;) What happens if it crashes again? Those links will stop working.
  12. Is it a custom system, or an available open source system?? Could be handy.
  13. There was a DSL modem in a PC thread.
  14. My drive on my daily driver linux laptop crapped itself Friday, so I picked up a ssd to replace it. Spent the weekend trying out different distros. The latest Slackware wouldn't even install the boot loader correctly, so that's out. I used to like Slackware, ran it back in the early 2000's. Maybe all the fuss was why I left it... Tried the latest alpha of Ubuntu 12.10, but had major video driver issues, you'd think they'd have that straightened out by now. I guess the newer amd and nvidia cards work better than the older ones. Settled for Lubuntu 12.10. So far that's been working the best, and none of that Unity crap! :D
  15. Every town would have to have at least 1 power plant. DC just doesn't go that far.
  16. You need to put the pineapple's mac address in the whitelist.
  17. We had pay phones at my school. Some ass wiped bear replant(really strong pepper spray) all over the handsets. This was years ago, and yes the numbers on my handle were my zip code.
  18. Back to the original question.. I'm not sure what kind of bandwidth you'd get with these frequencies.
  19. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10410381 I've read it's allowed in California as well.
  20. I had a copy in high school. There was some neat stuff in it, and a lot of shit that would if you're lucky only take off a hand if done wrong...
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