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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. Isn't that what Apple was saying years ago? As for linux on an arm windows tablet, why not just buy an android tablet? Or better yet, why not just buy an arm tablet that already supports linux? They're out there. Other than "because we can" why bother installing linux on a device that wasn't designed for it? You know there's going to be at least one component with no open sourced drivers, we get that already with Android phones and tablets. Why do you expect Microsoft, a company known for not being open source friendly, to be free and open with their own devices? I'm all for open devices and operating systems, more than half the devices in my house are running some form of 'nix, but expecting every hardware vendor to support it is just insane.
  2. If your building is full of older folks, I'd not do the channel 14 thing. The reason we can't use 14 in the US is because some wireless medical equipment uses that frequency, or close to it. Would suck to kill old Bob down the hallway when you fire up a torrent and his pacemaker explodes. I've found some home routers are still vulnerable to reaver even when wps is turned "off". About all the gui does is uncheck the box, wps still runs. Linksys routers are good for this.
  3. I think that's Darren's phone. Should be able to send him an IM.
  4. It's really not a big deal. It can (supposedly) be turned off on x86 machines. For the arm based machines, so what? It's not like most (or any) people are going to try removing win8 tablet edition or whatever the fuck they call it to put on Android, or linux.
  5. Radios can be jammed. Bob standing on deck with a couple flags or flashlights is pretty hard to jam.
  6. Yea, no need to give grandma a heart attack! Wait! How cool would it be to just inject the sounds, and let normal browsing work! Shouldn't be too hard to just take over a link that's on 99% of all web pages on the internet [cough]facebook![/cough]
  7. Heh, KARMA: Probe Request from b8:8d:12:0e:ae:08 for SSID 'grounds4pleasure'
  8. Just flashed the latest dev, now it won't let me edit anything, says no space left on device. Reflashed, working now....
  9. Forget about ip addresses for now. When you plug your serial adapter into your computer what port does it get? If you're running linux it's probably /dev/ttyUSB0, so you'd open up putty and change it's settings to use /dev/ttyUSB0, 115200 baud, 8n1 no flow control. When you power up the pineapple with the putty screen opened with these settings you should see the boot progress.
  10. You can also save them out to a file, like say the usb drive.
  11. Which version of firmware are you running?
  12. Still have the lights, windshield, license plate...
  13. It would be a module that runs this program. http://www.ex-parrot.com/~chris/driftnet/
  14. Probably, but running one off a battery might be tricky.
  15. Yea, that's no joke! https://picasaweb.google.com/112607452244074089536/OmanTrip#5788198641754510690
  16. The odds of getting the 42 address is pretty slim. You sure it's a dhcp address?
  17. What happens if you let your adapter get a dhcp address from the pineapple?
  18. Download it from the first post, pretty sure it's not in the store. Yea, I just installed it on my Nexus. Works just fine!
  19. Funny part is mine only came in on the top, and I had plenty of room for them(yea, big mouth). There were never even the start of them on the bottom. It's just policy for the military to yank them before a long tour in places with little to no medical facilities.
  20. Yea. Some TVs have network accessible settings pages. We spent a few hours one Shmoocon messing with one in the bar. Didn't change anything, but there were a few things that would have gotten us kicked out that we could have done.
  21. Seems to have helped. I can still connect from across my house, 3 or 4 walls and a full closet in the way. It's being powered off a pineapple juice battery pack, not the wall wart. I have more rp-tnc style antennas anyway.
  22. Nope, no games at all... ;)
  23. Tried a different pigtail for my pineapple. All I had handy was some parts out of an old cisco aeronet I took apart years ago. I think my neighbors have a visio tv... > 20687+ A? gallery.tv.widgets.yahoo.com Nope, no open ports...
  24. Wasn't html5 supposed to be the replacement?
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