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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. I think the linux version is better than the windows version. :D
  2. Pretty easy. Just edit the DNS spoof host file to look something like this.
  3. Pretty sure you can use the gui tool to flash the stock firmware back. I've not tried it though.
  4. I can beta. I've got one MK4 and two MK3's.
  5. No, you can't create spoofed secure networks on the fly, you don't have their wpa key.
  6. Reaver still doesn't work in the Pineapple.
  7. ifconfig eth0 Then run the script. Should work after that.
  8. You can probably manually download them and install them. I've not tried it though.
  9. barry99705


    Look in the jasager threads. Lion does ics funky, you'll have to change its ip address.
  10. Can a web page get a computer's host name? Something along the lines of "Hey {host name here} are you really connected to who you think you're connected to?" Kind of a forced computer security awareness thing.
  11. The pineapple firmware is based off openwrt. Installing any of the standard openwrt firmwares will just get you an access point with none of the customizations.
  12. You're doing it wrong... ;) I fixed what you should be inputting above in red. You need to make your laptop's ethernet address
  13. Okay, try this. rm /var/opkg-lists/snapshots Then do an opkg update and opkg install reaver. You can check to see if reaver is in your list by doing the following. root@Pineapple:~# opkg list | grep reaver reaver - 1.4-1
  14. Try this. opkg -force-reinstall install reaver
  15. Yea, but maybe it will help with all the "My backtrack cd won't boot" posts on the BT forums.... :P It probably won't, but hey, it's worth a shot.
  16. You guys seen these? I haven't had the chance to see how well it powers the pineapple. Has a 3000mAh battery built in. Got one for christmas, works really well to recharge my android phones. I can't find the wattage for the usb port so I sent them an email, they say they can charge an iPad, so it should run the pineapple fairly well. They even make a 9000mAh battery for them.
  17. Sounds like your config isn't right. Copy your spoof config here so we can troubleshoot.
  18. That sounds dirty. You're not from Kentucky are you? ;-)
  19. Try this, open your terminal then do; sudo vi /Users/cthockey16/.ssh/known_hosts Then arrow down to the line containing the pineapple's ip address, should be the second line. Type dd which should delete that line, then type :wq! which will write the new file and quit vi. If all else fails and you don't mind killing all your known hosts, just do a rm /Users/cthockey16/.ssh/known_hosts which will just delete the entire known_hosts file.
  20. Is wireshark putting your network card into monitor mode? That will kill the connection.
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