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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. Open a dos prompt, then cd to the directory you have the ducky files in. Now run the batch file from the dos prompt. You have to tell it which firmware to write, so you type program.bat "whatever firmware here".
  2. Local renfair was full of pirates today. Was raining though, so I didn't get many pictures. Gotta say though, wench outfits in the rain are niiiiiice!
  3. The school district I used to work for was mostly Mac, but gradually switched the kids to Windows by the time they hit high school. The high school libraries also ran linux kiosks. We repurposed the old admin pcs to netboot linux.
  4. Try it now. I can browse to the address. Probably was down the other day. Oh, wait. No I can't. The redirects are broken.
  5. Pf-sense. Free if you have an old computer laying around. No ip limits or crap like that.
  6. What you really need is a glider, with an electric motor for boosts every now and then, that looks like a buzzard from below. Something like that circling a couple hundred feet up would hardly be noticed.
  7. It all comes down to network speed. I've done rdp sessions about 5 deep before it goes to hell, but that's on a gigabit network. I've ssh'd about that deep as well, on a mixed gig and 100mbit network. I've also run a rdp session over a two deep ipsec VPN tunnel, the server was two tunnel hops away. They have a 30/5mbps cable connection at all three locations.
  8. You see his latest show where he founded his own church?
  9. 30 minutes! Longest flight I've ever seen without a battery swap is 15 minutes tops.
  10. Comments on the matter closed yesterday. Now it has to be voted on.
  11. Looks like the app didn't open the file correctly. You should be able to move the mobo to the proper location. If it makes you feel any better, the built in app in Windows 10 only loads the bottom case part.
  12. Careful with laptop drive platters. Some of them are glass.
  13. Good. There's no need to jack with the radio's transmit power. If your WiFi doesn't cover your whole house, you're doing it wrong.
  14. Yep, Samsung has to do this with their phones on Verizon and At$t now. If you root the new Note and Nexus phones on those carriers you get a brick, forever. Once Knox is tripped, game over.
  15. Downloading now. Will play with it when I get home from work tonight. Stupid work.
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