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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. Never heard of it. Ehh, no biggie. Microsoft confirmed it would require hardware manufacturers to enable secure boot on Windows 8 devices, and that x86/64 devices must provide the option to turn it off while ARM-based devices must not provide the option to turn it off
  2. Weird, I've never seen the At&t globe when I connected, same phone as the above post as well.
  3. http://www.ebay.com/itm/CP2102-USB-2-0-UART-TTL-6PIN-Module-Serial-Converter-/180924152585#ht_1776wt_1164 This is the one I got. Took a while to get it, but it's cheap, and works!
  4. Could be. I know I can "forget" past networks now in Android 4.1, but my other phone running 3.something doesn't have that option. I can however connect just fine to the pineapple with the 4.1 phone.
  5. Great. Now we need a TODO. (Technical Order Distribution Office)
  6. I've had windows 7 boxen connect automagically. Are you on At&t? I know a lot of their phones are set to auto connect to any att wifi hotspots, which McD's and others use. I'm pretty sure this is using some other form of authentication because it bypasses the browsing limit on the free wifi you'd get manually connecting.
  7. Apple has gone to shit in the last 5 years, though it started around the time the iPod came out.
  8. go away you rv driving fucks 00:18:4d:51:60:90 in wigle. Guess they got tired of all the terrorists, I mean tourists...
  9. Mine is on 24X7 as well. One is my wife's business server, so that has to stay running. Some day I'll throw a killawatt on there so I can cry. :D
  10. They started usb 3 support with version 4.
  11. I know, but his antenna is still built wrong.
  12. The adapter doesn't use an ip address, it's a direct serial connection. Think of it as a virtual keyboard and monitor hooked to the pineapple.
  13. I'm really surprised the antenna works at all. An omnidirectional antenna radiates out the sides and almost nothing straight up. Even the most basic pringles cantanna has the radiating element coming in from the side. I think if you change your setup to that, you'll see a huge difference in signal gain. I'd also use a real metal can, or two. A couple soup cans soldered together even with the loss at the soldered ends, will still be hugely better than a pringles can. http://www.turnpoint.net/wireless/cantennahowto.html
  14. I have a 7' network rack in my garage. For the most part the garage isn't conditioned space. The one and only window has been removed and there's a box fan that exhausts pretty much all summer. About once a year I will power down everything and blow the dust out, but it's not really that bad, even with my table saw in the garage. The fans were working a little overtime when it got up in the 100's a few weeks ago, I think the garage was in the 80's. Other than that, they don't seem to mind the heat and lack of heat in the winter. It never gets to freezing, maybe low 40's.
  15. Nano /etc/config/wireless go to the bottom of the config file adjust your passphrase as necessary. Now, don't forget to comment out the encryption and key lines when you want to play! config wifi-iface option device radio0 option network lan option mode ap option ssid "pineapple XX:XX" option encryption psk2 option key pineapplesareyummy [/CODE]
  16. It's minutes. Eastern would be -3000, actually I guess it would be -2400 right now. Stupid daylight savings time....
  17. Not to sound too much like an ass, but if you're not using the Pineapple for pen testing, troubleshooting networks, or hacking, what are you using it for???
  18. Okay, change your static ip to the one in the how-to, then ssh root@ is the new ip address for the pineapple. It's new web address will be Make your dhcp options like mine. Option 3 tells the client the gateway, which is your laptop's ip address. Option 6 is the dns servers, one is the pineapple, the other is google. I just realized I missed a part of my how-to! Sorry... Set the connection between your laptop and pineapple's ethernet address to Subnet to The router to the ip address of whatever interface you have connected to the internet.
  19. POE lan is the one you want. The files are network and dhcp, so you want to cd into /etc/config, then nano network and dhcp. You almost had it! :D Once you do change the setting don't use the reset button! I think that's how I locked myself out of my pineapple, being lazy and not editing them back to "normal" after writing up the OSX how-to.
  20. I charge mine off my laptop, I've never plugged in the adapter. Don't remember how the led's go though.
  21. Hey guys with a serial adapter! Could one of you test something for me? Change the ip address to something else, following my OSX ICS guide would be awesome. Now do a hard reset. Does it boot afterwards?? Mine didn't. Now impatiently waiting for my serial adapter to reflash. I've added a warning to the top of my how-to just in case.
  22. ssh root@ [/CODE] password is pineapplesareyummy Until you change the ip address, then use the new one!
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