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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. Yea, that's why they made the twin-duck firmware. Does exactly that.
  2. Heh, it's built into google maps if you have an android device, or the google app installed on your iPhone. Everywhere I spent more than an hour last year.
  3. Dude! Laying it down on it's side makes the print beautiful!!
  4. Gotcha. Still dialing in the printer, so this way actually showed a calibration issue! Will flip it later and try again.
  5. Has some boogers, but looks pretty good so far!
  6. The only thing close about that is the formfactor. That's like saying an 8 inch black and white tv is close to watching an Imax movie.
  7. You'll have to wait for the new modules. It's running the same system as the Nano.
  8. They're going to wait for you to buy one, then release the new wifi pineapple penta.
  9. Unless you're a celebrity, the odds of your personal router getting hacked are ungodly slim.
  10. Most of the time you're not going to be changing firewall/edge router configs. Those get looked at way more often that say a desktop or mfp. Look for ways to connect a machine on the inside to the outside. SSH may be blocked, it may not. Http and https will almost never be blocked, so you can run your connections over those ports.
  11. I have a printer in the mail right now, so when I get it built this week I'd like a go at it too.
  12. You can do 802.11n in 2.4ghz too.
  13. You're holding the button down, while plugging it in right?
  14. No. You want something like this. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00DMFB5OK/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?qid=1451320023&sr=8-2π=SY200_QL40&keywords=powered+usb+cable&dpPl=1&dpID=41bRafBW5cL&ref=plSrch You want to try to keep your antenna connection as short as possible. This way your antenna is directly attached. You can make an enclosure out of white pic pipe with a cap on the end. Just get a piece that is big enough in diameter to fit the alfa. Glue the cap on one end and get a screw type fitting for the other end. Drill a hole in the screw plug big enough to fit the usb end through and seal it back up with some silicone. Then you can attach this to your roof wherever and run the usb back to your computer. The usb has nothing to do with signal. It has a length limit, that's why we have to get one with a repeater (1 port hub) built in.
  15. Amazon has them. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B003MQO96U/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?qid=1451318299&sr=8-2π=SY200_QL40&keywords=usb+to+m+barrel&dpPl=1&dpID=41sIpBv4TXL&ref=plSrch Should be the right one.
  16. Putty for windows. Then ssh to from the laptop while connected to freekittens. From there see if you can ping
  17. The best way to do this would be to mount the alfa outside in a weatherproof container, and use a powered usb extension cable.
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